Tesla & Chile / Hyundai EV Sales Fraud / Elon on FSD 12.5 ⚡️
发布时间 2024-07-11 01:39:42 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Gord M. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. A judge in California said he would give Tesla more time to build its defense against a proposed class action lawsuit claiming it was overcharging for its insurance. The judge said he would hold a hearing in October 2025 on whether to certify the case as a class action. A Tesla customer sued the company last year on behalf of customers in 11 states claiming it inflated insurance premiums based on false crash warnings. This is the one that has to do with those false forward collision warnings. A lawyer for Tesla said it was taking a lot longer than expected to gather information to defend the case because the number of states involved and the departure of a Tesla employee who had been working with its outside attorneys. The attorney said just last week we lost our main contact at the company.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是你的主持人Dylan Loomis。首先,特别感谢我最新的赞助者Gord M,感谢您选择支持这个频道。
I'm not sure if I've ever said this on the channel but one day I would love to own one of the original Tesla Roadsters. I think it would make for a great collector's item and there's of course a pretty good story behind it. So if any of you are like me, there's a pretty slick looking one right now on auction at cars and bids. This one in particular was a development mule for a performance package that was never released to the public. Five days left, current bid, $75,000. Chile has reached an agreement with the US to allow a key battery component to count towards tax credits under the IRA. They negotiated a deal whereby value added lithium products made in Chile like cathodes will qualify toward US domestic sourcing requirements for EVs. While raw materials produced by US trading allies clearly qualified for IRA treatment, there was less clarity on cathodes, hence the value add.
我不确定是否在频道里说过这件事,但有一天我很想拥有一辆原版的特斯拉Roadster。我认为它会是一个很棒的收藏品,而且它背后肯定有一个很好的故事。所以,如果你们中有人像我一样感兴趣,现在在“Cars and Bids”网站上有一辆外观看起来非常棒的Roadster正在拍卖。这辆车曾是为一个未公开的性能包而研发的测试车辆。拍卖还有五天,当前出价是75,000美元。
And of course, treating those components made in Chile as domestically sourced would make it more attractive for the US and South Korean firms to invest in Chile. Unlike with Chinese run projects, lithium processed by Korean firms in Chile and shipped to the US would qualify for IRA incentives. Cathode projects in Chile may also process lithium mined in Argentina. Translation, the free trade agreement between the US and Chile has been in place now since 2004. So raw materials were already in the clear for the IRA, but now we're adding those value added materials, aka cathodes and other things produced from lithium. Now there's something to focus on in the months ahead. Tesla does have a business registered in Chile, of course for selling cars, but also those activities related to the generation of energy and electricity. In February last year, a team from Tesla visited lithium extraction sites and an energy storage project. Part of those trips focused on DLE or direct lithium extraction to extract lithium in a more efficient way that reduces land use, water use, and energy use. Remember a few years back, a Chilean government exec said that Tesla was in talks with SQM, one of the world's largest lithium suppliers, and that it could even have plans to build a processing plant in Chile, to produce the high quality lithium it needs for batteries. At the time he said being close to Chile or having a strategic alliance in Chile becomes a strategic factor for a company like Tesla. And at the time the word was Tesla may plan to build a lithium battery factory in Chile. And looking at Tesla's impact report from last year, one of Tesla's direct suppliers, Alba Marl does have two locations in Chile. So the IRA qualification umbrella grows a bit and Tesla already has relations with Chile, so perhaps it's something they could look to expand in the months and years ahead.
A user on Reddit shared that her dad got a flat tire on the highway and he pulled off to the side as he was waiting for a tow and as you can see there was a car behind him that was not paying attention didn't break at all and ran right into him. Thankfully he was in a Model Y and the family actually sent some video footage to Sawyer which he was able to share and they said the dad walked away from the Model Y unharmed. And here's the video it's very quick. I do wish there was a way to simulate an accident like this with other popular vehicles to see how they would have fared in an accident like this.
在Reddit上有位用户分享说,她的爸爸在高速公路上爆胎了,他把车停到了路边等拖车。正如你所见,后面有一辆车根本没注意到,也没有刹车,直接撞了上来。幸运的是,他开的Model Y,家里人还把一些视频片段发给了Sawyer,Sawyer也分享了这些视频。据说她爸爸从Model Y里走出来时毫发无伤。这里有个视频,很短。我真希望有一种方法可以模拟类似事故,看看其他热门车型在这种情况下会有什么表现。
We have yet another influential person with a ton of money saying that Tesla is the new meme stock. Say what you will about Bill Gross but he's not a nobody he was actually one of the co-founders of PIMCO back in 1971 and subsequently he's very well known in the bond space. He said Tesla has sagging fundamentals straight up price action but then there seems to be a new meme stock every other day now most are pump and dump. The 80 year old investor also compared Tesla with chewy, zap and the old favorite game stop. Replying to this nonsense Elon said Bill Gross is used to making investment decisions by looking in the rear view mirror which is fine for bonds but he does not understand technology as that requires looking through the front windscreen.
我们又有一位有钱有势的人说特斯拉是新的“迷因股”。对Bill Gross的看法可以各不相同,但他绝不是无名小卒,他实际上是1971年PIMCO(太平洋投资管理公司)的联合创始人之一,随后他在债券领域非常出名。他表示,特斯拉的基本面下滑,价格走势单一,但现在似乎每天都有新的迷因股,大多是炒高抛售。这位80岁的投资者还将特斯拉与Chewy、Zap以及之前的热门股GameStop进行比较。面对这些言论,Elon Musk回应称,Bill Gross习惯于通过“后视镜”做投资决策,这对债券来说没问题,但他不了解技术,因为那需要通过“前挡风玻璃”来看。
Just to crack the door into the headspace of a person like gross just a few years ago his former wife Sue actually won a restraining order against him. She also claimed that Bill sent security personnel to the homes of her siblings and other family members to intimidate and harass them. There were other more bizarre parts to this story we don't need to get into and in public documents his ex-wife described him as a cruel, eventual and vindictive man with practically limitless financial resources. Bradford and Matt from Rebellionair put out a quick video today talking about the sentiment around Tesla stock and how there are definitely many people out there experiencing some foam with Tesla stock and they go over some options for how to handle it. I wanted to share this because I agree with their overall sentiment that taking a cautious approach after this major run up the past few weeks seems like a wise move. I'll have this video below if you're interested in as I've said before if you're looking to learn more about options and adding that as part of your investing strategy to your Tesla ownership they would be great guys to talk to.
Here we were over the past few months maybe getting a lot to sleep thinking that Hyundai and Kia are going to be great EV companies to root for well maybe we need to slow down a bit. Five napleton dealerships in Illinois have filed a complaint against Hyundai alleging it's been urging dealers to falsely report EV sales. The lawsuit alleges Hyundai sales executives offered dealers allocations of high volume vehicles and incentives if they agreed to code Unsold EV Inventory as part of their loaner fleet. Miss coding vehicles in that way would artificially inflate the sales figures that the automaker reports publicly to the press and investors and further the dealers who refuse to comply were denied allocation of certain high demand vehicles. A transcript of a phone call cited in the lawsuit allegedly captures a district manager telling a dealer that the automaker is up against the wall and that hitting the numbers will appease the Koreans.
Now let's take a pause and remember these are just allegations for now this is a new lawsuit but we also have the son of this napleton dealership group president has already been charged with sexual battery of an employee and of course that fractured their relationship with Hyundai and in 2016 this same napleton dealer group also sued FCA accusing it of paying dealers to inflate sales numbers. In that one they ended up reaching an undisclosed settlement in 2019. Adam Jonas and Morgan Stanley just revised their Tesla energy model and the results Tesla energy now represents $50 per share verse $36 per share previously but they're keeping their Tesla stock price target at $310 because they have a lower EV penetration for 2030 but the point here is they are increasingly bullish on Tesla energy and they put together this little infographic the takeaway with their assumptions one megapack is equivalent to the revenue from 35 cars or the operating income from 100 cars and one megafactory is equivalent to the revenue from 350,000 cars or the operating income from around 1 million cars.
Adam Jonas和摩根士丹利刚刚修订了他们的特斯拉能源模型,结果显示,现在特斯拉能源每股代表50美元,而之前是36美元,但是他们保持了特斯拉股票的目标价为310美元,因为他们对2030年的电动汽车渗透率预期较低。但关键在于他们对特斯拉能源越来越看好,并且他们制作了这个小小的信息图表。通过他们的假设,一个Megapack(大型电池存储系统)的收入相当于35辆车的收入,或相当于100辆车的营业收入。此外,一个Megafactory(大型电池工厂)的收入相当于35万台汽车的收入,或者相当于100万辆汽车的营业收入。
I think that's a reasonable benchmark to keep in your mind at least for the foreseeable future. Again, one megapack is equivalent to the revenue from 35 cars and the operating income from 100 cars. They're now forecasting Tesla energy to reach 100 gigawatt hours in storage deployments by 2028 verse 2031 previously, a three-year pull forward. After their model revision, this brings the total value of Tesla's energy business to $183 billion versus $131 billion previously. Goldman also raised its Tesla stock price target from $175 to $248, but they highlighted one thing I think is worth repeating. Tesla definitely has some margin tailwinds heading into quarter two, but we can't forget they have some headwinds as well, one of those being the actual cost of all of that 0% and low APR financing.
The truth is we don't know how much of that cost was taken on by the banks and how much was taken on by Tesla itself. Either way, though, just another point so that we can all keep our wits about us as we head to this Q2 report and to get a sense of where their expectations are for auto sales next year. Their 2025 forecast is 2.1 million. Everybody out there in fitness land is saying do X reps X number of sets to do X thing. I say you can throw all of that out the window. The question should be how few can you do while feeling a good burn using strict perfect form. Sure you can get results copying someone, but most people need to learn how to feel their muscles firing at every different position throughout a specific movement. You need to learn what angles place the most tension on a muscle you're targeting and then perfect your movements to do exactly that. You really don't need weight to build muscle and given everybody's imbalances in bad form, more weight often just causes more problems.
You can of course implement explosive movements depending on your goals and your experience, but many should just slow down and feel one target muscle all the way through a range, pause and squeeze at the ends and start the motion with only that muscle. Try to relax all others and yes, I'm still taking a G1 and would recommend that you try it for yourself. I've just found I have more sustained energy when taking it compared to when I don't and AG1's most recent independent study backs that up. 97 percent of participants felt more energy after taking AG1 for 30 days. They go further than any other competitor that I've seen with transparency sourcing and research, which is why I chose AG1 and look, it's not a cure-all panacea, but I found it to be a useful tool and it is indeed one of the better ways to support electrified.
当然,你可以根据自己的目标和经验来实施爆发性动作,但很多人应该放慢速度,整个过程中感受目标肌肉,末端停顿并紧绷肌肉,然后仅凭那块肌肉启动动作。尽量放松其他肌肉。是的,我还在吃AG1,并建议你自己试一试。我发现吃AG1后相比不吃时,我的精力更持久,AG1最近的一项独立研究也支持这一点。97%的参与者在服用AG1 30天后感到精力更充沛。他们在透明度、供应链和研究方面做得比我见过的任何竞争对手都要出色,这也是我选择AG1的原因。当然,它不是万能药,但我发现它是一个有用的工具,确实是支持精力的更好方法之一。
If you'd like to, you can still get five travel packs in a one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 for free at drinkag1.com/electrified linked below or you can use the QR code on the screen. Cheers. Yesterday we talked about Tesla raising the price of the Model 3 in Germany thanks to the tariffs and now they're doing something similar in other EU countries as well including the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and others. But they've also substantially cut prices of the Model 3 and the Model Y in Israel in some cases over three thousand US dollars. Last night, Tesla Scopes said the largest wave to date of FSD 12.4.3 in software 2024.15.15 went out. But it's currently only to about one to five percent of eligible vehicles and for now they said eligible vehicles must not be on software update branches 2024.20 or newer which of course is me. And yes, I feel like this but the truth is most people out there still do not have 12.4.3 so don't feel bad. But yes, some Canadians do already have it.
如果你愿意的话,你仍然可以在 drinkag1.com/electrified 这个链接上或使用屏幕上的二维码,免费获得包含一年供应量的维生素D3K2的五个旅行包。干杯。昨天我们谈到,由于关税,特斯拉在德国提高了Model 3的价格,现在他们也在其他欧盟国家做了类似的调整,包括荷兰、西班牙、意大利等。但他们也大幅削减了在以色列销售的Model 3和Model Y的价格,一些车型的降幅超过了三千美元。昨晚,Tesla Scopes表示迄今为止最大的一波FSD 12.4.3(软件版本2024.15.15)已经发布。但是目前仅覆盖约1%到5%的符合条件的车辆,而符合条件的车辆暂时不能运行软件更新分支2024.20或更新版本。当然,我的车在列其中。是的,我也有点不爽,但事实是大多数人还没有12.4.3,所以不用觉得糟糕。不过,确实一些加拿大用户已经收到了这个更新。
Tesla Manufacturing on X posted a short video saying no pain, no gain as they unveiled their new Giga gym in Giga Berlin. Ford is set to release another fully electric vehicle this time the Capri which is also going to be on VW's meb platform just like the Explorer. Sadly, both of these full EVs are only for the European market for now. They have no plans to bring them to the US. Is it just me or does this look an awful lot like the Polestar too?
是我一个人觉得它看起来和Polestar 2非常相似吗?
Beth on X highlighted Elon's full stack AGI integration play that we've been following for years saying energy Tesla data X and Starlink compute XAI and robotics at Tesla to which Elon said the new Optimus design which will be complete later this year is something special. Home R said FSD 12.4.3 still ping pongs within the lane too much on the highways to which Elon said 12.5.X will finally combine the city and highway software stacks. So Elon confirmed what we talked about yesterday but I'm seeing a lot of people out there saying they're thinking that autopilot will also be switched over to the FSD city street stack. But I'm pretty confident autopilot is a separate software stack.
Beth 在 X 上强调了 Elon 的全栈 AGI 集成计划,我们已经跟踪了好几年。她提到能源(特斯拉)、数据(X 和 Starlink)、计算(XAI)和特斯拉的机器人技术。对此,Elon 说,新的 Optimus 设计将在今年晚些时候完成,非常特别。Home R 说,FSD 12.4.3 在高速公路上仍然在车道内左右晃动得太多,Elon 回应说,12.5.X 将最终合并城市和高速公路的软件堆栈。所以 Elon 证实了我们昨天谈到的内容,但我看到很多人都在说,他们认为自动驾驶也会切换到 FSD 城市街道堆栈。但我相当有信心,自动驾驶是一个独立的软件堆栈。
I'm not sure how much development time autopilot has been getting and I would imagine at some point down the line Tesla may take the FSD software and effectively replace autopilot. But I do not think a 12.5 branch is going to be that time. Remember, 12.5 is also supposed to be the release that goes to Cybertruck. VW is now warning they may close the Audi factory in Brussels thanks to a sharp drop in demand for high-end electric cars. VW said the cost of finding an alternative use for the plant or closing it will be 2.8 billion dollars for the 2024 financial year not only that but they said demand for outies q8 etron which launched in 2018 had dropped sharply and the car maker is considering ending its production altogether one source is saying this could happen in 2025 currently the factory in brussels employs about 3 000 people.
我不确定自动驾驶(Autopilot)有多少开发时间,我想象特斯拉可能会在某个时间点将全自动驾驶(FSD)软件取代自动驾驶。但是,我不认为这会在12.5版本上线时发生。记住,12.5版本也应该是用于赛博卡车(Cybertruck)发布的版本。大众(VW)现在警告说,由于高端电动车需求急剧下降,他们可能会关闭布鲁塞尔的奥迪工厂。大众表示,为工厂寻找替代用途或关闭工厂的费用将在2024财年达到28亿美元。不仅如此,他们还表示,自2018年推出以来,奥迪Q8 e-tron的需求急剧下降,车企正考虑彻底停止该车型的生产。一位消息人士称,这可能会在2025年发生。目前,布鲁塞尔工厂雇佣了大约3000名员工。
Ball as he said china's demographic problems have robotic solutions to which emod said china will be the first nation with a hundred million and then a billion robots not in anyone's forecast to which elon said the future will have far more robots than people. Carvana is now including the option for customers to apply the four thousand dollar used federal tax credit at checkout carvana will be labeling which used evs and plug-in hybrids available on its site are tax credit eligible they also said the savings can apply to eligible customers financing terms. Toyota has finally made the seemingly obvious decision to invest in iana this will allow toyota and lexus customers to access the public network of dc fast chargers that are supposed to start rolling out in north america later this year the stations will have both an axe and ccs if you forgot the other seven auto makers involved with iana bmw gm honda hunde kia mercedes and stellantis toyota still only has two fully electric vehicles in the us in canada the bz4x and the lexus rz.
丰田终于做出明显的决定,投资于IANA。这将允许丰田和雷克萨斯的客户使用北美计划在今年晚些时候开始推广的公共DC快充网络。这些充电站将兼容ACC和CCS充电协议。如果你忘了,参与IANA的其他七家汽车制造商是宝马、通用、 本田、现代、起亚、奔驰和Stellantis。丰田在美国和加拿大市场上仍然只有两款纯电动车型,分别是bZ4X和雷克萨斯RZ。
Maryland has plans to install 23 new dc fast charging sites by the fall of 2025 which will have a total of 130 plugs this is thanks to federal funding and these will be at gas stations convenience stores travel centers and shopping malls and they did say part of this 12 million dollars is going to go to tesla among other companies and the federal funding accounts for about 80% of the installation costs but the companies are on the hook for the remaining 20%. Prime bid energy who operates in florida shared a post on x saying check out our new construction in progress with our favorite roofing product tesla solar roof this is a 60 kilowatt system with three powerwall threes and three smart panels from span a company that we've worked with in the past they said this home will produce an estimated annual production of 86,000 kilowatt hours an estimated energy value of 387,000 dollars over tesla's 25 year warranty and doing the math that's north of 15,000 dollars per year always great to see this new home construction blueprint in action.
在佛罗里达运营的Prime Bid Energy公司在X平台上分享了一则帖子,内容是:“看看我们正在施工的新项目,采用了我们最喜欢的屋顶产品——特斯拉太阳能屋顶。这是一个60千瓦的系统,配有三个Powerwall 3电池和三个来自我们曾合作的Span公司的智能面板。”他们说,这个房子预计的年发电量为86,000千瓦时,特斯拉25年保修期内的估计总能源价值为387,000美元,算下来每年大约超过15,000美元。总是很高兴看到这种新住宅建设蓝图付诸实践。
Tesla stock is now in the green for 11 days in a row closing today at 263.26 up 0.35% while the nasdaq was up 1.18% perhaps a bit of exhaustion for tesla stock today as it has underperformed the nasdaq but it was another higher volume day for tesla trading about 36 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget check out ag1 linked below if you're interested and as always thank you very much for all of the support hope you have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters you.