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Tasha on "Where the Magic Happens" / Next-Gen Platform Changes / Early Government Auto Bailout ⚡️

发布时间 2024-07-12 10:04:24    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. First up today, I have to call out a few things because I've been seeing this argument more and more. Plenty of people out there are now arguing that Waymo is the benchmark or the standard when it comes to things like Roblottaxes and Autonomy. But here's a simple explanation of why I think comparing Tesla to Waymo is a fool's errand. I really view it as them playing two separate games, aka they're trying to solve two different problems. We have Tesla on one hand trying to solve for generalized autonomy, meaning the Tesla system is built so you can place a vehicle anywhere on the planet and it'll know how to drive.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你的主持人 Dylan Loomis。首先,我需要指出一些事情,因为我看到这个争论越来越多。现在有很多人认为 Waymo 是机器人出租车和自动驾驶的基准或标准。但我要简单解释一下为什么我认为将 Tesla 和 Waymo 相比较是徒劳的。我真的认为它们是在玩两个不同的游戏,也就是说,它们试图解决两个不同的问题。Tesla 在一方面试图解决的是通用自动驾驶问题,这意味着 Tesla 的系统是为了让车辆可以在地球上的任何地方行驶并知道如何驾驶。

Even if it's never been to that location before, I've seen some people arguing, well Tesla just has a bigger geofence than Waymo, but that's not true. The only reason Tesla's FSD isn't operating outside of North America is thanks to regulations, but the technology and the software itself has no geofence whatsoever. Waymo on the other hand is solving for geofence, Roblottaxes, and the scale alone makes it a very different ballgame. Tesla could easily pick a few thousand miles on a map in the US and geofence it and do all of the HD mapping, but they're just not playing that game. And that doesn't even mention the Tesla vision approach compared to Waymo's, which uses LiDAR and sensors. And we know that from a Cog's perspective, the Waymo solution is multiples more expensive than Teslas.

My point in all of this is any intervention or safety data from Waymo is mostly irrelevant when trying to compare it to what Tesla is doing, one because they're trying to solve a different problem and two, they're doing it in a much different way. Generalized autonomy is very different than geofence, Roblottaxes. So this is adjusted for non-highway driving or surface or city streets, which is actually more accident prone on a per mile basis on average. But we already see that Tesla's data suggests that using FSD is roughly five times safer than not using it or than driving your Tesla yourself. It's also safer than the national average. And we see that Waymo is also operating at a rate that is safer than the national average for accidents. Notably, Cruz's accident rate is actually below the national average. And we saw them getting in an accident roughly once every 43 miles. When it comes to generalized autonomy, the problem Tesla is pursuing, why would they ever be benchmarked against the company that they're significantly ahead of?

We think that higher price points, so equivalent to what human driven ride hail prices at today in the two to four dollar range will be possible in the early days of service. We see a lot of opportunity in the one dollar to 60 cents range. If you look at how consumers value their time, there's another large swath of demand available at rates equivalent to what we see being charged in China at roughly 50 cents per mile. And then lastly, at 25 cents per mile, this really opens up the market to consumers that are not in the ride hail market today. So that's where the magic happens. And we believe that early adopters or companies that are early to scale Robotaxy platforms should benefit the most because these are the companies that will be able to capitalize on higher initial price points for autonomous ride hail.

They should have more attractive earnings profiles. As you can see in the graph here, we think that in the first roughly half of urban miles traveled that are addressed by autonomous driving, this is where the lion's share of the earnings economics will be. The IIHS put out a new report saying partially automated driving systems don't have a significant impact on vehicle safety. But if you want to talk about a shoddy methodology, they say right here, the study vehicles were model year 2017 to 2019 Nissan rogues and model year 2013 to 2017 BMW and mini models.

So they're taking obscure outdated vehicles and then making a general conclusion that partially automated driving systems don't improve vehicle safety. The distinction, unlike partially automated systems, crash avoidance technologies come into play only during emergency and are unobtrusive under normal conditions. Partially automated systems must be manually turned on and can create a false sense of security for the driver. They did however find that the former technology actual crash avoidance features did have a tangible impact on safety. That's things like automatic emergency braking and forward collision warnings. Their conclusion, for whatever it's worth to you, everything we're seeing tells us that partial automation is a convenience feature like power windows or heated seats rather than a safety technology. Maybe that's true for outdated rogues and BMWs but don't paint it as that's the case for all vehicles because as Tasha just said, the data is pretty clear.

Tesla's with partially automated driving are far safer than the industry average. From Cox automotive in June, the cyber truck was the best selling vehicle priced over $100,000 with the average transaction price of $113,000 with more than 3,200 units sold. There's certainly a lot of pent up demand for the cyber truck but as we heard they may only sell the foundation series through the end of this year now and that's subject to change but it'll be interesting to see how long Tesla can keep this up. This title does have a nice ring to it. The cyber truck is America's best selling vehicle over $100,000. Before the cyber truck entered into production we were saying how it would most likely be a huge hit in the pop culture space. Rappers, athletes and so far in the early days of production that has happened maybe even more than I was expecting.

On Instagram, meekmill just put out a preview of a new song that he's calling cyber truck. Now our community here may not care that much about what rappers and celebrities and athletes are doing with their purchase decisions but I can guarantee you that a large portion of the population does. Looking at the rest of the Tesla data from Cox for quarter one this year, Tesla sales year over year were down 13.3% and for quarter two they were down 6.3%. Which means year to date, Tesla sales are down 9.6%. It makes sense as we've been watching EU sales are down, China sales are down, US sales are down. But personally I still think there's a chance Tesla can meet the sales that it did for 2023. Its deliveries last year were 1.8 million and so far this year they've delivered 830,700.
在 Instagram 上,Meek Mill 刚刚发布了一首新歌的预告,他称这首歌为 "Cyber Truck"。我们这个社区的成员可能并不太关心说唱歌手、名人和运动员在购买决策上的行为,但我可以保证,人口中很大一部分还是非常在意的。根据 Cox 的数据显示,今年第一季度特斯拉的销售额同比下降了13.3%,而第二季度下降了6.3%。这意味着截至目前,特斯拉的年内销售额下降了9.6%。这点是有数据支持的,我们看到欧洲销量下降了,中国销量也下降了,美国销量同样在下降。但我个人依然认为特斯拉有机会达成2023年的销售目标。去年它的交付量是180万辆,而今年到目前为止它已经交付了830,700辆。

So if Tesla just doubled what it did in the first half of the year they would end the year at 1.66 million but as we know quarters three and four are usually stronger than one and two. Now will quarters three and four be 140,000 units stronger? I don't know but it's at least in the range of outcomes. And we've had ballpark figures for this but the official data has cyber truck sales of 2,803 in quarter one and 8,755 in quarter two for a total of 11,558 in the first half of the year. Which again means Model S and X sales for quarter two were right around 10,000 which is below the 15 to 20,000 number that we would like to see. Bloomberg today reported that Tesla is postponing the Robotaxi unveiling to October to allow teams working on the project more time to build additional prototypes.
如果特斯拉在下半年做的和上半年一样多,他们今年的销量将达到166万辆。但我们知道第三和第四季度通常比第一和第二季度更强劲。第三和第四季度能多出14万辆吗?我不知道,但至少这是一个可能的结果。我们有一些大致的数字,但官方数据显示,网络卡车在第一季度的销量为2,803辆,第二季度为8,755辆,上半年总量达到11,558辆。这也意味着第二季度Model S和Model X的销量大约为10,000辆,低于我们期望的15,000到20,000辆。彭博社今天报道,特斯拉推迟到10月发布Robotaxi,以便为项目团队提供更多时间来制造额外的原型。

And so far Elon has not denied this report. The word is this has been communicated internally and the design team was told this week to rework certain elements of the car. Fun fact both Uber and Lyft stocks were up over 4% today on a day when the NASDAQ was down nearly 2%. We also have to clear this up because I'm seeing a lot of people out there saying see I told you that FSD wasn't going to be ready by August. Well okay no one ever said it was. Here's what Elon said on the Q1 call because apparently a lot of people have forgotten. In terms of our new product roadmap we've updated our future vehicle lineup to accelerate the launch of new models ahead of what they previously mentioned. At first Tesla said they were going to start production in the second half of 2025 for one of these next generation vehicles. I would add we were never told which one because again they are supposedly multiple.
到目前为止,埃隆·马斯克还没有否认这一报告。据说这一消息已经在公司内部传达,设计团队被告知本周要重新设计汽车的某些元素。有趣的是,今天Uber和Lyft的股票分别上涨了超过4%,而当天纳斯达克指数下跌了近2%。我们也要澄清一下,因为我看到很多人在说“看吧,我早就说过自动驾驶功能(FSD)在8月前不会准备好。” 好吧,没有人说过会准备好。以下是埃隆在第一季度电话会议上说的话,因为显然很多人已经忘记了。关于我们的新产品路线图,我们更新了未来的车辆阵容,以加快新车型的推出,提前于之前提到的时间。起初,特斯拉说他们将在2025年下半年开始生产其中一款下一代车辆。我想补充一点,我们从未被告知是哪一款,因为据说有好几款。

Then Elon said now they're expecting it to be more like early 2025 if not late this year. These new vehicles plural including more affordable models will use aspects of the next gen platform as well as aspects of our current platforms and will be able to produce on the same manufacturing lines as our current lineup. So one the plan was never to actually launch the robot taxi network on 8 8. It's literally just to unveil the prototype of the vehicle. Two it's now sounding more likely that we're actually going to see multiple vehicles unveiled which may be part of why this event is being delayed if indeed this report turns out to be true. Again three port said to build additional prototypes.
然后,埃隆说他们现在预计更有可能在2025年初推出,如果不是今年年底的话。这些新的车辆(是复数,包括更经济实惠的型号)将采用下一代平台的一些方面以及当前平台的一些方面,并且能够在与我们现有产品线相同的制造线上生产。因此,一、计划从来就不是在 8月8日 正式启动机器人出租车网络,而只是展示车辆的原型。二、现在看来我们实际上会看到多款车辆的揭幕,这可能是该活动被推迟的原因之一,如果报道确实属实的话。再者,三、据说是为了制造更多的原型车。

So look what I'm about to say is strictly hypothetical to make a point but there's a chance that Tesla could have a more affordable vehicle that it starts producing later this year or early next and then the robot taxi wouldn't enter production until late 2025 if not even later 26 or 2027. My point here is Elon has never put a specific timeline on the robot taxi or cyber cab production specifically. Now sure maybe Tesla starts production of all of these new models at the same time but I'm just trying to say it's not guaranteed based on what Elon actually said and I'd remind you even if he did things are always subject to change. We'll see if this report turns out to be true but even if it is honestly I think it may be more fitting this way because as we like to say Tesla is busy making the impossible merely late and because people like to ask if I had to guess I would be expecting a cyber cab a more affordable vehicle and a van.

On the delay Adam Jonas put out a new note saying that robotics is bigger than cars even autonomous ones and they said in the next 12 months they're expecting some developments to transform the auto business away from solely providing transportation into all new areas of AI adjacency. They talked about Starlink Mini and the roaming plan and they said do investors doubt that there may be a natural opportunity to integrate such services into Tesla vehicles. Not only that but they're still expecting grok to make it into Teslas.
关于延迟问题,Adam Jonas 发布了一份新的报告,他表示机器人技术比汽车甚至是自动驾驶汽车更重要。他们认为,在接下来的12个月里,一些发展将会把汽车业务从仅仅提供交通工具转变到涉及所有新型人工智能领域。他们还讨论了Starlink Mini和漫游计划,并提到投资者是否怀疑将这些服务整合到特斯拉汽车中的自然机会。不仅如此,他们仍然预计grok技术会应用到特斯拉汽车中。

I need you guys to know there are ways to stay informed without feeling captive to the chaos and ground news is that solution. The sponsor of this video it really has become my preferred way to read breaking news and it provides a high level view of the media landscape so you're not stuck directly in it being blown with the winds. One example is the blind spot feature where ground news groups together articles on the same topic and organizes them according to the political leaning of the organization. Ground news then highlights the stories that are getting a disproportionate amount of attention from either side of the political aisle. So if you have friends or family that you know lean one way or the other you can actually be prepared for what they're going to bring up. Ground news has awesome election coverage without any algorithm bias and with stories on Elon and Tesla I can see all of the sources reporting on a story in one place and with the tags I can see the factuality of each source so I can save time and right here I can see the political lean of every source with one click. If you use my link below or the QR code on the screen you can get 40% off the vantage plan which is how I get unlimited access to all of the features including the blind spot feed and I don't know about you but I'm eager to support an independent news platform after being exposed to the media's nonsense with electrified the past four years. We need more transparent media and that's exactly what ground news is trying to do and many of you have already told me unprompted you've been enjoying ground news and as always thank you for your support.
我希望你们知道,有一些方法可以在保持知情的同时不被混乱局面束缚,Ground News 就是这样的一个解决方案。这段视频的赞助方确实已经成为我阅读突发新闻的首选方式,它提供了媒体环境的宏观视角,让你不至于被乱象所左右。 举个例子来说,Ground News 有一个盲点功能,它把同一主题的文章集合在一起,并根据媒体组织的政治倾向进行分类。然后,Ground News 会突出显示那些在政治光谱两端得到不成比例关注的故事。这意味着如果你有倾向于不同政治观点的朋友或家人,你可以提前准备好他们可能会提到的话题。 Ground News 的选举报道非常出色,没有任何算法偏见,报道 Elon 和特斯拉的故事时,我可以在一个地方看到所有的报道来源,并通过标签看到每个来源的真实性,这样可以节省很多时间。我只需点击一下,就能看到每个来源的政治倾向。 如果你使用下面的链接或屏幕上的二维码,你可以享受 Vantage 计划 40% 的折扣,我通过这个计划可以无限制访问所有功能,包括盲点信息流。我不知道你们的感受,但在过去四年经历了媒体的种种不实报道后,我迫不及待地想支持一个独立的新闻平台。我们需要更多透明的媒体,而这正是 Ground News 试图实现的目标。已经有很多人主动告诉我你们在享受 Ground News 的服务,谢谢你们一如既往的支持。

Heinrich Zane gave us an update the foundation work for the new Tesla semi factory has finally begun. I like this picture because you can use this little white truck right here to get a sense of the scale of this factory and when it comes to the semi being available over in Europe we know that Tesla is going to be an exhibitor at a transport show upcoming and there have been rumblings that we've talked about in the past that there may be some new regulations that would allow the Tesla semi into the European market as is without modifications. I'm not saying this will be confirmed at the September event but I would be surprised if nobody asked the question.
Heinrich Zane 告诉我们,新特斯拉半挂卡车工厂的地基工程终于开始了。我喜欢这张照片,因为你可以通过这个小小的白色卡车来感受一下这座工厂的规模。说到特斯拉半挂卡车在欧洲的销售,我们知道特斯拉即将参展一个运输展览会。之前我们讨论过,有传言说可能会有一些新规允许特斯拉半挂卡车无需改动即可进入欧洲市场。我并不是说这个消息会在九月的展会上被确认,但如果没有人提出这个问题,我会感到惊讶。

Elon shared a video of Farzad and his parents testing out 12.4.3 and Elon said good demo it's true buying anything except the Tesla will seem like buying a horse and buggy but I'm sharing because this was not a perfect drive so if Elon was trying to gate keep the performance of FSD or not bring attention to bad performance this would not be a good move on his part. When do you think Tesla offers the first paid rebel taxi ride? Tesla energy posted the power wall fleet in California delivered more than 100 megawatts of power to the grid during a VPP event and sadly I went to check on the growth of this VPP network in California but last bulb the source that was tracking this previously apparently has stopped as of July last year. I haven't found any other source like this so if you guys come across anything send it my way.
埃隆(Elon)分享了一段视频,展示了法尔扎德(Farzad)和他的父母在测试12.4.3版本。埃隆说,演示很好,确实如此,买任何除了特斯拉之外的车都像是在买马车。但是我分享这个视频是因为这次测试不是一次完美的驾驶体验,所以如果埃隆想要隐藏FSD(完全自动驾驶)的表现或者不希望注意到不好的表现,这样做并不是一个好的选择。你认为特斯拉什么时候会提供首个付费的“反叛的士”服务?特斯拉能源发布消息称,加利福尼亚的Powerwall车队在一次VPP(虚拟电厂)事件中向电网输送了超过100兆瓦的电力。遗憾的是,我去查看这个VPP网络在加州的增长情况时,发现以前跟踪这一情况的来源“Last Bulb”从去年七月份起貌似已停止更新。我还没有找到其他类似的来源,所以如果你们发现什么,请告诉我。

Just a note, Sawyer reported that Tesla secured a new 256 million megapack contract in Australia. However clicking through to the link that he shared nowhere in the article doesn't mention Tesla or anything about a megapack plus at the end of the article it says note this story has been updated to correct the battery supplier for the project so Tesla may have accidentally been included but right now it's not and the other two articles out there talking about the project one from today and one from a few weeks ago again neither of them mention Tesla or the megapack. To share some diversity for 12.4.3 reactions we have Timothy Cassus saying overall the majority of issues with 12.3.6 have not improved. He gave a list of some things that were better some things that were worse and some things that are still the same at least for him he said overall I would say pretty disappointing progress looking forward to 12.5.
注意一下,索耶报告说特斯拉在澳大利亚获得了一份价值2.56亿美元的Megapack合同。然而,点击他分享的链接进入文章后,发现文章中并没有提到特斯拉,也没有提到Megapack。此外,文章末尾还提到,故事已更新以更正项目的电池供应商,这表明特斯拉可能不小心被包括在内,但目前并没有提到特斯拉。而其他两个关于这个项目的文章,一个是今天发布的,另一个是几周前发布的,这两篇文章同样都没有提到特斯拉或Megapack。 为了提供一些对12.4.3版本反应的多样化评价,我们有提摩太·卡苏斯(Timothy Cassus)表示,总的来说,12.3.6版本的大部分问题并没有得到改善。他列出了一些改进的地方,一些变得更糟的地方,以及一些保持不变的地方。至少对他来说,他表示总体而言进展令人失望,他期待12.5版本。

We have the Biden administration giving a total of more than $1 billion to the UAW I mean 2 GM and Stellantis to support increased EV production overall the government will contribute $1.7 billion to projects at 11 plants in 8 states these grants will support production of EVs hybrids plug-in hybrids and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles but we also have the Volvo group getting money for medium and heavy duty trucks all of the companies selected for funding will negotiate grant terms with the administration no surprise that the UAW vice president said the grant is a no-brainer ahead of the election to UAW plants has buying votes all over it however putting all of that aside and I'm not saying I'm condoning this but as a silver lining hopefully this should lead to more EV and EV parts production on the news Jeff Lutz said this is unbelievable why would the Department of Energy and POTUS give money away to Chinese own Glee a Volvo parent and Hyundai for ED production and zero to the American leader in EVs Tesla to that Elon said it does seem weird the truth is Tesla doesn't really need the money and this Hyundai Mobus is only getting $32 million to produce plug-in hybrid components and battery packs but the Volvo group which definitely has ties to China even though it's true the Volvo group is separate from Volvo cars will be getting hundreds of millions of dollars honestly though I really don't think this should come as a surprise we learned in 2009 the US government is not going to let GM and the others fail and this time they're just doing it ahead of the curve hopefully though none of that money does ultimately go to fuel cell production because on that front as of April this year 16 of California's 54 stations in operation were closed and not only that but the stations that are open have had the prices jacked up in just the past few weeks filling up a Mariah cost to California driver around $200 the equivalent of paying $14.60 for a gallon of gas we've been talking about more alpha to be realized in Tesla stock lately and in a new note from Morgan Stanley here you go based on their bare bull lunch most of Wall Street has low or no exposure to Tesla because they think the stock is being driven by momentum and or factors that can't be measured with any acceptable accuracy the struggling car business can be tracked but the AI robotics FSD and much of the energy business is seen as too small to matter or does not produce the same quantum of weekly and monthly information to be tracked this makes it difficult for some institutions to justify owning the stock in size what have we always said if Wall Street can't model it or fit something into their pretty little spreadsheets then they effectively throw it out the window and with this one Adam Jonas is confirming exactly that and then he said during the hour and a half lunch the auto business barely came up at all they talked about energy storage humanoids AI FSD China and the 88 robot taxi day and other topics the topic of cars was almost completely absent from the discussion so they know intellectually what's coming but because they can't track it they're basically just not investing which translates to more time for us to accumulate we haven't heard much on the sympathy strikes for Tesla in Sweden until today now we have a new company basically that's responsible for inspecting now joining in on the sympathy strikes in particular this company is responsible for the inspection of vehicle lifts and other things.
我们看到拜登政府向包括通用汽车 (GM) 和Stellantis在内的汽车工会(UAW)共提供了超过10亿美元的资金,以支持电动汽车(EV)生产的增加。总体上,政府将向位于8个州的11个工厂的项目贡献17亿美元,这些补助将支持电动汽车、混合动力、插电式混合动力和氢燃料电池车辆的生产。同时,沃尔沃集团也获得了中型和重型卡车相关资金。所有获得资金的公司都将与政府商讨补助条款。不意外的是,UAW的副主席表示,在选举前,这些补助对UAW工厂是一种显而易见的策略。放下这些不说(我并不是在支持此种做法),从一个积极的角度来看,希望这些资金能带来更多的电动汽车及其零部件生产。 在消息传出后,杰夫·卢茨(Jeff Lutz)称这是不可思议的,为什么能源部和总统会将资金给了中国拥有的沃尔沃母公司吉利和现代,而美国的电动汽车领导者特斯拉却没有得到任何资金。对此,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)回应道,确实听起来很奇怪,事实上,特斯拉并不真正需要这些资金。而现代集团的Mobis只获得了3200万美元用于生产插电式混合动力组件和电池包,但是沃尔沃集团却将获得数亿美元的资金,尽管沃尔沃集团确实与中国有联系,不过与沃尔沃汽车是分开的实体。 坦白说,这并不应该让人感到惊讶。早在2009年我们就了解到,美国政府不会让通用汽车及其他公司破产,这次他们只是在关口前采取了行动。但希望这些资金最终不要被用于氢燃料电池的生产,因为截至今年4月,加州54个氢站中的16个已关闭,而开放的氢站在过去几周内价格也大幅上涨,加满一辆丰田Mirai让加州的驾驶员需要花费约200美元,相当于每加仑汽油14.60美元。 我们最近一直在讨论特斯拉股票的更多潜在增长点,最新的一份来自摩根士丹利的报告显示,大多数华尔街机构对特斯拉的持仓较少或没有,因为他们认为该股票是由无法准确衡量的势头和因素驱动的。汽车业务虽然可以跟踪,但人工智能、机器人技术、全自动驾驶(FSD)和许多能源业务被认为规模太小或无法产生足够的数据来进行跟踪。这使得一些机构很难大规模地持有这些股票。我们一直说,如果华尔街无法将某些东西纳入他们的模型或电子表格中,他们就会将其抛之脑后。摩根士丹利的亚当·乔纳斯(Adam Jonas)在午餐会上的发言证实了这一点。在那次一个半小时的午餐会上,几乎没有讨论汽车业务,他们谈论的是能源存储、人形机器人、人工智能、全自动驾驶、中国市场和未来的自动驾驶出租车等话题,几乎完全没有涉及汽车业务。因此,尽管他们在智力上知道即将发生的变化,但由于无法追踪,他们基本上不进行投资,这就给我们带来了更多时间去积累。 至于我们今天才听到的特斯拉在瑞典的声援罢工,一家负责车辆升降机和其他设备检查的新公司也加入了声援罢工的行列。

Tesla has made a few changes to the website and the vehicle lineup quicksilver is now available on all model y variants in the US whereas before it was only the two highest trims the white interior option for the model 3 is now down to 1000 dollars from 2k before and it's still included for the performance model and Tesla has introduced a new model 3 variant the long range rear wheel drive for 42,490 dollars 5,000 cheaper than the long range all-wheel drive and 3500 more than the base rear wheel drive it has 363 miles of range 91 more than the standard model 3 and yes it qualifies for the full tax credit which takes it down to 34,990, 5,000 dollars cheaper than the long range rear wheel drive of course for those that qualify this may cannibalize some higher trim sales but it should also bring a new segment into the market for the car as not everyone wants or needs all-wheel drive and this trim is always heavily requested in the forums
特斯拉对其网站和车辆阵容进行了一些改动。现在,快速银色(quicksilver)在美国所有型号的Model Y中都可以选择,而之前只有在两个最高配置中才有。Model 3的白色内饰选项价格从之前的2000美元降至1000美元,而在性能版中仍然包含在内。 特斯拉还推出了一款新的Model 3变体,即长续航后轮驱动版,售价42,490美元,比长续航全轮驱动便宜5000美元,比基础版后轮驱动贵3500美元,续航里程为363英里,较标准Model 3多91英里。此外,这款车还符合全额税收抵免条件,使售价降至34,990美元,对符合条件的买家来说,这比长续航后轮驱动版便宜了5000美元。 虽然这可能会影响一些高配置车型的销量,但也应会吸引新的市场细分,因为并不是所有人都需要或想要全轮驱动,而且在论坛中,这一配置一直被大量请求。

Tesla stock closed the day at 241.3 cents down 8.44% while the Nasdaq was down 1.95% it was another huge volume day for Tesla training about 124 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days don't forget check out ground news linked below if you're interested i think they're a great company to support hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.
特斯拉股票今天收盘价为241.3美分,下跌了8.44%,而纳斯达克指数下跌了1.95%。今天特斯拉的交易量再次巨大,约1.24亿股,超过过去30天的平均交易量。别忘了查看下面链接的Ground News,如果你感兴趣的话,我觉得他们是一个很值得支持的公司。希望大家过得愉快!如果你喜欢这个视频,请点个赞。你可以在下面的链接中找到我在X平台上的账号。非常感谢所有我的Patreon支持者。