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Tesla's FSD 12.4.3 / More Alpha In Tesla Stock / Elon on Robotaxi Rumors ⚡️

发布时间 2024-07-09 00:05:07    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Snird, and Juan R. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. I did want to get some content out late last week, but we had some family in town for the holiday and then we had a wedding out of town, so still a lot going on, but we're back. Tesla's FSD12.4.3 has now rolled out to some customers outside of just the early access group, but if you're feeling like you're the only one that doesn't have it, that's not the case because the majority are still on 12.3.6. Including myself, but here's some early feedback on 12.4.3. Greg said it's a huge improvement as an overall driving experience, much better spacing and natural feel on highways, and takes exits at better speeds. Kion said, I've been testing FSD since before version 9, I felt almost no improvement until version 12, it was a paradigm shift. I just felt another one with 12.4.3, and all I can say is wow.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是你的主持人,Dylan Loomis。先感谢我最新的赞助者Snird和Juan R,谢谢你们选择支持这个频道。我本想在上周末发布一些内容,但因为有家人来访,然后我们还出城参加了一个婚礼,所以一直很忙,不过我们现在回来了。特斯拉的FSD12.4.3版本现在已经不仅仅是早期访问组的一些客户能用了,但如果你觉得只有你没有得到也不用担心,因为大多数人还在用12.3.6版本,包括我自己。但这里有一些关于12.4.3版本的初步反馈。Greg说总体驾驶体验有了很大的改善,在高速公路上间距更好,驾驶感觉更自然,而且出口速度也更好。Kion说,从9版之前我就一直在测试FSD,但直到12版本才感觉到了明显的改进,这是一种范式转变。而在12.4.3版本上,我又感受到了一次范式转变,只能说一句“哇”。

TechGeek shared a screenshot that said, changing lanes to avoid a neighboring vehicle, muse turn signal to cancel, as if this may be new on .3, but it's actually not. That's because over a year ago, Anthony Spina on X shared an update that he saw that exact same message on version 11. And I think it's worth clarifying that even 12.4.3, as far as we know, is still on a separate highway stack that should still be using some of the 11 architecture, so the highway stack may not actually switch over until 12.5. Mark said just a short 6-mile drive in the morning, and three merging issues were solved. Kevin O'Connor from The Ringer said, another flawless FSD experience, impressive start of this drive in a congested area of Beverly Hills keeps getting smoother.
TechGeek分享了一张截图,说变道以避开临近的车辆时,需要使用转向灯来取消操作,仿佛这是.3版本的新功能,但实际上并不是。这是因为一年多前,Anthony Spina在X平台上分享了一条更新,说他在版本11中看到了完全相同的提示信息。我认为有必要澄清一下,据我们所知,即使是12.4.3版本,仍然使用了独立的高速公路技术架构,这个架构应该还是基于11版本的部分技术,所以高速公路技术架构可能要等到12.5版本才会真正切换。Mark提到,他在早上短短6英里的行程中解决了三个并道问题。而《The Ringer》的Kevin O'Connor说,在拥挤的比佛利山庄地区,自驾的表现又一次完美无缺,这段行程的开始变得越来越顺畅,令人印象深刻。

FSD also passes the mom test. She loves it. At 67 years old, she feels increasingly confident in how it can change her ability to drive anywhere in the years to come. AI driver said, after more testing, .3 seems to have some real issues compared to .2. I'm confident they'll get it figured out, but .2 was the one that should have gone wide in his opinion, never seen anything like this. And he shared a video of an odd intersection where it ended in the car, ending up on the wrong side of a double yellow line. Now it did later correct itself and had there been a car in that lane, maybe that problem never would have happened, but something to note.
FSD 也通过了妈妈测试。她很喜欢它。今年67岁的她对这项技术越来越有信心,认为它会在未来几年大大提升她开车去任何地方的能力。一位AI驾驶员表示,在更多测试后,他发现0.3版本相比0.2版本存在一些明显的问题。他相信这些问题最终会被解决,但他认为0.2版本本应该是更广泛发布的,因为他从未见过这样的情况。他还分享了一个视频,展示了一个奇怪的路口,结果汽车竟然开到了双黄线的错误一侧。虽然后来它自己纠正了过来,如果当时那条车道上有车这种问题也许根本就不会发生,但这是一个值得注意的现象。

Davily said amazing first two hours with .3, impressive. Then he expanded on that saying .3 felt overall like a better build compared to 12.3.6. Some of the quirks of .3.6 have been fixed. It seemed to be able to choose the right lane better than .3.6. He did say the new NAG system is a bit too aggressive for his taste, but overall there's something about .3 that just made the two hours of driving much better than .3.6. Brian Stone said .3 is incredible, just had two totally intervention free hands free drives. So smooth, hesitation is non-existent. And AI driver shared a video of FSD ignoring the navigation route and finding a shortcut of sorts to get to the destination. It may not seem like much now, but the ability for Tesla's FSD to override some of this map data and think on its own should be a nice differentiator for Tesla in the long term.
戴维里说,他在使用了.3版本的前两小时里感到非常惊艳,表现十分令人印象深刻。然后他进一步表示,相较于12.3.6版本,.3整体上感觉是一个更好的版本。.3.6的一些小问题在.3中得到了修复。.3似乎比.3.6更能正确选择车道。不过,他提到新的NAG系统有点太过激进,不是很符合他的喜好,但总体来说,.3版本让这两个小时的驾驶体验比.3.6版要好得多。 布莱恩·斯通(Brian Stone)表示,.3版本非常了不起,他刚刚经历了两次完全无需干预的全程无手驾驶。驾驶过程非常流畅,没有任何犹豫。而且AI司机还分享了一段视频,显示FSD(全自动驾驶)忽略了导航路线,并找到了一条到达目的地的捷径。虽然现在看起来不算什么,但特斯拉的FSD具备这种能够自主判断并绕过部分地图数据的能力,应该会在长期内成为特斯拉的一个重要优势。

I did see some other regressions out there like for some people it was not slowing for speed bumps, but I would imagine those things can be worked out with future .3 releases. Overall though, the majority of what I'm seeing was very positive on .3, so hopefully this is the one that goes to a true wide release. On that front, X-Peng's new model, which is set to be released later this year, they're saying it will not use any LiDAR and it's going to move to a pure vision solution like Tesla's FSD. There are some other Chinese EV makers that are working on future models that are going vision only, but right now they said in China all local EV makers, except Baidu backed GU, use LiDAR capabilities in their most recent versions of smart driving software.

Let's not forget this news is coming just a few weeks after the CEO of X-Peng had a chance to use Tesla's FSD here in the States. This image was shared on Reddit over the weekend, the original poster said that this was outside of the Rose Bowl and it's a Model Y with a cover on the front and the back suggesting this might be one of the first sightings of Project Uniper, the Model Y Refresh. Don't forget though, last month Elon said no Model Y Refresh is coming out this year. For what it's worth from some of the first Model 3 highland sightings out in the wild to early production, we're looking at a time frame of about 6-9 months. It seems like many folks are expecting the new Model Y to be ready by Quarter 1 of 2025, but the way I see it that would be a best case scenario, personally I'm not expecting it until closer to the second half of 2025.
让我们别忘了,这条消息是在X-peng的CEO刚刚在美国试用过特斯拉的全自动驾驶(FSD)几周后传出的。上周末,这张图片出现在Reddit上,原贴作者说这是在玫瑰碗体育场外拍的,是一辆前后都盖了罩子的Model Y,暗示这可能是Project Uniper,也就是Model Y改款版的首次曝光。不过别忘了,上个月埃隆·马斯克说今年不会有Model Y改款版。根据以往的经验,从首次看到Model 3高地版本到开始量产,中间大概有6到9个月的时间。很多人期待新款Model Y能在2025年第一季度准备好,但我认为那是最理想的情况,我个人预计它要到2025年下半年才能上市。

My guess would be we see the new Model Y Quarter 1 2025 in China and in some areas of the EU and then in North America sometime by Quarter 2 or Quarter 3 of next year. I'd also add this refresh does not have to be exactly the same as the Model 3, I definitely think we'll see many of those crossover. However, Tesla may want to add a few extra things to differentiate the Model Y a bit further. He had heard that Tesla may be getting a special tariff rate when it comes to Shanghai exports to the EU and it sounds like that'll be confirmed. That's because EU inspectors visited Giga Shanghai between June 26th and the 28th to determine individual duty rates. It may still be another few weeks before we learn what these individual rates are, but at least it should be confirmed that Tesla will be getting special treatment and likely lower rates. Our dealership guy said the rumor is that Elon hired Uber's founder Travis Kalanik to advise or run Tesla's upcoming Robotaxi division. Elon finally responded to all of this speculation and to that he said false. However, if you followed electrified for any amount of time you will likely have seen Elon playing the semantics game in situations like this before. Example, maybe Elon is planning to hire Travis, he just hasn't done it yet in that situation. This answer would technically not be lying. But for now, if we take Elon at his word, all of these rumors should cease. And replying to Peggi about that exact rumor, Elon said all that matters is improving Tesla's self-driving AI such that miles between interventions is much better than a human. In case for some reason you're disappointed by this news, just remember whoever ultimately runs Tesla's Robotaxi division is going to be very trivial. When compared to the actual progress and performance of FSD. If you haven't already followed Heinrich Zane on YouTube and X, now may be the time as you can see from his most recent video, we now have a new steel delivery for Tesla's new semi-factory in Nevada. After weeks of nothing but grading and underground work, along with a new access road, it seems like construction may actually be right around the corner. Heinrich's did say from this perspective it's tough to tell how big this new plot of land really is for the semi-factory, which by the way, may also house that new battery factory where Tesla will be using some equipment from CATL. I will have Heinrich's channel linked below as I believe he has to travel to actually do these drone flights so if you want to support him, I would encourage you to do so.
我的猜测是,我们会在2025年第一季度看到新款Model Y在中国和欧洲部分地区推出,而在北美可能会在明年的第二季度或第三季度推出。我还要补充一点,这次的改款不一定完全和Model 3相同,我确信会有很多相似之处。不过,特斯拉可能会添加一些额外的东西来进一步区分Model Y。 有人听说特斯拉在上海出口到欧盟时可能会获得特别的关税待遇,而且看起来这很可能会被确认。这是因为欧盟的检查员在6月26日至28日期间访问了上海超级工厂,以确定具体的关税率。我们可能还需要再等几周才会知道这些具体的税率,但至少可以确定特斯拉将会获得特别待遇,可能是更低的税率。 我们的经销商人说,有传言称埃隆·马斯克雇用了Uber创始人特拉维斯·卡兰尼克来顾问或管理特斯拉即将推出的无人出租车部门。埃隆最后对所有这些猜测做出了回应,称传闻是假的。然而,如果你曾经关注过Tesla相关信息,你可能会注意到在这种情况下,埃隆往往会玩语义游戏。例如,或许埃隆计划雇用特拉维斯,只是还没有正式实施。在这种情况下,这个回答技术上并不算撒谎。但目前,如果我们相信埃隆的话,所有这些传言应该会停止。针对Peggi关于这个传言的提问,埃隆说,唯一重要的是改进特斯拉的自动驾驶AI,使每次干预之间的行驶里程比人类驾驶显著更长。如果你对这个消息感到失望,请记住最终管理特斯拉无人出租车部门的人实际上很不重要,相比之下,FSD(全自动驾驶)的实际进展和表现才更关键。 如果你还没有关注Heinrich Zane的YouTube频道和X(Twitter),现在可能是时候了。正如你在他最新的视频中所看到的,我们现在有了特斯拉在内华达州新建的半挂车工厂的新钢材交付。在仅有几周的挖地和地下施工以及新建一条通道后,看来施工可能很快就会开始了。Heinrich说,从这个角度来看,很难确定这个新建的半挂车工厂用地到底有多大,顺便说一下,这里还可能建造新的电池厂,特斯拉将在那里使用一些来自宁德时代的设备。我会在下面链接Heinrich的频道,因为他需要实际到现场进行无人机拍摄,如果你想支持他,我鼓励你这样做。

The time has come for Amy and some other Tesla investors to officially show up in court and plead their case. But I'm not arguing that the billions of dollars that the plaintiff's attorneys are requesting in terms of fees are outlandish. More than 8,000 Tesla stockholders have flooded the Delaware Court with some 1,500 letters and objections over the fee. And how about this? The lawyers for the plaintiff have said they would have been justified asking for up to 33% of the value of Elon's pay package. If we assume a $56 billion value, 33% of that is roughly $18 billion. The current record fee in shareholder litigation is $688 million in an Enron class action. The word is it may take Judge McCormick weeks if not months to actually rule on the attorney's fee. Don't forget though, over the past few weeks we learned that the plaintiff's attorneys could also adjust their fee to $74,000 per hour...

which would be a cash award of about $1.4 billion. What this means is the plaintiff's attorneys are effectively saying, you know what, we'll take anywhere between $1.4 and $18 billion for our fee. Hopefully by the end of quarter three we have some more clarity on this case. Tesla is hiring a new manufacturing role for a senior battery process engineer in Huayi Yang in South Korea. This position is mainly responsible for the rework and remanufacturing process of modules and battery packs in a remanufacturing workshop. This to help identify the fault modes of new battery packs and modules and implement corrective and preventative measures. Now these two could be unrelated, but LG is planning to begin production of 4680 batteries in South Korea and their factory in Ochang is only about one hour away from where Tesla is hiring this new role. And we know this LG battery factory has its main customer as Tesla. Thus, in preparation for a new stream of 4680 supply for Tesla in the back half of this year, Tesla may be looking to set up a team in Korea.
这大约是14亿美元的现金奖励。这意味着原告的律师实际上在说,我们的费用可以在14亿到180亿美元之间。希望到第三季度末,我们对这个案件有更明确的了解。 特斯拉正在韩国华义阳招聘一名高级电池工艺工程师,主要负责模块和电池组的返工和再制造过程。这一职位的任务包括识别新电池组和模块的故障模式,并实施纠正和预防措施。 虽然这两者可能没有直接关联,但LG计划在韩国开始生产4680电池,他们在五仓的工厂离特斯拉招聘这位新工程师的地点只有约一小时的车程。而且我们知道,LG的电池厂主要客户就是特斯拉。因此,为了应对今年下半年4680电池供应的新需求,特斯拉可能正在韩国组建一个新团队。

Electrify America is launching a new congestion reduction pilot program. This will enforce a state of charge limit at select locations and so far all of these locations are in California. Once a vehicle reaches 85% SOC, the charging session will automatically end and drivers will have 10 minutes to move their vehicle before idle fees are incurred. Go ahead and pause now if you'd like to read the list of locations. This pilot will begin early July 2024. This is of course a move to reduce the wait times at EA stations, but unfortunately with this press release, they did not explain how much the idle fees will be. This is a company whose deliveries were down 5% this quarter. They were down 9% last quarter, is trading at 125 times earnings. There's anticipation that things may get a little better, but they're still not good and there's anticipation about a robo-taxi event in early August. We could continue to see some momentum in stock, but this is meme-like quite frankly.
Electrify America 正在启动一个新的缓解拥堵试点项目。该项目将在选定的地点限制充电状态,目前这些地点都在加利福尼亚州。一旦车辆的充电状态达到85%,充电会话将自动结束,司机将有10分钟的时间将车辆移走,否则将产生空闲费用。如果你想查看这些地点的列表,请暂停一下。这个试点项目将于2024年7月初开始。显然,这是为了减少Electrify America充电站等待时间的措施,但遗憾的是,他们在新闻稿中没有说明空闲费用的具体金额。 这是一家公司,其本季度的交付量下降了5%,上季度下降了9%,目前市盈率为125倍。人们预计情况可能会有所改善,但依然不乐观,并且预计在8月初会有一个自动驾驶出租车的发布活动。我们可能会继续看到一些股票的动能,但坦率地说,这有点像网络热炒。

The valuation is disconnected from the fundamentals. The company was supposed to earn $7 in earnings this year. Consensus estimates are now $2 and the stock price is really not that different. But at the end of the day, stocks get measured on cash flows and future cash flows and we just see a disconnect between what that earnings and cash flow power is and the company's current share price. Do you keep your $120 price target? Well, look, I mean of course any investor has to be open-minded about what a company may or may not do. If we did see a path where Tesla could be a leader in autonomous vehicles or Tesla could build a very sizable business of building humanoid robots, of course we would have to adjust our outlook and our future estimates and accordingly our price target. But at this point, we don't see that. We believe that autonomy is a ways out and we don't believe that Tesla will uniquely solve that problem. Wemo has been working at this. They've been doing trials since 2012 on self-driving. Tesla has not done any public trials. This is the same Tony Sakanagi who Gary Black said is highly respected among institutions. Gary has many times in the past called Tony out for being a known Tesla bear. But this highly respected individual effectively just said they don't see a path to Tesla becoming a leader in autonomous driving or even building a sizable business in the humanoid space. And not only that, but he called Tesla stock movement meme-like. Plus, he said Tesla has not done any public trials of self-driving. Now, I'm assuming he means actual robot taxis without a driver. But as we know, Tesla has billions of miles of public trials with FSD. I'm sharing this as a reminder that a significant portion of Wall Street is still not buying in at all to the autonomy or humanoid story. Which just means there is still plenty of alpha to be realized when it comes to Tesla stock.
估值与基本面脱节了。原本预计公司今年的收益是每股7美元,但现在的一致预期是2美元,而股价却变化不大。但最终,股票是根据现金流和未来现金流来衡量的,我们看到目前的盈利和现金流能力与公司当前股价之间存在脱节。你还会维持你对股价120美元的目标吗?看,任何投资者都必须对公司可能或者不可能实现的事情持开放态度。如果我们看到特斯拉在自动驾驶汽车领域取得领先地位或者在建造人形机器人方面建立大规模业务的路径,当然我们会调整我们的预期和相应的目标股价。但在此时此刻,我们没有看到这一点。我们认为自动驾驶还需要时间,而且我们不认为特斯拉能够独特地解决这个问题。Wemo自2012年起就在进行自动驾驶试验,而特斯拉还没有进行任何公开试验。Gary Black曾多次指出Tony Sakanagi是一个备受机构尊敬的特斯拉怀疑论者。这位备受尊敬的个体实际上表示,他们不认为特斯拉能成为自动驾驶领域的领导者,甚至在制造人形机器人方面建立大规模业务。而且他还形容特斯拉股票的走势像迷因股。此外,他说特斯拉没有进行过任何自动驾驶的公开试验。我猜他的意思是没有进行过无人驾驶出租车的公开试验。但我们知道,特斯拉在全自动驾驶(FSD)方面已经有数十亿英里的公共试验。分享这些是为了提醒大家,华尔街的相当一部分人仍然完全不相信自动驾驶或人形机器人的故事。这只是意味着,当涉及到特斯拉股票时,仍有大量的超额收益可以实现。

On that note, Tesla has reclaimed its title as Korean's favorite foreign stock earlier this month. It temporarily lost that crown to Nvidia, a position it held for over 4 years. And investors now own about $14.6 billion of Tesla stock and of course part of this reclamation of the crown is thanks to the Tesla stock move. Replying to that news, Elon said smart people. Elon has been warning Tesla short sellers for years, despite that about 18% of the 500 plus hedge funds tracked by Hazeltree had an overall short position on Tesla at the end of June, the highest percentage in more than a year. And how about this, the chief investment officer at one of these funds, this will be a great example of more alpha available said, basically it's not clear whether investors are dealing with a top company with a great management team or whether it's a challenged franchise with deficient corporate governance. If that's not clear to you, then what in the world are you doing managing nearly a quarter of a billion dollars? And if it wasn't clear, those short sellers are now sitting on about $5.7 billion in unrealized losses after the Tesla move last week.
关于此事,特斯拉本月初重新夺回了韩国人最喜欢的外国股票的称号。此前,这一称号曾短暂被英伟达夺走,特斯拉此前已保持这一地位超过4年。投资者目前拥有约146亿美元的特斯拉股票,当然,这次重新夺冠部分归功于特斯拉股票的涨势。对此消息,埃隆·马斯克回应道,“聪明人。” 马斯克多年来一直在警告特斯拉的做空者,尽管如此,根据Hazeltree的数据,截至6月底,追踪的500多家对冲基金中约有18%持有特斯拉的做空头寸,这是一年多来最高的比例。更为有趣的是,其中一家基金的首席投资官表示,“这将是获得更多阿尔法收益的一个好例子。” 他基本上是在说,目前还不清楚投资者是面对一家拥有出色管理团队的顶尖公司,还是一家在公司治理方面存在缺陷的受困企业。如果这一点都搞不清楚,那你怎么能管理近2.5亿美元的资金呢?明确一点,上周特斯拉股票大涨后,这些做空者现在已经坐在约57亿美元的未实现亏损上。

We got the domestic number for Tesla China in June, now this was of course already included in the Q2 data, but we can now look at year to date for January through June for this domestic number and we're now down 5.7% year over year. This number was effectively flat for the January to May reading. On the battery front, the financial impacts of legacy auto pulling way back on EVs is now starting to hit some of these battery suppliers. LG's second quarter profit dropped 58% year over year to $141 million. Their revenue also dropped by 30%. LG's CTO is trying to write the ship by saying that they're going to commercialize dry coating technology by 2028, another sign it's not an easy task. And we have SK on declaring itself in crisis mode as customers struggle with disappointing EV sales in Europe and the US. After being spun off from its parent company, the company has recorded losses for 10 consecutive quarters. SK has announced extended layoffs for workers in Georgia and they have delayed a second plant in Kentucky that was going to be a joint venture with Ford. A battery analyst said SK had been badly let down by US car manufacturers. As they failed to produce EVs sufficiently attractive to mass market consumers. You may recall late last year GM was still planning to reach an annual EV capacity of 1 million units in North America by the end of 2025. In reality, they sold 22,000 in the second quarter this year. A viewer of electrified Mike Amore said so far so good in the middle of a hurricane and lost power, house is running on the cyber trucks power so all as well. Here's an early real world example of power share coming in handy. A quick lightning round, India now does not expect Tesla to move forward with an investment in the country anytime soon. After Tesla executives basically stopped talking to country officials. People state owned Chinese firms in the financial hub of Shanghai have recently bought Tesla's Model Y as service vehicles. The purchase is an active response to the call for equal treatment of Chinese and foreign firms in government purchases. And Tesla vehicles are now eligible for the Chinese local government purchase list. Not only that, but Tesla may play a significant role in China's plan to boost its computing power. The China Center service provider in Shanghai has partnered with Tesla to apply their megapack storage tech at their intelligent computing center. We've been saying for a long time now, more data centers, more energy use, more megapack demand.
我们在6月得到了特斯拉中国的国内数据,虽然这些数据当然已经包含在第二季度的数据中,但我们现在可以查看1月至6月的年初至今数据,同比下降了5.7%。这个数值在1月至5月期间几乎没有变化。 在电池方面,由于传统汽车大幅减少电动车的生产,一些电池供应商开始受到财务影响。LG第二季度利润同比下降58%,降至1.41亿美元,收入也下降了30%。LG的首席技术官表示,他们计划在2028年之前将干涂层技术商业化,这表明这个任务并不容易完成。 与此同时,SK宣布进入危机模式,因为客户在欧洲和美国电动车销售不佳而陷入困境。自从从母公司剥离以来,该公司已经连续10个季度录得亏损。SK宣布将在乔治亚州大幅裁员,并推迟与福特在肯塔基州的第二工厂建设。某电池分析师表示,SK被美国汽车制造商严重拖累,因为这些制造商未能生产出对大众市场具有吸引力的电动车。你可能会记得去年底,通用汽车还计划到2025年底在北美实现年产100万辆电动车的目标,而实际上他们今年第二季度只卖出了22,000辆。 一名观看电气化频道的观众 Mike Amore 说,他在飓风中失去了电力,但房子依靠 Cybertruck 的电源运行,一切都好。这是电力分享在实际中的一个早期例子。 快讯:印度现在不预计特斯拉会很快在该国进行投资,因为特斯拉的高管几乎停止了与该国官员的对话。位于上海的国有中国企业最近购买了特斯拉的Model Y作为公务车,这是对政府采购中公平对待中外企业的响应。特斯拉车辆现在已经被纳入中国地方政府的采购名单中。不仅如此,特斯拉可能在中国提升计算能力的计划中扮演重要角色。上海的一个数据中心服务提供商已经与特斯拉合作,将他们的 Megapack 储能技术应用于其智能计算中心。我们一直说数据中心越多,能源使用就越多,对 Megapack 的需求也会增大。

German authorities have approved part of Tesla's expansion at Gigabrelin. This one initially allows Tesla to set up an asphalt logistics area for new cars, as well as stairwells on its pressing plant and an access guard. Porsche is reorganizing production of its all-electric Taycan as it'll be moving down to a single shift operation. They're saying permanent jobs should not be cut by this downshift in production.

Porsche sold about 41,000 Taycans last year, but now they're saying new customer groups that are needed to continue the sales success are taking a wait and see approach to EVs. In quarter one of this year, Porsche only sold just north of 4,000 Taycans, which annualized would only be about 17,000, but they were in the middle of the change over to the newer model. But Porsche still cutting Taycan production.

The head of software at Stellantis has just left the company and she becomes at least the fifth senior executive to leave in recent months. Tesla charging shared they now have 2,000 stalls in Norway and they commemorated it with a custom dispenser. Lucid announced its Q2 production and delivery figures, and deliveries came in with a new record for the quarter at 2,394. Production was 2,110. So quarter over quarter, deliveries were up about 22%.

Tesla stock closed the day at $252.94 up 0.56% while the Nasdaq was up 0.28%. It was another higher volume day for Tesla trading 69 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.