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How To Start A One-Person Business (All You Need Is... $0) - YouTube

发布时间 2024-06-24 03:13:31    来源


This is quite possibly the most popular topic in the self-improvement space. These types of posts like this one get a lot of views and engagement and that's kind of why I'm making it but I want to bring a new perspective. But the posts in question are the ones like the best side hustles to start in 2023, the best online business model in 2023. How to get rich and stop being so poor in 2023. Please click now or you will have 10 years of bad luck. I'm tired of the last one too.

And all of these videos posts or articles lack one big thing and that is a big picture overview of online business. They focus more on the tactics and the methods and the outreach special strategies, the flavor of the day outreach strategy in order to gain more clients or do whatever it may be to make more money right now. As always, there's nothing wrong with this. I have nothing. I have like nothing against this. I watch it all the time happen online. I watch some of the videos myself, but I am here to bring a new perspective and potentially open some minds to a new route that you can take.

And the problem here is that every single person on this planet is wired to want that quick fix. I did and I still do to this day. I want the quick fix and I have to step back and remind myself that that success doesn't come instantly. And I've proven that to myself, right? It helps when you have experience to bank on, but the beginners, they don't have that experience. And so they get trapped in this loop of quick fix, quick fix, quick promise, latest best business model in 2023. Let's make it happen. And then you go through a cycle of failures like myself, where you can watch previous videos of mine where I talk about my story, but you have to go through the failures. There's no escaping it, but maybe just maybe this video can help a beginner start on the right path because the quickest fix is the longest path or accepting the longest path, rather than jumping to one thing than another, than another, just to come back to the longest path and then make it work.

And so what I'm here to tell you is that the latest and greatest strategies or tactics or business models may not work. And if they do, if they do work for you, they probably won't be around in three to six months because you're fighting other bottom feeders that lack purpose behind their work. And that is because these bottom feeders don't really like that term, but that's what they are. They are in a state of survival. They have not mastered themselves. They have not gone through the self-improvement or the mental work. Benji just moved the camera in order to break out of that state of wanting that quick fix. So that's all they can see because their mind is so narrowed on this desired end result that the only that's the only thing they can think of. They can't zoom out and see it on a 10 year, 20 year, 30 year life's work perspective.

And so you can see this right now in the short-form content agencies, the ones that are creating like reels, TikToks, shorts for certain creators, or even on Twitter, if you're in the Twitter space, the ghostwriting. That's a very popular agency model right now. And they're both very lucrative. Don't get me wrong. But you have to understand that I personally, this is why I'm like talking about this is I get a hundred DMs and emails a week about hiring someone to give me the same Walmart quality captions on a reel that isn't going to help grow my brand. Like the subject line is a do you want more views? Do you want more subscribers? Let's blow up your account. Let me create these captions in CapCut and be the same as everyone else and expected to work. People don't care to get good. They care to get money. That's a brutal mistake that I made and you will too.

So treat this as a seed of awareness that you will register as you were going through your mistakes and failures on your business journey. Because if you're chasing the quick bucks with the latest strategies, you have about three to six months before you need to pivot. Therefore, you need a big picture overview of business or give up or prioritize becoming the best in that space. If you're going to do the captions or you're going to do the ghostwriting, it better be a five to 10-year long fucking game plan where you are the best in the business.

So what is the best business model of 2023? The best business model is an actual business model. What a side hustle, not free online surveys that pay you five cents for every survey you complete, it's not investing your weekly allowance into crypto. A business has to generate revenue. You need cash flow. A business has the ability to scale, pivot and position itself in the market regardless of algorithm changes and trends.

And half of the short-form content marketing people will be out of a job in six months. They will because they don't understand marketing. They understand a little piece of marketing, which is short-form content, but do they understand long-form? Do they understand how short-form fits into the funnel? Like what's the quantifiable end result that you're giving with short-form content? Is it more views? Because frankly, most people don't give a shit about views. Is it cash? Because then you're going to need a unique system or templates or strategies for actually converting short form content into leads or cash because short form content is usually very shallow and that does not nurture a lead into becoming a high paying customer or a loyal customer. Right? I'm not talking about direct response here. Go and fill this out in the funnel that's already created, right?

Because short form content agencies do very well when they target a creator or a brand that already has a funnel that is converting leads, but your short form content is just driving a tiny bit more traffic. You're not the reason behind their success and you need to understand the reason so that you can eventually iterate on your offer into order to make it something that gets results for anyone you want.

Money is the lifeblood of society. It is the fabric that holds society together right now. And so on a micro scale, right? So money being the lifeblood of society, blood, when it stops flowing to your hand, it will die. So if blood stops flowing to a certain space in the online business arena, it will die off. So if your business that does not fuel the market or provide blood to the market, then your business will die off and therefore your sense of purpose will die off because that's a thing. If you aren't making money, that means you aren't contributing to society. And that means that you aren't, you aren't contributing to something that is greater than yourself, AKA having a purpose.

So business is the modern vessel for living with purpose and business is a vessel for your value. That is what it is. Online surveys and prescriptive business models that you find online and most jobs are soulless. A business has an offer and a traffic source. And this is a universal principle beyond business and offer equals value and traffic equals people, right? So if you do not have an offer and you are not putting it in front of people, then you will not sell that offer. Or if you have a lot of people, like you built an audience, but you do not have an offer, then you aren't going to make money.

The same is true with relationships. If you are a valuable offer in this lens and you put yourself in a group of desirable people or the people that you want to meet, because you can also go into a group of people that you don't care about or don't care to form a relationship with, you have to match those two, right? So let's go into, let's say a bar scene where there's a lot of people, but you are not a valuable offer, then you are not going to sell or convert.

So let's talk about the dynamic traffic source, right? Because we need traffic before we need an offer, which we'll talk about soon, but I'm not a fan of putting yourself in a box. And I am bullish on the future of the creator economy, which we talked about in the previous video, the future of the one person business, because the creator economy is the new economy, regardless of if you want to become a creator or start a business, right? It's the new economy. That's where people are hiring from brands and employers are finding the value that you post online and are hiring from that.
那么,让我们谈谈动态流量来源,对吧?因为在我们讨论 offer 之前,我们需要首先获得流量。虽然我不喜欢把自己局限在一个固定框架内,但我对创作者经济的未来非常看好。我们在前一个视频中已经讨论过个人创业的未来,因为创作者经济就是新经济,不管你是否想成为创作者或创业,这就是新经济。人们在这里招聘,品牌和雇主通过你在线发布的内容发现你的价值,并基于此进行招聘。

So the resume is becoming slowly outdated and the public resume, AKA your personal brand, regardless of if it's a business or not, is how you are going to make money in other areas than just business. And so that's why I am of the belief and have the philosophy that everyone should display their value online or start some form of a personal brand, because it is the closest thing to a one size fits all traffic source. There is for business, right? Even if you don't start for business reasons and you gain, let's say 50,000 followers and you get a job and you get all of these other opportunities, because that's where opportunities come from, then you can start a business right away if you have that.

And the other thing is that a personal brand cannot be replicated. There we I've talked about this so many times. There's no competition. There's no saturation if you actually build a personal brand. So with a personal brand, you don't have to rely on ads. You can talk about whatever you want. If you sprinkle in content related to your offer, see the previous one person business playlist, you don't have to rely on cold outreach for long. You build an audience so you can do whatever you want. Eventually, your business doesn't die when you stop doing the manual work. You aren't cornered into a specific niche, like how zuby on Twitter and other social media platforms not only talks about politics, but makes music and sells fitness programs.

Most people just can't get out of the scarcity mindset of needing to land clients so their content feels limited and boring. And along the way, you just meet incredible people that you wouldn't find in real life, right? You get connected with the like minded people that resonate with your content. And so I've been doing this for like three years and I've had two great friends along the entire way. And I actually went to go and see them this past week in South Carolina and Tennessee. We hung out. We had incredible conversations and you can tell in this video in the last video, my energy is just up, right? I'm ready to go. I'm carved the fuck up. I've been eating so many carbs, like 500 grams a day, still not gaining weight. I'm trying to lean bulk. But here's a picture of us by the lake, Justin, Joey or Justin C. Scott, Joey Justice and your boy that used to have long hair rest in peace.
大多数人无法摆脱那种需要寻找客户的稀缺心态,以至于他们的内容显得有限和无聊。在这个过程中,你会遇到一些在现实生活中可能永远遇不到的了不起的人,对吧?你能和那些与你的内容产生共鸣、志同道合的人建立联系。我做这件事已经有三年了,这期间我交到了两位非常好的朋友。实际上,上周我还去南卡罗来纳州和田纳西州看望了他们。我们一起出去玩,进行了非常棒的对话。从这段视频以及上段视频中你可以看出,我的能量很高,对吧?我准备好了,精力充沛。最近我摄入了大量碳水化合物,每天大约500克,但体重仍没增加。我在尝试增肌。这里有一张我们在湖边的照片,照片中的人有Justin, Joey还有以前留着长发的我(愿长发安息)。

And frankly, you just won't find those conversations in everyday life. You have to be intentional and the digital world is a great way to put your intentions out into the ether as Justin Scott would say. So the lesson here is that your personal brand should be considered the foundational traffic source for your offers, right? A lot of people are worried about selling a business, even when they haven't started. It's against the point. Stop worrying that late into the future. But personal brand, I plan on doing this for or having mine for the rest of my life. I don't plan on selling me, right? But when I have that foundational traffic source, like I do now, I have a good amount of followers, then I can build another business and use my personal brand to fuel it.

And as long as I'm not too closely tied with that, I've learned I can eventually sell that business and make it successful 10 times faster than someone else could without a personal brand because I have that loyalty. I've nurtured the audience and the business that I built or the businesses that I build are going to reflect the values that I have in my personal brand. And it will be an extension. Therefore, previous customers and my following will be able to fuel that and I'll have a network that just can send massive traffic to it and help me promote it without paying like so much money for influencer marketing like other brands are doing. I can get it for practically free.

And so the other thing is that paid ads are another traffic source. But if more people know your name and you're running paid ads to your audience, then the conversion rate goes through the roof and the same thing with cold outreach where if I'm DMing my audience or people have just seen me around the space because I produce content, then they're going to be 10 times more likely to reply. Or if I have 100,000 followers, they're going to feel obligated to reply to me. I don't really like to think of myself that way, but that's what happens. I got it. The first thing that made this click for me is when someone was like 50K DM'd me when I barely had any followers and started talking to me about their services. And I was just like, Oh my God, I'm talking to this dude with 50,000 followers. No way. And I bought his services, right? You're just more open to the people that display and have authenticity and value to provide online. And you can pivot whenever you'd like because your content shouldn't be, at least under my philosophy and what I teach, your content shouldn't be limited to a specific topic or a niche. It is limited to value and value is ideas written from the lens of a specific goal or problem, regardless of the topic topics here just help with idea generation. Like if you write about self improvement, business and spirituality, those are great, you're only using those to find content in order to generate ideas. In essence, nobody cares about the topic. They care about how anything and everything will benefit their life. We are selfish creatures.

So let's talk about the experience model. In essence, you help people that are at point A where you were before and help them get to where you are now with point B and you have content and products in between that with knowledge, experience and systems. And I've talked about personal branding and content strategies in the past. So we're leaving the traffic source of this video at that you can go and watch my other videos. Instead, I want to focus on offer creation, right? A product or service because most people think that they need the perfect customer avatar, the perfect system curriculum or coaching structure, a fancy physical product with perfected supply chain management prior results when you need to actually work with someone to get results in reality.

This is a harsh truth for many to accept because there are also many negative connotations that come up with it. If negative connotations don't come up, then you're in a great spot in reality. You need to know more than someone that is one step behind you. And you can see the terms that age of information, the attention economy, knowledge is how you catch attention, like in a sense, knowledge is how you communicate information. Information is how you capture attention. So in this modern business landscape, knowledge is king. I sound like fucking Tai Lopez. I don't want to sound like Tai Lopez knowledge. And so another thing is that everything in this world goes through developmental stages.

We talked about in the last video, how your community that you attract evolves. They set new goals. You evolve. You set new goals. You are not static. You stick to one niche. You're fucked in my eyes. You're not really, but your purpose, your sense of fulfillment from your work is fucked. And so business is no different as a whole where it comes in stages, beginner, intermediate advanced. So you trying to make $100,000 or you trying to make a million dollars from the start is just going to cause overwhelm. You need to break down that goal into manageable chunks and focus on the levers that you have to move as a beginner, which are going to be different at the intermediate stage and different again at the advanced stage.

So be mindful of who you are learning from and what lens they are teaching from. I'm trying to teach from a beginner level here, but other people, they could be teaching from an advanced level and it's just going to cause anxiety, overwhelm and the lack of results because you're focusing on the wrong things. So we have to start small and that's why I like to help people at the start create what I call a minimum viable offer, which is like a minimum viable product, but offer is kind of more encompassing of both products and services. I like to start with a service. And in this case, that service revolves around a single single skill or interest. Go learning eight billion, learn one because charging the big bucks takes time, experience and multi disciplinary skill acquisition while building in the real world, not reading about working with customers, but actually working with them.

With that skill or interest that you learn, you immediately turn it into a freelancing, coaching, consulting or what I call a tutoring offer. And when I say skill, I mean anything like email marketing, web design, copywriting, Facebook ads, brand design or anything else from the $1 million skill stack video that we had in the past. And by interest, I mean anything like health and fitness, performance and productivity, personal development and spirituality, relationships or dating. And those are skills. Yes, but I just want to make the distinction between skill and interest so we can understand how they apply to the offers that I listed out.

So first is just we have to package up your offer fast. And with a skill, it should be fairly obvious, right? It's a freelancing service. So if you learn web design, then it's website or landing page design. If you learn email marketing, then you're going to write emails or you're going to set up email sequences, you're going to you're going to do what you've learned. And usually one hack here that people don't like register is that courses, courses that you take are usually their higher ticket service, right? Or they can be spun into a service like a Twitter course as an example, like one that you get from modern mastery from my community. There's like three Twitter courses.
首先,我们需要快速打包你的服务。针对一项技能,这应该是相当明显的,对吧?这是一项自由职业服务。如果你学会了网页设计,那么服务就是网站或登陆页面设计。如果你学会了电子邮件营销,那么你将撰写电子邮件或设置电子邮件序列,你会做你所学的事情。这里通常有一个人们不太注意的小窍门,那就是你所参加的课程通常是高价服务,或者它们可以被转化为一种服务。举个例子,比如你从现代精通(modern mastery)社区获得的Twitter课程,就有三个Twitter课程。

You can take those and then you apply them to someone else's business as well as your own or other than your own. And that is a ghostwriting service, right? So if you learn website design, then you're just doing that for other people's businesses and you don't have to take a course to do this, but you will have to string together like specific YouTube videos in order to actually build something and then be able to do that for someone else. And so anyone can pick up a skill fast, start talking about what they learn, start teaching what they learn. And I've talked about this in the past as well, just just start teaching. I don't want to go over all the limiting beliefs you hold again. You're not an imposter. Just fucking teach what you know. But with that, that's how you attract clients. If you understand how to write content fairly well, and then you pitch your offer, right? Which is for another video and I've talked about it before again. And so another thing, just a quick plug is that I've written or I've created 10 plus courses, 180 plus strategies inside of modern mastery. It's five bucks to join. There's also a two hour writer, which is like my writing frameworks for building an audience and then there's digital economics, which is a masterclass of everything you'll need to know for actually building this product, sizing yourself, building the personal brand, solving your own problems and marketing a good product in a way that pulls in a creative income in a non ideological manner, as in it's not limited to agencies or freelancing or coaching or whatever. It's very principles based. So that was freelancing with a skill.
你可以学到这些技能,然后将它们应用到别人的生意上以及你自己的生意上。这其实就是一种代笔服务,对吧?比如,如果你学会了网站设计,那么你就可以为其他人的企业做这件事。你不需要专门去上课学习,但需要把相关的YouTube视频串起来,实际动手做出一些东西,然后再为别人提供这项服务。所以,任何人都可以快速学到一项技能,开始分享和教授自己学到的东西。我之前也提到过,只要开始教就行了,不必再纠结那些限制相信了,你不是骗子,教你所知道的东西就好。 这样你就能吸引客户。如果你对写内容有一定的了解,然后再推销你的服务,这个过程我以前也讲过。所以,我想顺便提一下我已经创建了10多个课程,里面包括180多种策略,全部在Modern Mastery平台上,只需5美元就能加入。另外还有一个“两小时写作课程”,讲的是我用来吸引观众的写作框架,还有“数字经济学”课程,这是一个包含所有你需要知道的知识的高级课程,帮助你打造产品、建立个人品牌、解决自己的问题,并以一种创造性的方式营销一个好的产品,这种方式不局限于某种特定行业(如代理机构、自由职业或教练),而是基于原则的方法。 以上就是关于如何通过一项技能来开展自由职业服务的介绍。

Now for coaching, consulting or tutoring offers, we have to first understand this universal principle goal, right? We start with a goal where your customer wants to be or where you what you have achieved path. Your unique way of getting them there problem, what they are struggling with now. So where you were or where they are and how are you going to help them bridge that gap in a nutshell, that's all that marketing is you're selling a transformation that either you have achieved yourself, you have helped others achieve or you want to start helping others achieve. And remember that freelancers gain experience by working with clients first, right? They don't like you have to work with people in order to get that momentum rolling. And so like they don't even have results with the skill into when they start selling, you don't need results to start, right? I can go and I can look up a planner on Amazon and I can take it and I can create my own and I can put it on Amazon and start making money. Now of course the marketing, the sales, et cetera, those are details that come after and driving traffic to it with something like a personal brand, but that's how you make money. And so coaching and consulting offers are fairly obvious, right? You help them with something like health productivity or performance in their life and you walk them through it. So this structure that we go over, we're going to go over a structure for a tutoring offer because I feel like more people can benefit from that. But the same structure is applied, right? So you're at the same structure as a coaching or consulting offer.
现在,对于教练、咨询或辅导类的服务报价,我们首先需要理解这个通用原则的目标,对吗?我们从一个目标开始,这个目标是你的客户想要达到的,或者是你已经通过某种路径实现的目标。你的独特方法能够帮助他们解决他们现在遇到的问题。所以首先是你曾经的位置或他们现在的位置,然后你如何帮助他们弥合这个差距,简而言之,这就是所谓的市场营销——你在销售一种转变,这种转变要么是你自己已经实现过的,要么是你帮助别人实现过的,或者是你想开始帮助别人实现的。 记住,自由职业者是通过与客户合作来积累经验的,对吗?他们不像你这样有现成的结果,他们必须与人合作才能开始积累势头。所以即使他们在开始销售时没有实际的成果,他们也可以开始。我可以去亚马逊上查找一个计划表,把它拿过来,制作自己的版本,然后把它放到亚马逊上开始赚钱。当然,市场营销、销售等细节是在后面要考虑的,通过个人品牌来引流,但这就是赚钱的方式。 所以,教练和咨询服务的报价是相当明显的,对吗?你帮助他们解决生活中的健康、生产力或表现等问题,带领他们一步步实现目标。我们这里要讨论的是一个辅导服务报价的结构,因为我觉得更多的人可以从中受益。但同样的结构也适用于教练或咨询服务报价。

And so for a tutoring offer, I prefer this over freelancing because you don't have to do the work for them, right? It's more fulfilling. You can take on more clients. You can scale a tiny bit faster. But in essence, you are teaching them the skill, right? So a freelancing offer was mainly skill-based. So is a tutoring offer. So this is less about personal development. This is more about you acquiring a skill through your self-education and then going on to teach it to others and think of it like you're walking them through a course one on one.

So you're teaching them how to write an email newsletter. You're teaching them how to edit a YouTube video. So you're teaching them how to write social media content or you're teaching them web or graphic design because with this, you can target a more beginner level, right? So you open the amount of people that can actually use your service because most people like with the short form content agencies, they're going and they're trying to target these people and flooding the market when in essence they could just go and teach a creator because the creator economy is booming. They can go and teach a creator for four calls how to actually go and create those, right?

But you have to be somewhat good. I wouldn't recommend doing this with Walmart quality cap cut captions. And so with this as well is that the results from this transfer over into a course or digital product much easier, right? So you're able to flesh out an offer stack much, much, much quicker because you teach someone, you get them results. You actually have something to show for it because hopefully you're having them create a project and you can show, hey, my students have created these projects.

And then you turn your entire curriculum or your coaching offer or tutoring offer into a course. And now you sell the course so you open up more room for more people to afford your actual products and then from those products buyers buy again, principal and business, they will sign on with you to actually walk them through it one on one to learn and hold them accountable. So you're increasing your income that way as well faster.

And so the reason you're doing the tutoring offer instead of a course first is because you can charge more and increase prices to like $2,500 plus after a few clients. Of course, this is variable and it's a progression. You don't have an audience or traffic to bring inconsistent course sales yet. You don't know what gets results yet. Even if you think you do, you don't, you have to work with people. And that's why you work one on one and refine along the way. And you can use direct outreach methods or different strategies to acquire clients.

You weren't banking on the audience. Instead, you were doing more manual work upfront because that's a beginner strategy that you have to do before you get to intermediate or advanced. And then as your audience grows alongside you, then you can wean off of that. And so in short, it's easier to make a $1,000 sale than it is, it's easier to make $1,000 sale than it is 100 sales, right? You have more control over your income. And then once you do that and once you realize that, it's incredibly liberating. And so coaching, consulting or tutoring offers consists of a few things.
你当时并没有依赖观众相加,而是提前做了更多的手工工作,因为这是初学者必须采取的策略,只有这样才能迈向中级或高级水平。然后,随着你的观众逐渐增加,你就可以逐渐减少这种手动工作。简而言之,做成一笔 $1000 的销售比做成100笔 $10 的销售更容易,对吧?这样你对自己的收入有更多的控制。一旦你做到这一点并意识到这一点,你会感到非常解放。所以,教练、咨询或辅导服务包括几个方面。

So the first thing is a structure for what you are going to teach them. And this revolves around point A and point B, the problem and the goal, right? And then how you fill that, right? What are the steps in order to reach that goal? So take out a notebook and actually write this down. What is the promise, right? Are you going to help them create one fully edited YouTube video as the tutoring offer? And then the problem is that they don't have a skill. They aren't able to break into the online space, even though that's where the world is moving, right? Marketing. And then from there, how would you teach them, right? What do they need to know? What did you learn? Is it the overview of like an editing software and then how to actually cut things and structure the video? And then after that, it's like color grading and B roll. And after that, it's exporting and uploading to YouTube, right? So that's four calls.

Boom. And so the second thing you need is weekly calls. This is just like a general structure of most offers, but weekly calls in order to walk them through that structure or curriculum or outline. And so I recommend selling or starting with because you just need a place to start and improve from is four calls, right? Once a week. And so you want to start with four calls instead of one because that allows you to charge more. And so your efforts go a longer way, right? You don't want to charge like 100, 200 for a consulting call when you could charge 1000 at the start for a pack of four calls and then increase more.

And then you have to take on less clients, do less work and you're able to focus your efforts more on actually building leverage for your audience. So you can wean off of that. And so what you do on these calls is you just walk them through the structure. You teach them exactly what you need to know. Think of it as a live tutorial and then towards the end, you answer any questions they have, what they're struggling with and things like that.

And so the third thing that I recommend is weekly action items and text access. So at the end of every call or at the end of every week, you can write this down in your notebook as well is to give them action steps. What do they need to do? Right. So I recommend like having a desired end result for the offer as a whole. So if it's YouTube editing, it's having a polished YouTube video. So every week, what do they need to do? What do they need to deliver to you?

Right. And then the text access with like Telegram WhatsApp or just giving them text on your phone or a Discord channel private to them or something. And then you they can ask you questions whenever you want, get feedback and all of that fun stuff. And so another example just to paint this picture more is if you were selling something like graphic design tutoring, what's the desired outcome? Is it like creating one polished social media post or an Instagram carousel? That's the project, right? Or if you're teaching coding like a small coding bootcamp, what's the outcome? Is it a final HTML and CSS webpage? Right. Things like that.

And so in terms of charging, right, that's always people's question, what price do I charge? What do I do? Just slap a price on it and test it out. Again, quick fix mindset is going to fuck you up where you could slap 5,000 on it. Try it out. Try saying 5,000 when you're talking to people and see what happens. And then after that, they're going to say, no, you're going to get a bunch of nose and then you learn through trial and error.

And then you refine your process to the point of actually selling in accordance with the value you have to provide. But I would recommend starting at like lower, right? So you can increase because it's harder to decrease. So start at like 500 to a thousand for a pack of four calls. And then as you get results, as you get more confident, increase the price from there.

And so even better at the start, I would recommend helping people for free in the creator economy specifically, because you're building online, you're networking with other people that are distributing value online. And so in this case, I want to paint the picture this way where I worked with Joey. This is how Joey and I met. We actually worked with each other and helped each other on a free call. And Joey has a testimonial for me. I have a testimonial from him.

At that time, I had like 500 followers. Now I have upwards of like two million, right? My testimonial from him is so much more fucking authoritative than it was before. It's worth tens of thousands of dollars more because people will see that testimonial from me. They know who I am. They trust me and they will buy like immediately without reading anything else. So testimonials from creators are appreciating assets.

So you don't only want to try to land big fish and try to make the most money without it's a progression. Stepping stone, stepping stone, stepping stone. And so the next thing is you can either scale your client business or you can productize, right? So there's this is the difference between like an employee business, like a regular business or a one person business.

So a lot of the people that I'm networking with right now, they're focused on scaling a coaching offer because it's very it's lucrative, right? They it's high ticket coaching. They can every a lot of people make a lot of money doing that clearly. And that's what they're doing. And so they're hiring people as coaches, training them and automating the process so they can keep scaling that onward and onward.

But my preferred method, at least in this information space is to productize, right? So it's turning it's one growing large by talking about broad, big inner level topics and really whatever you want without niecing yourself down too much. And then selling the tutoring coaching consulting offer and then packaging that up into a course or multiple courses. And then that's how you scale is through low ticket.

And a lot of people don't like that. But a lot of people don't have my results. Sorry, not sorry. So there was one million somewhere in this YouTube title. And that's the thing is that you scale to one million with this. It's either high ticket coaching, consulting, sometimes agency work. I don't like the agency model. But it's a good it works or through low ticket product. And that's how you get there, right? You just it's it's a process. It takes time and you build this leverage over time in form of an audience or a personal brand traffic source that compounds with time. And eventually one day you run a promotion, you make your first 100 200 K a month and you're like, Oh, OK, I could probably hit this number. And then you hit it. It's that simple. Yeah. I mean, it's difficult, but it's it's that simple. And so this took me I had a bit of prior experience with freelancing, but I started creating creator journey, personal brand around three years ago, right? And so that's what led me to now. And I've made a bit more than that now, but that's like timeline three years. If you do it optimally and you approach it from a space of experience, then give yourself three years to hit like big numbers. That doesn't mean you can't make a good amount your first year, right? Like a million dollars is a lot of money. You don't need that much. And so give yourself five years, give yourself five years to make a million dollars in the space. And I bet you can if you commit to it.
很多人不喜欢这种方式,但很多人也没有我这样的结果。抱歉,但我并不后悔。在这个YouTube标题里提到了一百万。关键在于你可以通过这种方式达到一百万。无论是高价辅导、咨询,有时候是代办服务。我不太喜欢代办服务的模式,但它确实有效,或者通过低价产品。就是这样,你明白吗?这是一个过程,需要时间来建立这种长期杠杆,形式可能是观众群体或个人品牌流量来源,随着时间推移而积累。最终有一天你进行一次促销,一个月赚到第一个10万或20万美元,然后你会觉得,“哦,我可能真的能达到这个数字。” 接着,你就真的做到了。就是这么简单。是的,虽然很难,但原理就是这么简单。 所以我自己有一些自由职业的经验,但我是在大约三年前开始创建创作者之旅、个人品牌的。这就是我目前取得成果的原因,我现在已经赚到比那更多的钱了,但大概是个三年的时间线。如果你做得好且有经验,那么给自己三年的时间达到大数字。这并不意味着你第一年赚不到钱,对吧?一百万美元是一大笔钱,你不需要这么多。所以,给自己五年的时间,在这个领域赚到一百万美元。我敢打赌,只要你投入其中,你一定可以做到。

Ever since I can remember, I've been obsessed with learning. Yes, even years ago when I was gaming for three to six hours a day, I would always carve out time to learn something new. And a lot of it took away from the quality of my schoolwork or job, but somehow I always knew that things would work out. At first, I thought that this thirst for learning was the dreaded shiny object syndrome, you know, the thing that all successful people weren't against. But if my bursts of obsession were true shiny object syndrome, I don't think I would be where I am now. The path I've took has led to something that I couldn't even fathom as a teen. And I want to share it with you now, but in a streamlined fashion without the road bumps. So in the course of 10 years, I've obsessed over things like fitness, nutrition, SEO, web design, web development, graphic design, digital art, social media, content writing, marketing and sales, copywriting and funnels, neuroscience, philosophy, spirituality, self development. And the list goes on. So I am cutting it here, but there is much, much more. And each of these obsessions lasted about one to three months.

And the thing with this is is that if I wanted to learn something outside of these obsessions, I would. I wouldn't laser in on one thing and only do that one thing. I don't think that's really possible because like if I was obsessed with spirituality and let's say a nutrition podcast that I was interested in listening to came across my notifications or something, then I'm going to listen to the nutrition podcast. I'm not just going to ignore my curiosity because I'm so dedicated to something else. And so what, what is the result of me obsessing all over all of these things over the past decade? And it's the one thing that most people think or say it's impossible. And even if they don't literally say it's impossible, they imply that it's impossible or they tell you not to focus on this one thing. And so the impossible achievement that I'm talking about here is doing what I love for a living. It seems like it's a common trend right now to be like, don't follow your passion. Don't do what you love. Don't do all of this other shit for the sake of grabbing attention and leading you towards something that eventually leads to doing what you love or being passionate about life. And so it's kind of contradictory.
这件事就是,如果我想学一些我痴迷之外的东西,我会去学。我不会只专注于一件事,只做那件事。我觉得那是不可能的。比如说,如果我痴迷于灵性,而某天我收到一条关于营养学播客的通知,这个播客恰好引起了我的兴趣,那我会去听那个营养学播客。我不会因为过于专注于灵性而忽视我的好奇心。 那么,过去十年我对这些各个方面的痴迷有什么结果呢?这就是大家认为或认为不可能的事情。即使他们不直接说这是不可能的,他们也会暗示这是不可能的,或者告诉你不要专注于这件事。而我这里所说的“看似不可能的成就”就是“以我所爱的事物为生”。现在似乎有个普遍趋势,就是不要追随你的激情,不要做你喜欢的事情,不要为了博取关注而做这些事情,从而引导你最终做你喜欢的事情或者对生活充满热情。这显得有点自相矛盾。

I get where they're coming from, but I think it's silly to write off doing what you love or trying to live a passionate life because if you don't do those things, what is the other option? If you want to go all the way to the negative extreme, it's doing what you hate and never living with a shred of passion in your life. And I don't think anyone wants to do that. And I do not think that you have to put those things off until you reach some form of material success. And another thing is that hopping from skill to skill didn't prevent me from making an income at the start. I actually believe that it helped me make more of an income because if I were starting with one skill and trying to earn from it, there's a cap on how much you can make per skill or with a singular skill. Let's say web design where it's very, it's not impossible, but it's difficult to form a compelling marketing campaign around that unlike something like copywriting and funnels and a much more holistic skill stack that you can.
我理解他们的观点,但我觉得因为这种原因就放弃做自己喜欢的事情或追求有激情的生活是很愚蠢的。如果你不这样做,还有什么选择呢?如果你要走到最消极的极端,那就是做自己讨厌的事情,一辈子没有一丝激情。我不认为有人希望那样。而且,我认为你不需要等到取得某种物质上的成功才可以追求这些事情。 还有一点是,从一种技能跳到另一种技能并没有妨碍我一开始就赚钱。实际上,我相信这反而帮我赚了更多的钱。因为如果我只专注于一种技能并从中赚钱,每种技能的收入都有上限。比如说,做网页设计,虽然不是不可能,但很难围绕它建立一个有吸引力的营销活动。这和像文案写作和营销漏斗那样的全面技能组合是不一样的。

Manipulate in a way to deliver direct results and promise direct results like I can get you a hundred new leads or I can make you $10,000 extra a month with web design alone. It's kind of hard to do that. So throughout this, don't get trapped in thinking that you can't start making some form of an income or even just replace your entire income as you were learning these skill sets and as you were going about learning over the next decade. Because personally, I've talked about this before, you can make money instantly if you know what you're doing. And I recommend that you start building and executing instantly so that you can get real world data to iterate from and learn more in order to improve it and be able to charge more. You aren't going to come out of the gate charging five to $10,000 for one skill. It just doesn't work like that. You have to start small and you have to follow the progression that life presents. It comes in stages and steps. You go 500, a thousand higher, higher, higher, and then you eventually productize and then we've gotten into that in the previous one person business videos. So skill stacking is greater than being a specialist, which is greater than doing nothing at all because you're afraid of saturation, automation or any other excuse that leads to distraction. We are in a digital renaissance and skill stacking, stacking a dynamic set of skills that you can apply in the digital landscape allows you to build a creative solution to almost any burning problem on the market. You will reach a point where you can spot a problem in the market and you can be like, I have the skills to create a system for this in order to solve it. And I have the marketing skills to be able to package this up and put it in front of the right people and then making money is a lot more easier that way. You are you become in control of your income. So with my experience, I can get better results than most specialist freelancers or agencies because they this is metaphorical and abstract, but they know how a will impact B will impact C. And that's it. Right. That's kind of the specialist nature is I'm going to do this in order to get this very specific niche result, but through skill stacking and holistic understanding of the entire digital domain and just niches in general allows me to understand. How a impacts B impacts C and how that goes back and impacts a all the way throughout the alphabet and a circular motion and how all of those things interconnect and then my skill stack in the middle, allowing me to kind of pick and choose whatever I want to do.
以一种能直接带来结果并承诺直接结果的方式去操作,比如我可以为你带来100个新客户,或者通过网页设计每月额外赚取$10,000。做到这点有点难。所以在整个过程中,不要陷入一种认为你无法开始赚取一些收入或者甚至在学习这些技能的过程中完全替代你的收入的思维陷阱。因为从个人经验来看,我之前也说过,如果你知道自己在做什么,你可以立即赚钱。我建议你马上开始构建和执行,这样你可以从现实世界中获得数据,以进行迭代和学习,从而改进并能收取更高的费用。你不会一开始就能收取五千到一万美元的费用,这是不可能的。你必须从小做起,遵循生活给出的进程。它是有阶段和步骤的,你先收取500美元,然后逐步提升到一千,更高,更高,最后形成产品化。我们在之前的一人公司视频中也谈到了这一点。 所以,技能叠加比成为专家要好,后者又比因为害怕市场饱和、自动化或任何其他借口导致停滞不前要好。我们正处在数字文艺复兴时期,技能叠加,即在数字领域应用一组动态技能,可以让你为市场上几乎任何紧迫问题提供创造性的解决方案。你会达到一种境界,在市场上发现问题时,你会觉得自己有能力创造一个系统来解决它,并有市场营销的能力将其打包并展示给合适的受众,这样赚钱就变得容易多了。你的收入就掌握在你自己手中。 根据我的经验,我能够得到比大多数专业自由职业者或代理机构更好的结果。这是比喻和抽象的,他们知道A会影响B,B会影响C,仅此而已。这就是专业化的特性:我做这个是为了得到这个非常具体的结果。但是通过技能叠加和对整个数字领域及各个领域的整体理解,我能够明白A如何影响B,再如何影响C,再如何反过来影响A以及整个字母表的循环过程,并且这些东西是如何相互联系的。这样,我的技能叠加就处在中心位置,让我能够挑选和选择自己想做的任何事情。

Okay. So enough. Prefits. Let's dive straight into it. So first, we need to stack evergreen skills for profitability. So here's a graphic just to give a big picture overview of what we're going to talk about here. Top left, we have evergreen skills, which we'll dive into. And then once those are paired with personal interests, direct experience and the internet in the middle, you culminate and create you, which becomes irreplaceable. So if you follow anyone on social media, really, they're going to tell you to learn a specific skill or start a specific business model like an agency doing Facebook ads. This isn't bad advice, but I want to take a different approach because I'm all about understanding, right? I want this to actually make sense to you guys. So let's zoom out and go meta. So the skills for profitability, you will be exchanging value for value and value comes in the forms of money, time, social leverage, information or expertise. It's not just money. You have to trade the resources that you have right now, whether it be skill, expertise, information that other people don't have social leverage. If you have a lot of followers on one platform in exchange for helping someone on another platform, and then you eventually can trade your way to money and then you can trade, you can start trading money to buy back other resources like time.
好的,够了。前缀部分讲得够多了。让我们直接进入正题。首先,我们需要积累常青技能以实现盈利。这里有一张图表,可以给你们一个总体概述。左上角是常青技能,我们会详细讨论它们。然后,当这些技能与个人兴趣、直接经验和网络相结合时,你就会变得不可替代。如果你关注社交媒体上的任何人,他们通常会告诉你学习某项特定技能或者开始某种特定商业模式,比如做 Facebook 广告代理。这不是个坏建议,但我想换个角度,因为我注重理解。我希望你们真的能明白。所以让我们放大视角,从宏观上看。盈利的技能,是在交换价值,价值不仅仅体现在金钱上,还包括时间、社会影响力、信息或专业知识。你必须用你现在拥有的资源来交换,比如技能、专业知识、信息,或者是你在某个平台上的大量粉丝,以换取你在另一个平台上帮助他人,然后最终你可以通过交换获得金钱,再用金钱换回其他资源,比如时间。

So you will be exchanging this value with other humans. This is transactional. And at the top of everything, when interacting with other humans, human nature and psychology reign supreme. So we need three things. The first is a valuable message, a way to communicate with others that is relevant, understandable or actionable. The second thing is a medium for distribution, a way of putting your valuable message in front of people or else nobody sees your value. Number three is a result oriented skill, which is a way for delivering a transformation to the people you have attracted with number one and two. Message, medium and applicability. These are skills that interact with one another without one. You aren't going to get the same results. This is why it usually takes six plus months to actually see some tangible progress in this domain because you can't just learn a skill and not put it in front of someone or have a skill put it in front of someone and not be able to get results and then expect to make that into a sustainable business.

All right. So we're going to start with the message. You need to learn how to create a compelling message that attracts other people to not only you, but the value that you have to offer and you need to be able to articulate the value of both just the ideas that you're selling. You are selling ideas through content and just anything that you do. Whenever you interact with another person, you are selling something. You are selling your worldview, your beliefs, whatever it may be. And what a lot of creators tend to glance over is that people can become interested in anything. Like a lot of people come to me and they say, I don't know if I should start writing about this weird interest because nobody would be interested in it. And it's like, that's not their fault for a lack of understanding of the interest. That's your fault for not being able to make it interesting. Because if you're interested in that weird topic, how did you become interested in it? You weren't just born with that interest. There was a gradual steps that opened your mind and made you aware of that interest and its importance to you. Why is it important in your life and how can you pass on that importance to someone else to get them interested in it?

Right? It's not a one and done. I post one tweet and then or one Instagram post and then everyone knows what my interest is. No, it's a game. It's a 10 year long game of introducing people and educating people on these interests. You are becoming the person that introduces people to these interests and makes it an important part of their life. Because it's spilled into its given you many benefits by incorporating it into your life. So how are you going to help other people do that?

So if your words aren't resonating with other people, it's not them. It's you. And so you are either speaking from an advanced level when 95% of the market are beginners. You don't understand persuasion. So you have to answer or imply an answer to the question, what's in it for me? Or you didn't capture their attention and deliver a valuable message to that attention. And so for the last point, value does not always mean actionable. Value can be as simple as entertainment, right? People like entertainment.

Netflix has a lot of value to a specific set of people because it gives them an escape from reality. And of course, there's different interpretations and perspectives around that. But you get the point and with that, entertaining doesn't necessarily mean humorous or mind numbing. I can include a quote or interesting fact to keep your guys's attention on this video. Because it's entertaining and it introduces you to something new. It gives you a novel idea.
Netflix 对一部分特定人群来说有很大的价值,因为它给他们提供了一种逃避现实的方法。当然,对于这种说法有不同的解读和看法。但你明白我的意思。因此,娱乐性不一定意味着搞笑或令人昏昏欲睡。我可以加入一句名言或一个有趣的事实来吸引你们对这个视频的注意力。因为它很有趣,还能向你介绍一些新东西,带来一个新颖的想法。

So there are two skills that you need to study in order to learn to craft a impactful message. And that is marketing, which is creating a message that is attention grabbing, relevant and valuable for a specific person. So from their perspective, the second thing is sales, which is a process for making people aware of their problems and presenting a solution to those problems. Notice how you don't just target people that are automatically aware of everything you do.

It's a process and sales can be synonymous with storytelling because the human mind makes sense of the world via stories. It strings things together from past to now to future and how it interacts with your situation in life. And so they both sales, marketing and story, they're all based around transformations. That's what people want. They want a desirable outcome in the future. They want to avoid where they were in the past and maybe they want to get out of the position that they're in right now. They want to improve.

And so for the sake of brevity in this video, I can't go into every single skill. I can't. I just can't teach that. I've went into many in the previous one person business videos, but if you want the systems for actually one learning every skill we're going to talk about here and then applying it in the real world by starting a one person business and productizing yourself, check out digital economics. Links in the description.

The next thing is the medium. We just talked about the message. Now you need a medium for distribution because in life discipline equals freedom. Shout out jocko, but in business distribution equals freedom. So with an internet business distribution comes from media and code, right? The back end of the internet is code and then the front end what we see is media. So coding is a great high value skill to learn. It's very important, especially when paired with marketing know how.

Like if you can create a software and you actually know how to market it, which most startup people don't, then you're way ahead of the game, right? I know there's so many people that are passionate about coding that create this app or startup. And then they try to launch it and they don't have an audience. They don't have distribution. They don't have anything backing them like investors, which would take over from the audience. But I'm creating a SaaS right now, a note taking software and with my marketing know how and my distribution and knowing you guys and what will truly benefit your lives, I'm going to have a more successful launch than any other tech founder could simply because they don't understand marketing and they haven't built distribution because most coders only know the technical side.

They don't know the human side, but many of you are going down the creative route. So we're not going to be talking about coding here. We're going to be talking about media. So you will have to still have some technical know how you will have to study. No code tools that fit your situation well. I'm talking website builders, course dashboards, membership dashboards, email marketing software, just social media in general, maybe like discord, you have to understand technology to an extent, at least how to use it.
他们不了解人性化的一面,但你们中的许多人正在走创意路线。所以我们今天不讲代码,而是讲媒体。尽管如此,你们还是需要一些技术知识,需要学习适合你们情况的无代码工具。比如网站构建器、课程仪表盘、会员仪表盘、邮件营销软件,甚至是社交媒体,比如 Discord,你都需要有一定程度的技术了解,至少知道如何使用这些工具。

So you build distribution by growing on top of funnel social media platforms. And we talk about distribution and leverage in the one person business roadmap video. And these platforms can be any of them, but I recommend starting with either Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram, I would argue that Twitter is the most friendly and not easiest, but simplest to grow on because the retweet button is very low friction. You don't have to take any pictures. You don't have to understand design. All you need to do is write and practice writing a persuasive message. Check out to our writer if you want to learn how to do that.
所以,你通过在顶层漏斗的社交媒体平台上发展来建立分发渠道。我们在“一人企业路线图”视频中讨论了分发和杠杆效应。这些平台可以是任何一个,但我推荐从推特、领英或 Instagram 开始。我认为推特是最友好且最简单(虽然不一定是最容易)增长的平台,因为转推按钮的使用成本非常低。你不需要拍照,也不需要理解设计。你只需要写作,并练习写出具有说服力的信息。如果你想学习如何做,可以看看我们的写作指南。

And so YouTube podcasts and blogs are great. But when you zoom out, as we always do here and see it from the bigger picture compared to other platforms, it's a lot more difficult to grow on those platforms. YouTube, you have to get a lot of things right. It could be expensive to actually like have some form of a nice setup, which does influence the amount of subscribers podcasts or just hard to grow in general blogs. They depend on SEO. So does YouTube. And I like these, but I treat them more as authority building platforms at the start where you're fleshing out your ideas, you're going long form, you're getting practice in. And then once you have the distribution on bigger platforms and you can fuel something like YouTube, like if I were to bring my Twitter followers over to YouTube over time, and my videos start getting better and better and better, and it starts picking up in the algorithm, then those start to grow later down the road. That's exactly what I did. It's not the only way, but it's an effective method that I found to work for me. And so the principles for growth on these platforms are all the same. You need a valuable message.

You need eyeballs on that message. So people follow you. If you're not getting eyes on your content, people aren't going to follow you. You do this by getting shares, retweets, whatever it may be, networking, replying to bigger accounts or just learning certain tactics in order to do that. The next thing is consistent effort on getting your content shared. And a brand that looks like it should have 1 million followers. I could give a lot of branding advice, but the thing that I feel like would be best is does your profile look like it deserves a million followers? If it doesn't, figure out what's causing that and fix it. It could be your banner, it could be your bio. The wording in the bio could be how your profile picture looks.

If your profile picture sucks, then watch some YouTube videos on how to take a good profile picture with your phone with good lighting, have someone else do it, make it a project, have fun with it, spend a day creating the best profile picture you can. So we're talking about building on social media as our medium for distribution, but you have to understand that the medium for distributing your message comes before the social media platform. The social media platform is just a vessel of modality for that. And so writing and speaking are the mediums for distributing your message or at least articulating your message and packaging it up.

So all of my social media growth and just content in general is based around writing. It doesn't matter if I have a nice design on Instagram or cool animated reels. It's a written script that I read into this, this YouTube video is a written newsletter beforehand, and then I go off the cusp and the camera, but I follow it along. So I have that persuasive structure. And of course, all of my other content, you can just look and see it's all written because man, this skill is so important. And it's hard to articulate why. A story is that someone told me or someone asked a question, like, is it easier to go from Twitter to Instagram rather than Instagram to Twitter?

And so I thought about that. And it's like, yeah, it would because a lot of people from Instagram, usually bank on some form of vanity or design or something like that, right? Something good looking like, let's take a fitness influencer, for example, they grow and their value is determined by their body or a fancy car or something like that. And that's awesome. But then when you try and go to Twitter or any other platform that is writing based, or that isn't visual based, it's going to be 10 times harder to grow because you're starting over from scratch in terms of the skills that will get you growth and be able to deliver a valuable message, regardless of external looks. And if you combine both, like if you're hot, and you have like this incredible skills tech, you're set for life.

So we talked about the message, the medium, and now you need a results oriented skill. So we now understand that we need a valuable message paired with a medium for distribution. And that's all you need because those are valuable skills in themselves. And you can create an offer, like you can be a sales closer for someone can help people with their marketing. You can be a content writer, you can become a YouTube video editor, but even then like with that example, you understand the need for results oriented skills. So by this, I mean things like email marketing, sales closing, as we said, graphic design, videography, animation, web design, in short, you need to understand how to apply the medium and the message to the digital landscape.

So to your own business, like your own personal brand, or someone else's business with technology. And so when you understand how these pieces work together, you can deliver specific results through that technology. You can write emails that pull in more customers, you can create graphics that pull in more followers, you can create videos that hold more attention. So you unlock a new level of power when you pair marketing, sales, and communication with a specific technology that can be leveraged for what everyone wants, money, followers, reputation, opportunity, freedom, and status as a whole.

Okay, so we're partially done. Those were the evergreen skills for profitability. And now we need to stack personal interests for individuality. And remember, this is a very long video, but this is the meta approach. This is like, like five to 10 year time span approach, start with what we talked about, but don't hold what we're going to talk about in the top of your head so that you can like become aware of them as you're experiencing life. So in these videos, I talk about turning yourself into the niche with a personal brand, but this can also apply when you're trying to sell to a different customer avatar, business, or just person in general.

So with a personal brand, your interests are what makes you unique. And with the creator economy, booming, people think, Oh, it's going to be saturated. And no, it's not going to be saturated. If you lean into the interest that make you you, right, because everyone can learn these skills, everyone can start talking about, Oh, learn these high value skills in order to make money online. But few people are able to synthesize these with their true interest there. The people that can actually do this are the ones that stand out. And so here's another way of thinking about it is that when I have an offer a product or service to sell, my interests help me niche down who I can sell it to, right? Because I am my own niche and my interests help shape that.
所以,建立个人品牌时,你的兴趣是你独特的标志。在内容创作者经济蓬勃发展的情况下,很多人会认为市场会过于饱和。而实际上,只要你专注于那些让你与众不同的兴趣,市场并不会饱和。每个人都可以学会技能、都可以谈论如何通过学习高价值技能来赚取在线收入,但很少有人能把这些与他们真正的兴趣结合起来。那些能够做到这一点的人,才是真正脱颖而出的人。 另一个角度来看,当我有一个产品或服务要出售时,我的兴趣可以帮助我细分我的目标市场。因为我是我自己的细分市场,而我的兴趣帮助定义了这个市场。

So if I'm interested in fitness, let's say my main topic or skill that I plan to sell something around is marketing and sales, right? But if I'm interested in fitness, and I incorporate some of my fitness interests, not only does that separate me from all of the marketing and salespeople, but it also attracts other people that are interested in fitness. And since I am interested in the fitness scene, I know a lot about my customer avatar or my potential customers. I know a lot about myself because I have that interest.

So if I wanted to niche down to, let's say fitness coaches and help them with their marketing, then I could do so so much better. And they're getting into my audience without being sold to because they follow they want to follow people that are talking about fitness so they can network with bigger players in the creator economy. And you have to think about it this way is that most people they want to go like where the richest people are they want to work with people that they despise like it like I hated working for small business owners. I did not like working for small business owners. So if I want to target fitness coaches and I'm attracting them through my interest of fitness, I would much rather prefer working with someone who has that like minded interest as me. And so it's a win win because whether I'm like specifically targeting fitness coaches or not, I'm still attracting people that have similar interest to me and then I can introduce them to something like marketing and sales.

And then that rounds out my brand even more because I'm helping the fitness people learn something new while also keeping the people that are interested in marketing sales interested in me because I'm teaching them something new about fitness or I'm introducing them to another one of my interests and not just talking about marketing and sales all the time. And so you see how that works but a lot of people are afraid of incorporating more interest into their brand. The last thing is like what if it doesn't get good engagement? And so it's good that you're answering questions but do your own Q&A think these through and try to answer the questions yourself.

If it doesn't get good engagement, it's not because your audience just doesn't like something like fitness, it's because you didn't make it interesting enough to them. You didn't start broad and beginner level and introduce them to the importance of that topic before you start diving into some advanced stuff that nobody cares about. And yes, going broad and beginner will still attract advanced people. Let's say your target audience is someone more advanced, your offer is more advanced, and you have to educate them to get to that point.

Advanced people still follow beginner level advice. If you talk about the fundamentals, the advanced people know how important those are that like I would consider myself advanced in the fitness scene. And I've all the people that I follow, they're talking about the fundamentals of diet, they're reminding me of what I need to know. Most people don't need to. Most people don't need something new, they need to be reminded of what works. So another question is what if I don't make any sales? Again, we need to zoom out and view this from a big picture.

You're not going to be hard promoting in every single post. And so on a five year time scale, right, expand the time horizon on a five year time scale. If 20%, like maximum, if 20% of your posts are nothing to do with the thing that you sell, but 80% are, do you really think that's going to make like a big difference in how many sales you make? Like, will it really impact overall revenue? If one, you're not hard promoting every single day, to you 20% of your content on the parts where you aren't hard promoting, like, answer the question yourself here, you're thinking too small.

So another question is, what if my interest has nothing to do with the thing that makes me money get creative, use it as a way to help people understand I'm interested in EDM, electronic dance music. And so I notice patterns between that and let's say online business or creator economy. And I like to make the link between how EDM producers or DJs, how they kind of synthesize song or synths or sounds into songs, how creators they synthesize ideas and quotes and other things and just in general into content.

And so it just makes it more challenging, which is good and rewarding to try to note the patterns between the things that don't really go together. Or so you think everything is connected. All right, so that was stacking personal interest. So we had stacking evergreen skills, and then that was stacking personal interest. And so now we need to stack experience for nuance and navigation. Nothing happens, then everything happens. When you are on the path of mastery for life, not in one skill, but in one domain, aka your life and what you're interested in, you will experience this lesson of nothing happens, then everything happens multiple times.
这就使得这件事更具挑战性,但正因如此,它也更有意义,因为你会努力去找出那些看似不相关事物之间的模式。你会开始认为一切都是有联系的。好吧,这就是叠加个人兴趣的过程。我们已经讲到了叠加常青技能,现在讲的是叠加个人兴趣。所以接下来我们需要叠加经验,以获得更多的细微差别和导航能力。 什么都没发生,然后突然一切都发生了。当你在人生这条通往精通的道路上前行时,不仅仅是在某一项技能上,而是在你的人生和你感兴趣的领域内,你会多次经历这个教训:什么都没发生,然后一切都发生了。

So from the book, mastery by George Leonard mastery is the mysterious process during which what is at first difficult becomes progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice. So this is the opposite of instant gratification. And it's why it's so difficult to internalize or understand without action is because everyone wants to understand immediately instant gratification goes far beyond just like wanting having like a material desire for something. It's it's everything.

It's the need for like for immediate understanding. It's the need for immediately fixing like an emotional problem that you're going through. It's everything people just want everything right now. And you can't have it. You have an entire life ahead of you calm down. And so with this, I'm not going to give you exact steps that you can take here to baby you along the way and stroke your mental thing. I am however, and have given you the meta skills to start researching for yourself, right? You're going to have to follow the curiosity that you have after going through this like, Oh, what's the fundamentals of marketing sales? Go look it up. And so in terms of experience, your job is to hold what I just told you about nothing happens, then everything happens. And what I'm about to tell you in your mind as you go along this journey, because it will help.

So by sticking things out, you will experience short bursts of intense progress, lean into those and enjoy them. So the two skills that will help you implement everything above that we just talked about is rapid learning and rapid execution. And so when those are combined, we can consider them rapid building. I made an entire video on this. It's called learn new skills fast. How I remember everything I learned, one of the less popular videos that sucks. I encourage you to watch it because it's extremely important. But in short, here's what you do. Choose a project to emulate. This should incorporate the skills you are trying to learn. Start building your own version, create an outline for your project and build until you hit a wall. Seek specific knowledge. When you hit a wall, learn the skills necessary for that specific real world situation. This helps you cut through the fluff that can be learned through experience and a bonus, teach along the way. Teaching will identify your knowledge gaps, meaning you can seek more specific knowledge.
坚持下去,你会经历短暂而强烈的进步期,要向这些时刻靠拢并享受它们。我们刚才提到的所有内容,需要两项技能来帮助你实现:快速学习和快速执行。当这两者结合起来时,我们可以称之为“快速构建”。我制作了一个完整的视频,标题是「如何快速学习新技能。如何记住我所学的一切」,虽然它不太受欢迎,但这视频非常重要,我鼓励你去看。简而言之,你需要这样做: 1. 选择一个你想模仿的项目,它应该涵盖你想学习的技能。 2. 开始构建你自己的版本,制定一个项目大纲,并持续构建,直到遇到瓶颈。 3. 当遇到瓶颈时,寻找具体的知识,学习为了解决实际问题所需的技能。这会帮助你避开那些无关紧要的内容,专注于通过经验学习到的东西。 4. 另外一个建议是:在学习的过程中进行教学。教学会暴露你的知识空白,这意味着你可以追求更具体的知识。

So my favorite way of integrating everything we've talked about and starting to practice all of these skills immediately is by starting a one person business, a personal brand. Why? Because it's a business, right? Like a lot of people in that start freelancing or something like that, they're like, Oh, I want to practice SEO. So I'm going to try and land a client relating to SEO. And it's like, you could just start your own website for your own business about what you're building and what you're doing in life, watch the other videos about your goal in life and how you're going to get there. And practice SEO that way on your own blog practice designed by creating your own profile banner in your profile picture practice persuasion by writing content practice distribution by getting eyes on your profile and learning the tactics relating to that and supplementing all of this with the educational resources necessary, like a course, a YouTube video or something along those lines.
所以,我最喜欢将我们讨论过的所有内容整合起来,并立即开始练习这些技能的方法,就是创建一个个人品牌的个人企业。为什么?因为这也是一种商业,对吧?很多人开始自由职业或类似的事情时,会想“哦,我想练习SEO,所以我要找一个与SEO相关的客户。” 其实,你可以为你自己的企业建立一个网站,展示你在生活中构建和进行的事情,看看其他关于你人生目标和实现途径的视频,通过你自己的博客练习SEO,通过创建自己的个人资料横幅和头像来练习设计,通过写内容来练习说服技巧,通过让人们关注你的资料来练习分发,并学习相关策略。此外,可以通过学习资源来补充这些技能,比如课程、YouTube视频或类似的资源。

So you can also write copy for your sales page or your promotions, you can create your own minimum viable offer and start to market that, or you can affiliate for a product and practice your marketing skills on that. And so the skill stack that you develop by building your own personal brand for a year can transition over into almost any online business. And with your marketing knowledge, you'll already know what to do. Just be like, I'm going to create this offer and I'm going to sell it to this guy. And I have so much leverage already with my personal brand, I have X amount of followers, which is more than the average person. So when I DM them, they're going to be much more likely to DM me. And you're just making it so much easier on yourself by building a personal brand. I wish I did this. I really do. That's why I talk about it so much now. And yes, I sell courses and stuff relating to this because I genuinely believe in them. And how this has changed my life, I've straight up switched all of the courses that I offer. Because of this new thing that I learned, and I feel like I have to spread it to you guys. So that was rapid learning and rapid execution for your bursts of building. When you feel the urge to go all in on this stuff, when you have the clarity and education necessary to actually get started.
你可以为你的销售页面或促销活动写文案,创作符合最低可行标准的产品并开始推销,或者可以为某个产品做联盟营销,练习你的营销技巧。通过一年时间打造个人品牌所积累的技能,可以转移到几乎任何线上业务中。凭借你的营销知识,你已经知道该怎么做。比如,你可以说:“我要创建这个产品,并卖给这个人。” 你已经因为个人品牌的影响力而获得了很大的优势,比如你有比一般人更多的粉丝,当你给他们发送私信时,他们回复你的可能性也更大。通过建立个人品牌,你会让自己的营销变得更加轻松。我真的希望我早点这么做,所以我现在才会如此频繁地谈论这个话题。是的,我确实销售与此相关的课程,因为我真心相信这些东西。而且这些知识改变了我的生活,因为我学到了新的东西,我甚至更改了我提供的所有课程。我觉得我有责任把这些经验分享给大家。这是一种快速学习和快速执行的方法,当你感到有动力并具备必要的知识时,你可以全力投入。

The next thing is you have to tend to your perspective throughout the entirety of online business. 1% of 50 years is six months. And six months is just the start of the beginning. If you're on the path of mastery, you're on it for life. I mentioned earlier that shiny object syndrome isn't a bad thing. But the bad shiny object syndrome is the thing that takes you off the path of mastery. So learning a new skill that complements your other ones and allows you to push to new levels in business isn't a bad thing. Right? You're allowed to both learn web design and copywriting and so on and so forth until you have a big picture understanding of the online business domain as a whole. Your skills compound and no one can take them away from you. Self education is or investing in your own education is usually never a waste. It's only a waste if you aren't building something along the way. Because you won't remember anything. You'll have nothing to show for it in terms of both knowledge and just real world tangibility.

So when a shiny object or distraction registers in your awareness and you allow your focus to narrow in on it, you close your mind to the depth of your craft and the distractions are just that there there are temporary bump in the path. Because once you've started down the path of mastery, you can't you can't go away from it. Because the only reason you start on the path of mastery is because you got that missing piece in your mind that finally made it click for you and made you realize that it was possible and that you can see through all of your excuses for not making whatever it is that you want to make work work. And so once you see that, there's no going back. It's always going to pop into your head when you're sitting there doing nothing and you're thinking, man, I know you're not going to say this directly. It sounds kind of weird, but you're going to say, I know my potential. Why am I wasting it right now? Again, the most important pattern here is nothing happens and then everything happens. So you have to zoom out, you have to see your work from the perspective of your life's work that 50 years, right that time horizon six months is 1% of 50 years because mastery is a cyclical cyclical. It happens. It repeats a cyclical process of slow or no progress followed by intense bursts of progress in business.

This first exponential leap to kind of the next stair step. It usually happens after six months. That's a pattern that I've noticed in many people starting business is that if you can stick it out and stay consistent for six months, around that six months mark, you're going to have that leap and you're going to know, okay, this is possible. And that's usually when most people commit for life. So I'm still full off of course. But then after this, like a few months after this, it's followed by massive resistance, like you're going to feel like you aren't making any progress or as much progress as you should be. This is normal. So you have to zoom out. You have to gain a big picture understanding view the world from better perspective. And notice that months of potential despair are just a part of the journey. Nobody said that they weren't supposed to be there. Nobody said that you're supposed to feel good or bad. Nobody said it's going to be easy or hard. Those are expectations that you hold in your mind. See beyond them.

So the next thing and last thing is gradual awareness of the domain. Because when you learn one skill, a field of awareness opens around it. Right. So let's start to paint a picture here as best we can. But let's say this is the skill you learn. And the domain around it is like a light in a dark room, like a candle in a dark room. And so you're using that skill to navigate and it allows you to become aware of other skills and opportunities that you can learn or take on. And so then when you learn that, then field of awareness opens around that. So now you have two and they're connected. But then you get three and you get four and then you full circle. And now you have awareness of this much larger domain that you can act within and solve problems within by connecting your skills. And so this field of awareness that you create by mastering or not necessarily mastering, but understanding one skill and then the next and then the next and then the next and then the next and your personal interests and your experience in life and all of these different things, you're expanding your field of awareness. And that is where you can solve creative problems. That is where you're going to make money. So commit to the path stack evergreen skills for profitability, which is the medium message and results oriented skills stack personal interests for individuality and then stack experience for nuance and navigation of the domain. Give yourself 20 years, not two weeks, ending it here.
好的,接下来也是最后一个要讲的事情是领域的渐进性认知。因为当你学会一种技能时,围绕它的认知领域会随之打开。对吧?所以让我们尽量描述一个画面。假设这是你学会的技能,而围绕它的领域就像在黑暗房间中的一盏灯,就像黑暗房间中的一根蜡烛。所以你使用这项技能进行导航,它使你意识到你可以学会或掌握的其他技能和机会。当你学会这些后,又会打开一个新的认知领域。这样你就有了两个相连的领域,然后是第三个,第四个,直到形成一个完整的循环。现在,你对这个更大领域有了认知,可以在其中通过连接你的技能来解决问题。 所以,通过掌握或者并不一定是完全掌握,但至少理解一种技能,再到下一种,再到下一种,再到下一种,以及你的个人兴趣和生活经验,你在不断扩展你的认知领域。这样你就能解决创造性的问题,并且这是你赚钱的地方。因此,投入到这个过程中,积累常青技能以获得利润,这是有中等回报的消息,并注重结果导向的技能,积累个人兴趣以体现个性,然后积累经验以增加领域的细微差别和导航能力。给自己20年的时间,而不是两周,结束。

The first business course that I bought was a six figure agency course. That was six years ago. Before that, I didn't really see the value in courses. And I see people talk about this quite a bit. It used to be very common where people just don't trust courses at all. And I was the same way. I didn't trust courses. I didn't trust the people selling them. I knew that all of the information could be found online, whether it be from YouTube videos or less expensive courses like on Udemy, but that never worked. I didn't see any results with it. And it's clear why it's because the information is so scattered. And even on social media platforms, I know this well, right? This is what I do is in order for me to grow, which is main priority, right? I don't want to be stuck at zero subscribers posting into the void, just hoping someone finds my hyper valuable content.

You have people are playing the game of catching attention delivering some form of value, whether it be just educational actionable advice or entertainment or a mix of both. But it's usually short, sweet, and just focused on high performing topics. And the topics like most of the topics inside of the six figure agency course that I took, if you would have put those online in a separate video without people showing intent by actually purchasing a course, nobody would talk about it. It's just so fucking boring. And nobody wants to actually sit down and listen to those things. And especially when there is not any money or pain on the line to actually implement the strategies that you are purchasing, it just doesn't make sense.

There's a lot of psychology involved in purchasing a course, putting something on the line, actually forcing yourself to sit down with the boring strategies and implement them, right? Rather than just looking for some form of entertainment online and hoping that you can find the perfect balance of entertainment and value so that you can just endlessly consume content while doing nothing about your life. And don't act like you're immune to this. Nobody is immune to this. I'm not immune to this, right? I click on things mindlessly on my phone and end up watching for a minute before I realize like, what the fuck am I doing? Why am I actually watching this? I could be doing something better.

And so when I was fed up with my multiple business attempts and just trying to learn online and learn the fundamentals and buy books and other things, I was fed up, frankly, I didn't want anything to do with the space anymore. But I wanted to give myself one last try. So I researched the best or the latest and greatest business models to get into something that could take me to six figures and income, which at the time, like it's a good thing to aim for six figures at the start. But you soon realize that that is just the beginning of all of this.

So I found a dude that had a good reputation. His name's Billy Wilson. If you want to go research him, I haven't looked at him very much in the past. But Billy Wilson, I paid $9.99 or $9.97 for his six figure agency course. And it was a great course. I learned a lot from it. But it was a huge chunk out of my finances. I was like, at my final straw where I had tried so many different business models. This one had to work or else I go back to coding or getting a web design job. The entire story is a kind of like jumble of multiple business failures, and then eventually getting a job and then eventually making one work. But this course was like me getting dead serious about making all of this stuff work.

And so with that with that pressure on the line and me about to drop out of school and deciding whether or not I should actually do the homework and at a part time job at the time, everything just added up to the point where once I saw that first bit of resistance from actually like reaching out to people, cold emailing them, getting on a call, actually trying to make the business work, it all made sense. But there's just so much pressure in my life that it all felt pieces I didn't get results. And I ended up having to get a job because that was, it made the most sense at the time. And so this course, again, was great. It taught me about the applicability of copywriting, sales, marketing, funnels, paid ads, all of these things that I had been learning about like compartmentalized through my YouTube research and on social media, this was all packaged up clean.

Here's how it all works in the form of an agency business model. And so I went on to take this because now it makes sense for almost any business model. It's like, I need this piece, I need this piece, I need this piece, I need this piece. And if you want to understand those pieces, check out the one person business model playlist that I have and the $1 million skill stack, where I go over like which skills you should learn in order to apply to almost every single business model. So there were three things that destroyed my chance at success here. And this is on top of the pressure in my life.

The first was that I didn't give a flying fuck about running a Facebook ads agency. I didn't want to actually work on my business. Second thing is that cold emailing local businesses was time consuming, stressful, and none of them had the money to pay me. Now, of course, I could target richer people or people that had more money. But eventually, I found a solution to this after seeing some success with web design and cold email. This is why I always recommend starting a personal brand now. It's the future. If you're not already on the train, I don't know where you've been. I don't know what videos you've been watching.

But personal brand have leads come to you and have an authoritative profile. So when you actually do cold DM people, it is much better than a random email showing up in someone's inbox. Now I'm not saying it's bad all around. It's a very good strategy. I'm just saying for most people, it makes 1000% sense to start delivering value via a personal brand. If you're afraid to write content for free, then you shouldn't even be thinking about working for a client, your first client without much experience. It goes both ways. You have to start. You don't have to fake it till you make it. But you have to start posting and delivering value that you are learning and that you are going to help clients with anyways, in exchange for a lot of money.

It doesn't make sense why people don't start a personal brand. And the third thing was I was never confident in my niche. And that led to an immense amount of friction and shiny object syndrome. So this whole Facebook ads agency that the journey along with it taught me a lot that a lot of things that I would use in my future business models. And it identified a problem that would repeat time and time again, when I started these businesses, or when I had something going well, I would always come back and question what is my niche, right? Choosing a niche is the biggest problem ever in this crater economy. Everyone talks about it. And I mean, I work directly with people in modern mastery and digital economics. It's just a recurring issue time and time again.

So it's been on my mind time and time again to try and deliver a solution, right? Because that's what you do as a creator is you take problems and you think about them, you contemplate, you research, you write your own stuff, you pull from your direct experience and my experience growing. And long story short, this is what I've found. But before we dive in, there is a new style of cohort that I'm running. It starts on February 7th. I would recommend you check it out links in the description.

In short, we're going to be creating your niche of one. And this is all as a personal brand, creating your niche of one writing 20 plus foundational piece of content. I'm going to be writing them with you on the screen. And we are going to outline a growth strategy for your social media. In reality, it's just networking, but how to network properly, build relationships, get new opportunities, whether it be a job opportunity freelance clients, or just meeting great people that'll help you grow. All of that is 150. Right? This isn't an expensive cohort.

Like I've ran in the past where it's 999 or even 2000. It's 150. Right? For all of that good stuff. So check it out. Hope you enjoy it. Hope I see you in there. Let's make this whole one person business thing simple. One, build for yourself. Two, write to yourself. Three, sell to yourself. There are millions of people with the same interest problems and desires as you. And you only need to find a fraction of them. The most profitable niche is you. So that Facebook ad agency that we talked about earlier wasn't my first business business attempt and it wasn't my last. So somewhere along this journey of mine, I stumbled or I started logging on to Twitter more.

And some guy, Jose Rosado came across my page with like a self improvement tweet, like a harsh truth. And I'm like, Oh, Twitter isn't all memes and bullshit. I can actually find people giving out value on Twitter. And surprisingly, after I followed him and more people showed up on my feed. And I was exposed to this money Twitter, people were giving out incredible advice that I was just like taking left and right. And eventually, it just made sense to start a personal brand on Twitter. And so that's what I started doing. But one thing made me stand out amongst all the others. That is I didn't have a static niche. So before this, we're all over the place here.

But before this, I was doing web design and funnels for serve, service businesses. And then I pivoted that offer as marketing consulting for creators, because that's who I wanted to work with at the time, right? We're the people that I was following, the people that I looked up to, it only made sense that I try and work with the people that inspire me, right? So reposition my offer to marketing consulting, which is pretty much the same thing, where I'm helping them with web design, funnels, copywriting, all of the things that go into that for a service business.

But I offered consulting rather than freelancing simply because I am a creator. And I knew they were a creator. And since they're a one person business, I understand that they want to do it on their own, right? That offer would be more profitable than me doing it for them, because I would just be teaching them. But I didn't only talk about my marketing consulting, right? Or marketing or funnels or web design. I talked about whatever I wanted to in a way that was interesting to other people.

In other words, I had to introduce them to the importance of the topic I wanted to talk about in order for them to understand. If I wanted to talk about emotional management, I would if I wanted to talk about fitness and nutrition, I would if I wanted to post an aspirational piece of content, I would 80% of my content did not revolve around the thing that I was selling. And it didn't matter. Why would it?

If I can be interested in both fitness and business, so can other people, other people can have the exact same interests as me. And even if they don't have those interests, then I write a tweet where we're going to go about that over this in two videos from now where I write content with you in the video self awareness as a whole is like the biggest business hack, right? Because you have to think about how you would actually view content, like do you only follow business people? Do you only follow fitness people? It just doesn't make sense when you actually think about your own actions. If something shows up on my feed about fitness, I feel like anyone can become interested in fitness.

If it is the right tweet, right? That's the entire challenge is how do I introduce you to the importance of a topic like fitness? So I could say 10 reasons you need to get into the gym that applies to anyone. And if the reasons are good, then it's shareable. People are going to follow you. And then if you want to talk about business and you go, here's 10 reasons to start a one person business. It's the same thing, right? You have to start broad and beginner level.

And then that's top of funnel, funnel social media. That's how you grow. And then once you get them into your newsletter or into your lead magnet, or some other kind of funnel that educates them in alignment with the service that you have to offer, that's where the sales come from, right? Because you aren't and shouldn't be promoting in all of your content. It just doesn't make sense to do that. And if you can create a system that bakes in promotions, then you have much more free space in your mind to talk about whatever you want. Right.

So if I want to sell a product or service, here's exactly what I would do. First, talk about whatever I want in an interesting way that leads to growth to craft a three week long strategy based on the topics in the product or service. This builds authority. And it's what I'm doing right now with solopreneur sprints, right? Pay attention. Did I talk about business in the last letter? Or did I talk about whatever I wanted? The third is start beginner level for the sake of customer awareness and increase to advanced as it gets closer to launch. Right long, medium, and short form content from the top down, the promotions write themselves.

And then the fifth, systemize what worked and incorporate promotions throughout the week to keep sales high, like bi-weekly threads on a topic around you offer. So if I offer web design, and let's say I talk about whatever I want, fitness, business, self improvement, philosophy, anything throughout the week, every single Tuesday and Thursday, I write a web design and business specific thread, right? And at the bottom of that thread, I have a promotion of my offer. I can, that's a system that I can milk endlessly. And if those threads are good, and they tackle a common problem, they give value like you understand persuasion, that's how you make sales.

Alright, so let's create your niche of one or the niche of you. Here's a graphic, you are the niche. Let's look at this, because this is important. On the left, we have the start of a story and the highs highs and lows associated with it. So people have the desire to change and that is around where your customer is right now. And then when you had the desire to change, you had to learn educate yourself, acquire skills, and actually take action to gain experience that you can teach other people. And that entire journey represents your unique path in life that you that's what content ideas are.

And then upwards, where it says you are here, you see how you're just a bit ahead of your potential customer or a follower. And then you are working towards your ideal future. And now your ideal future is not marketing web design or some hyper specific niche, right? It is very big, broad, I'm sure resembles the good life. And that is unique to every single individual. And how you are going to achieve that good life is unique to you. Are you going to study spirituality? Maybe you like philosophy more? What part of philosophy do you like stoicism? What are the other things? What kind of business model are you going to talk about? Right? Is it going to be a creator business? Is it going to be a freelance agency, e-commerce? What's it going to fucking beat?

Next, health, everyone needs health health, wealth relationships? So are you going to talk about health every now and then? Because in your future, your ideal future, you want to have high energy so that you can put effort into your business. So what are you doing health related to do that? And how can you incorporate that in your content to make you stand out from other people? Because you already have the systemized promotions in place to sell your offer and monetize.

So from a spiritual or philosophical lens, your brand is yourself, right? It is a concept. And that brand can be an outcome of a repetitive business ideology that has been conditioned into your head. So if you've only been studying freelancing and haven't dug into like Facebook ads agency, for example, and broaden your perspective to collect that collect aspects of that perspective and bring it into your worldview, then you're going to, it's going to end in a lot of pain and suffering because you're going to think your business model is the best, just like religions do, or even sports teams do. And you need to take a step back, zoom out and create your brand as something unique as something that is you without attaching to any specific ideology. And instead, creating a holistic philosophy for your own brand.

So let's walk through how to recreate yourself as a brand. First is map your ideal future. How is your story going to end? Will it result in peace, health, and fulfilling work? Or do you have no idea how it's going to end up your story is what separates your personal brand apart? Because every single person's story is niche, individual, and unique. And if you don't have a vision for the future, one, watch the society as a pyramid scheme video, I believe so. But if you don't have a vision for your future, how are you going to educate and execute in a conducive manner towards that vision? How are you going to take directional action in order to gain experience in life and pass that experience down?
那么,让我们一步一步地讲解如何将自己重塑为一个品牌。首先是描绘你的理想未来。你的故事会如何结束?它是以平静、健康和充实的工作为结果吗?还是你完全不知道自己的故事将会怎样结束? 你的故事就是让你的个人品牌与众不同的地方,因为每个人的故事都是独特的、个性化的,并且是独一无二的。如果你没有一个对未来的愿景,可以去看一下关于社会是一个金字塔骗局的视频,我是这么认为的。但如果你没有对未来的愿景,你如何能够以有利于实现该愿景的方式去教育和执行?你如何采取有方向性的行动,以便在生活中积累经验并将这些经验传递下去?

Second is intelligent imitation. When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism. But when you take from many writers, it's called research. That is a well-known quote from Wilson Mizner. But it's the whole steel like an artist thing. So my voice or tone or message is a combination of the voice tone or message that I like from other people, right? I read books and I figure out, I like how this guy said this one thing. I'm going to take that or at least take note of it and then practice it later. Or, hmm, I like how this guy talks about flow. I want to talk about that too. Or like on the flip side too, we've talked about anti vision and vision before and having like a good and bad thing to observe and allow you to choose or make the right decision accordingly. But if I see something that I don't like where it's like, I don't like how this guy's writing, it sounds to like airy fairy. I get that from the power of now.

I love that book, but I want to be able to distill those concepts to the people that don't really resonate with the way that he's saying it, right? I need to come at it a different way in order to attract a new audience to that very life changing message. And so the same, it's the same with everything. It's not only my voice, but my brand. What colors do I like? What are like minor button details on my website like the rounded edges? It's everything. That's what creativity is. It's either taking one thing like an idea and then deconstructing it into parts and then reconstructing it like mental Legos, or it's taking those parts from other people and then reconstructing them into your own. So this works for anything, but here's what you're going to do. Write down the books that impacted you the most. Write down the creators, authors, or public figures whose style you love the most, immerse yourself in their work to condition your mind to think in that style. Write down their tone, voice, and what makes them great. Research their products, landing pages, and every detail about how they make an income.

In short, create a tribe of mentors and exclusively consume their content. You won't have to copy them directly if you're so immersed in their work that your subconscious bursts original ideas for you from those things, right? You'll notice that you naturally start to talk in that way. So the third thing is book to brand content. The path of the problem solver or value creator is how you escape the world of replaceability. Fall in love with the challenge that problems present from superficial to metaphysical and your ideal future will create itself. This is the infinite game. So every story has an ideal outcome or a goal.

And then on the path to that goal, there are a series of highs, lows, emotions, battles, mistakes, and solutions to the problems that you find along the way to be systemized. So here's how you turn your brand or yourself into a niche that houses your content, products, or services. Treat your ideal future as the end goal of the story. Make note of your past. There are select few pivotal moments that can be your starting point of the book. Write down an outline of the book. What are the chapters that must be included to reach the end goal outline key points for each of those chapters? Seriously, do this.

This is book to brand. You take a book, you map the ideal outcome of your future. Right? That's the angle point A is where you are now or one of those pivotal points in your life that made you want to change. And then in between those are chapters and sub chapters and those act as your content ideas. Right? And then you fill them in by writing newsletters, condense those into threads, condense the threads into posts like tweets, Instagram, reels, TikToks, whatever it may be. And then over time, let's say you want to write a book like I am, this is exactly what I'm doing for my content. And this won't be immediate. You're not just going to write out the chapters all at once.

You're going to write down two or three. But then you have some form of an outline and then you have something that will allow new ideas and experiences to register in your awareness and you'll be able to connect it to that outline and come back and start filling it in as you experience life, read books, read content from your tribe of mentors that you created, etc, etc. So number four is to write your story. So your story is what makes you unique and relatable. And if you've been paying attention, you can see at the very start of this video, I started with a personal experience around a topic that I wanted to talk about in order to frame the situation, my six figure ads agency course that I bought.

I'm sure that was quite relatable with a lot of you, because the story and the relatable aspects of a story give people hope and makes them aware of the possibility that it is possible to overcome the low point of life that they're in or to take advantage and double down on the high point. So we we just talked about this, but for the sake of repetition, because it's important, write the sections of each chapter as an article or newsletter, repurpose that writing into a podcast or YouTube video, condense the main points into a thread, carousel or LinkedIn post, rewrite those main points as engaging tweets, turn those tweets into real scripts and posts for other platforms. This process gives you a multi-dimensional understanding of the topic that you are writing about, right? Because a tweet is a big idea. It's not super actionable. It can be, but an article, you're fleshing out so much more, you're connecting different ideas. And as you do this, this will change your life over six months, right? I have so many fucking reasons to tell you guys to start a personal brand. And that's all my videos are is like, Hey, here's all the reasons. Start one already. Because I genuinely, I genuinely don't think that a creator is a business model. It's a life philosophy, right? Just apply to the internet.
我相信你们中的许多人都会感觉很有共鸣,因为故事和与故事中可共鸣的部分给人希望,并让人们意识到他们有可能度过人生的低谷,或者在高峰时期加倍努力。因此,我们刚刚谈到了这一点,但为了强调其重要性,再次重复一下:将每章的部分写成文章或新闻通讯,然后将这些内容重用为播客或YouTube视频,将主要要点浓缩成一个线索、旋转木马或LinkedIn帖子,将这些主要要点改写成有吸引力的推文,再将这些推文转化为其他平台的实际脚本和帖子。 这个过程让你对所写主题有了多方面的理解,对吧?因为一条推文是一个大的想法,它并不是非常可操作的。虽然有时也可以,但写一篇文章时,你要充实得多,会连接不同的想法。当你这样做的时候,它将在六个月内改变你的生活。我有太多的理由告诉大家去建立个人品牌,这也是我所有视频的内容:嘿,这些都是理由,赶快开始吧。因为我真心认为,创作者不仅仅是一种商业模式,它是一种生活哲学,只是应用在互联网上而已。

And another thing is that if you remember the best ways to learn from my video, learn new skills fast, teaching is one of them, right? Everyone's afraid to teach when teaching is how you learn. You don't have to lie. You just be honest. Like, Hey, I learned this today. How interesting is this? Or if you do something like, why should you start a one person business? Just give off your honest experience in a bullet point list. It's like no one's stopping you, but yourself from writing and producing some form of value in the world. So number five is when in doubt, zoom out two steps to happiness. Zoom in on what's important. Zoom out from everything else. The solution to struggle is perspective.

This journey is difficult. You will struggle to articulate your niche, because nobody wants to put themselves in a box. And so for now, I'm just putting it on your radar that you can completely you can completely forget the traditional niche down advice of choosing like the most profitable market with someone that you don't want to work with in any capacity, using a skill that you don't want to use in any capacity, you can create your own niche. And if this is a problem, like if you can't fully understand this yet, that's a good thing. So what I would recommend you do, because the reason it's not making sense to you and you lack understanding is because you let's say there's a dot here, and there's a dot here, and you're missing the dot here that allows those to connect and give you that aha moment in your mind, right? So you lack experience. So what you need to do is start anyway, immerse yourself in information that has the potential to solve that problem. Read books by courses, by listen the podcast, just immerse yourself in the information, drown yourself in the information to the point where when you fuck off and do nothing, or you zoom out or you go on a walk, then ideas won't stop coming to your brain and things will start to make sense because your subconscious mind is working to solve that problem.

People want to follow humans. They don't want to follow a search engine with a face on it. And with the rise of chat GPT and future iterations of language AI, authenticity is more important than ever. Now I have kind of a lot of views or predictions for chat GPT. I don't think we've reached a point where we can draw conclusions about who or what specifically it's going to replace, but replacements are on the horizon. And I talk about writing a good amount. And so I clearly get questions like, hey, what are writers going to do? Are writers out going to be replaced by AI? And in short, my beliefs fall along the lines of if you think you're going to get replaced by AI, you're going to get replaced by AI. So you need to upskill yourself or become more authentic. You see, everyone is desperate for human connection. And frankly, social media is not delivering on that, right? I teach social media, in a sense, I was a brand advisor in my past, was a marketing consultant at one point, they're all kind of the same thing. It's just dependent on who I'm targeting and how I position the actual offer.
人们想要追随的是人类,不是长着一张人脸的搜索引擎。随着ChatGPT和未来语言人工智能的发展,真实性变得比以往任何时候都重要。我对ChatGPT有很多看法或预测。我认为我们还没有达到可以断定它具体会取代谁或什么的地步,但取代的可能性已经在不远处了。我经常谈论写作,因此我收到的问题很明显,比如:“作家会被AI取代吗?” 简而言之,我的信念是,如果你觉得自己会被AI取代,那你就会被AI取代。因此,你需要提升自己的技能或变得更真实。每个人都渴望人类的联系,坦白说,社交媒体并没有满足这种需求。我教授社交媒体课程,曾任品牌顾问,也做过营销顾问,实际上这些工作本质上相似,只是取决于我的目标受众和实际提供服务的方式不同。

So I've consulted with a bunch of different creators and influencers and coaches and all these other people that use social media as their primary method for generating traffic. It seems kind of weird because like, that's kind of what I do is I use social media as a modality for attracting traffic, because it's so fucking big, right? There isn't really any other choice. I love working with creators. And so that's what I do. But you have to understand that most people aren't being authentic. You go to someone's profile, and it's either all promotions, or it's all just like actionable advice, which is good. And people tell you to post, but it's the same shit you could find online. And by online, I mean, like, you can type into Google and get the same answer, right? That's not going to separate you from the crowd or make you any more authoritative than the next person with their writing or just content on social media.

So authenticity from my predictions will be the differentiating factor between those that get replaced and those that make the most money possible. Money isn't the only reason to do this, of course, but that's a driving factor for a lot of people. And that's what gets people interested in this. And then once they develop that philosophical sense of mastery behind the writing itself, then it becomes much more meaningful. It's like, when you get into the gym, because you want to just get jacked in big muscles, but if you do not back that with a solid why an intrinsic reason to continue doing that, then it's just a superficial shallow pursuit. And you're going to wake up one day with the body of a 60 year old, but with the mind of a 15 year old.

And so this is a reason authenticity is one, but just diversification of interest in general is why I talk about business, content, writing, philosophy, spirituality, some different mixture of things here and there. And I like to think of it as like diversifying your stock portfolio, right? Because then if one goes to shit, you're not absolutely fucked. And so it's the same thing with interest in building your personal brand. If like one doesn't get much engagement, you weren't stuck to that. And just in this cycle, like if your main money making interest doesn't get a lot of engagement, or you're just not good about writing about it, then your brand is kind of stuck in this terrible place. And it's going to screw with your head and make you want to quit, make you want to call everything a scam, and just pack it up and go sell a product for someone else because you hate selling, you hate people selling products and you don't realize that the way to get out is to sell a product.

So I'm rambling a bit, I'll start to keep it focused from here. But I've worked directly and indirectly with over 5000 creators, some one on one, some not one on one with courses, etc. I've just worked with a lot of people. And this seems to be the most pressing problem for them. Aside from the last problem we talked about, which is creating your niche of one or choosing a niche, that's a huge problem. The other huge problem is being able to incorporate your interests in a way that is interesting, but still maintains all of your brand pillars, right? You need to make an income from it or else you can't do it full time. You have to stand out or else chat GPT is going to replace you maybe. And this makes people quit before things start getting good.

And so for some authority and just some backstory, because it's weird, as I said, a creator telling creators what to do, I started as a freelance web designer pivoted into funnels, understood marketing a lot more, started to position marketing consulting, switching out of done for you work for service businesses. And then when I got online and more immersed in the creator economy and saw that it was the future and that it is the new economy, that's for another video. But then I repositioned that same offer for creators, right? And that's where it kind of gets weird because I'm a creator at that point, I'm a personal brand. And so I started as a creator three years ago.

And I did things kind of like, I love testing things, right? I love going against the grain. So I launched a product immediately because I had experience and I had clarity on what to do. I made a good amount of money with a low following by freelancing and not relying on my following for my clients at that point, and leveraging other people's audiences via affiliate or just networking with them, which we'll talk about in the next video for actually selling my product, right? Because it doesn't make sense to try to sell like a $50 product directly in the DMS. That's just not sustainable. You're not going to make a lot of money doing that.

But with a freelance service where you're charging one, two, $3,000, then yeah, you get two or three clients a month and you're good to go. The other thing that I did was I wrote about whatever I wanted to, right? I wasn't in that scarcity mindset of, Oh, I need to make money from my audience immediately. So I'm like, I'm going to talk about self improvement. I'm going to talk about my fitness journey sometimes. I'm going to talk about emotional management. Oh, I'm reading this book. That sounds cool. I like this idea. I'm sure my audience would like it as well. I'm going to share it with them.

And then when it came to actually promoting my services, I would include web design here and there, like actionable tips, but I'd approach it from a broad lens where it's like why you should learn web design, right? Because not only does that attract beginners, you have to understand that if I'm selling web design to someone, that means that they're a beginner, whether I'm doing it for them or not, whether I'm charging high prices or not, they don't know much about web design. So not only I'm attracting two types of people there, I'm attracting people that just want to learn web design.

And I'm attracting people that potentially need web design done for them. So not only can I sell a product that teaches people how to do web design, but I can also sell a service that allows me to do web design for them. And when I build this audience from this multi directional approach, then I have so much more room for leverage, where if I ever want to pivot out of client work, which I did, then I have a base audience there that allows me to still use that same skill set and help them with it.

And so let me make this very simple for those that don't know how to incorporate their interests into their content. Write about whatever you want in a way that's interesting to practice your writing and persuasion. And when you plan to promote create a promotion schedule, you weren't just promoting randomly, I hope, where it's like, yeah, I'm going to promote under this post, I'm going to promote under this post. And then when I don't promote, I'm going to get mad about why I'm not making sales.

And it's because I lack structure of my promotions, pull out your calendar and just create a system start writing down, I'm going to promote on this day, this day, this day, and make it so it's balanced, right? So you aren't promoting all the time. And then when it's time to promote, just incorporate more content related to what you're promoting around the promotions. And then with time, you review that promotion strategy or schedule. Every single month, see what went right, see what went wrong, self reflect, and improve your system over time until you have something that is maintainable experience will teach you much more than I can with this.

So before we dive in, I know that these mid role promotions can get annoying, but solopreneur sprints starts on February 7th, we will build the base of your one person business by creating your niche of one writing 20 plus foundational pieces of content. I write it with you on the screen and learning how to network the meet friends grow and just have a strategy for actually sustaining brand growth. And this is the last promotion. So you don't have to worry about another one in the next video. But if you're interested, links in the description, check it out.
在我们深入讨论之前,我知道中途插播的广告可能让人烦躁,但我要告诉大家,Solopreneur Sprints将在2月7日开始。在这个课程中,我们将为你的一人企业打好基础,包括创建你自己的独特市场、撰写至少20篇基础内容。我会和你一起在屏幕上写作,还会学习如何社交、结交朋友、发展并制定实际可行的品牌增长策略。而且这是最后一次广告,所以你不必担心下一个视频还会出现。如果你感兴趣,链接在描述中,快去看看吧!

So if you have no idea what to write about, you need to check out the last video, which is called the most profitable niche is you in that video, we mapped out your story, right? We created a book for you that you fill in with chapters and then you write those chapters with newsletters, content, break it down into short form posts, reels, tweets, Instagram posts, etc. Because you have to understand like a lot of people don't know what to write about or if they should write about specific interests, paint it like this, you need a goal, you need a goal for your ideal future. What are you working towards? Right? Think about that. Now, what interests help you get there? And if you have interests that you want to talk about, filter it through that, right? If I want to talk about spirituality, but I'm, I have a product that I base my brand around around, let's say marketing, then how are those two connected, right? Marketing connects to psychology, psychology is like a philosophical psychology in a sense. And if if my end goal is to just live autonomously and be sovereign, spirituality is going to play a huge role in that. So it makes sense to incorporate it in your content. So the first step is to just choose two to three interests that you want to write about.
所以,如果你不知道写些什么内容,你需要去看看我们上一个视频,题为 "最赚钱的小众市场就是你"。在那段视频里,我们梳理了你的故事,对吧?我们为你创建了一本书,你需要将各个章节填进去,然后用新闻稿、内容、短文、视频、推文、Instagram帖子等形式来撰写这些章节。 因为你必须明白,很多人不知道该写些什么,或者是否应该写关于特定兴趣的内容。这样想,你需要一个目标,你需要一个理想未来的目标。你在朝什么方向努力,对吧?要好好思考这个问题。现在,哪些兴趣可以帮助你实现这个目标呢?如果你有你想谈论的兴趣,就通过这个目标来筛选它,对吧? 比如,如果我想谈论灵性,但我有一个围绕营销打造的品牌产品,那么这两者是如何联系的,对吧?营销与心理学相连,而心理学在某种意义上也具有哲学性质。如果我的最终目标是过上自主独立的生活,那么灵性就会在其中发挥巨大作用。所以在内容中融入灵性是有意义的。 所以第一步就是选择两到三个你想写的兴趣点。

The second thing we're going to do now is to broaden and break down because most people start when I say write down your interests, most people start by writing down like hyper specific interests, like biomechanical movement for holistic health people. And then they get stressed out when so many, when there aren't many people interested in that even further, they get stressed out even more, which impacts their ability to write good content, because they think if they don't talk about that main specific interest that nobody is going to buy from them. That's not how it works. My friend zoom out. So let's say that my interests are web design, spirituality, and weightlifting. From those, I want to broaden them into the overarching market that they fit in web design would equal online business or business in general, weightlifting would equal bodybuilding or health in general, spirituality would equal self actualization or improvement. And all of those could really be umbrella under self improvement or self actualization, even web design skill acquisition is it plays a major role in self actualization.
接下来我们要做的第二件事是拓展和细化我们的兴趣,因为大多数人在我说“写下你的兴趣”时,都会写出非常具体的兴趣,比如“为整体健康群体设计的生物机械运动”。然后,当发现没有多少人对这些具体兴趣感兴趣时,人们就会感到压力,这进一步影响了他们写出好内容的能力,因为他们认为如果不谈论这个特定兴趣,没人会购买他们的产品。事情不是这样的,朋友们,放宽视野。 假设我的兴趣是网页设计、灵性和举重。我们要将这些兴趣拓宽到它们所属的更大市场中去。网页设计可以归为在线业务或一般的商业,举重可以归为健美或一般的健康,灵性可以归为自我实现或提升。实际上,这些都可以归为自我提升或自我实现,即使网页设计中的技能获取也在自我实现中起着重要作用。

So now that we have three broad markets, we want to deconstruct and break them down into sub markets or sub topics that we can write about over a long term time span with our content. This isn't like one week of content. And your brand just takes off and explodes. This is like six months of content. So you can introduce people to everything that you talk about and everything that you know, this is a long term game. This isn't like a quick direct response Facebook ad that is trying to get you bot get you to buy immediately Facebook ads and personal branding are a lot different. So the beauty in this method that we're going over right now is that if I want to sell something related to like biomechanical movement therapy, then I can just start talking about health as a whole. And then if you understand the customer levels of awareness, I would go research them. But in short, it's like stage one is not aware. Stage two is problem aware. Stage three is aware of the problem. Stage four is aware that there is a solution. Stage five is that they're aware of your product, right?
现在我们已经确定了三个大市场,我们需要将它们分解成子市场或子话题,这样我们可以在长期内写相关内容。这不是一周的内容,而是六个月的内容,你的品牌才能逐步起步和爆发,使人们了解你所讨论的一切和你所知道的一切。这是一场长期的游戏,不像那些试图立即让你购买的快速直接回应的Facebook广告。Facebook广告和个人品牌建设是完全不同的。 我们现在讨论的方法的美妙之处就在于,如果我想卖与生物力学运动疗法相关的东西,我可以先谈论健康整体,然后了解客户的意识水平。我建议你去研究一下,但简而言之,客户意识分为五个阶段:第一阶段是未意识到;第二阶段是意识到问题;第三阶段是承认问题存在;第四阶段是知道有解决方案;第五阶段是意识到你的产品。

All of your audience is going to fall within five of these levels of awareness. And your job is to hit all of these with your content, right? Your promotions only hit that one of the people that are aware and ready to pull the trigger on your product. Well, they can kind of hit product. I mean, solution aware as well. But the other three, where the majority of your audience lies, you have to educate and introduce them to the problems associated with health, and then slowly guide them into how your specific niche interests that you plan to have a product or service around can help them. You are not supposed to just attract people that only know about your interests, right? This is, as I said, this is personal branding, not advertising.

So with those three broad interests that you have, we're going to, you're going to take out a notebook, but I've already broken them down. Right. So we're going to look at this graphic. I call this the topic tree of called it many things in the past, the content pyramid. I like topic tree. So at the top is you, right? This is your niche of one from the last video. Then you break down you into three different interests. So let's say health improvement and business. And then under that, you break those down into topics. Let's just say topics and then beyond that are sub topics, right?

So health breaks down into nutrition, bodybuilding, lifestyle. And then under that there's best exercises, recipe ideas, training programs, intermittent fasting, daily routine, sleep tips, these are all just made up, right? So your job is to cover all of these things that you write down over the six to 12 months that you are writing content. I prefer to do it from the top down.

So like a newsletter, long newsletter that can turn into a YouTube video like this. And then those can be broken down into medium form content, like an Instagram caption, long LinkedIn post, Twitter thread. And then those can be broken down even further or the original newsletter can be used as idea generation for tweets, Instagram posts, Instagram reels, TikToks, YouTube shorts, YouTube community posts, etc, etc.

So I talk about this like breaking them down in writing format into our writer, something you can check out as well. But this is how your brand perception is formed, right? If someone only sees one tweet from you, that's all they know about you, right? But if they see multiple and the the expertise that you have in certain areas, then over the six to 12 months, you're going to allow people to understand who you are, what you do, and why you do it.

So the next thing during this is to remember the three pillars of social leverage. So the three pillars are growth, authenticity, and authority. And when you strike a balance of all of these, which we've talked about in previous one person business series videos, I have a playlist for that. But you just want to approach from the angle of, okay, I need to be building all of these pillars up, right? I need to be growing, I need to be making sales, and I need to be authentic.

So I can stand out from the crowd. So with these top of mind, if you aren't growing pivot, if you aren't making sales, pivot, if you aren't gaining loyal fans, pivot, iterate as you get more real world feedback. And you don't have enough data or feedback after two weeks of doing this shit, you have to post even if it sucks, because even bad posts, their data points, good posts, their data points, you take both, and you dance between the two until all of your content reaches new levels or stages or baselines of development.

If you want to go like an evolutionary psychology lens approach to business. So now let's go. I'm gonna, I want to write some content with you. I've already written them, of course, but we're gonna go over them and break them down. And we're going to do this in writing format. So it would fit in a tweet. And I posted these previously, they did well.

But why tweets? Why? Because they're the perfect length for fitting a 280 character persuasive, heavy hitting message, and keeping concise into the point it really helps with your writing to try and articulate your ideas within 280 characters. And that's the perfect shape for an Instagram post that copy pays over to LinkedIn. They're perfect for short real scripts. These are what I use.

And then the good ones can be turned into newsletter topics. And then you just start to create this endless content flywheel of having a post do well, turning into a newsletter, breaking that down, having new ideas do better, turning that into a post breaking it down, etc, etc. So we're going to be using marketing as the topic here.

So the first file of posts that I want you to write is actionable principles. And that's simple. It's just a list of principles or actionable steps that a beginner can take to start to understand or use marketing as our topic of choice. And this helps you build authority in one interest. And for all of these things that we go over, please keep in mind that you cannot like take away the principles of content writing, you need a hook, you need a body, and you need a conclusion.

And these can overlap if you are writing in like 280 character tweet, but in something like a newsletter, these need to be more fleshed out. So let's dive into the post. Your content sucks because you don't hook in the reader, agitate their problem, relate to their problem, give them a valuable solution. Human psychology will always beat what you think will work clear, not clever.

So at the top, you see, I have a hook in the middle, I have a body with actionable steps or actionable principles relating to marketing. And then I wrap it up with a conclusion, right? I just pretty much give the big idea that I'm trying to put across here. And so I'm writing these on the spot or I did so they won't be perfect. None of my content is it just slowly gets better with time. So try it out. Write one of those tweets on your own pick a topic from the topic tree that you wrote out and practice it. And if you've liked it, actually, if you liked it or not, post it.

So the next style that we're going to talk about is the importance of a topic, which is similar to actual principles, but it illustrates the why, right? It gives people a reason to get interested in a topic. This is where most people suffer because they don't know how to make their interests interesting to other people. It's just importance continually illustrating the importance or the why of something, because that's what really changes human behavior, right? Like if I, I didn't used to go on walks outside, even though I knew how beneficial it was or how many people told me it was. But once I came across the right why, where it's like, I don't need to do like 20 minutes of intense cardio, I could just go on a 30 minute walk twice a day.

And I'd be good when I was trying to cut down for the summer. And then I continued going on a walk, learned that it's kind of a game really started to enjoy it, develop that philosophical sense of mastery behind it. And now it's just it's a part of my day. Marketing is the greatest skill you can learn. Why it pairs with any other skill, it teaches you human psychology, it helps you monetize a niche interest, only a fool expects to make an income without learning the skill that turns scrollers into customers.
当我试图为夏天减肥的时候,我确实做得很好。然后我继续散步,发现这其实有点像游戏,开始真正享受它,并发展出那种背后的哲理感。现在,这已经成为我每天生活的一部分。 营销是你可以学到的最伟大的技能。它可以和任何其他技能相结合,它教你人类心理学,帮助你将小众兴趣变现。只有傻瓜才会期望在没有学习将浏览者变成客户的技能的情况下赚取收入。

So at the top, again, hook, lead into the body where it has three lines of importance, and then a conclusion that wraps it up. And here's another great example from tail and Simmons on Twitter. I came across this and was like, this actually fits perfectly well. But it says few habits will make you feel as good as daily yoga. So yoga is the interest here that some people may not think is interesting other people. So he's introducing people to the importance of it, right? So a daily practice will calm your mind, increase your flexibility, teach you to be present, give you kinky sex positions to try. Right?

That interests a lot of people, whether you like or not. So throwing in like a curveball, not only makes them rethink, Oh, maybe I should try yoga. But it at least puts it on the radar. Right? Remember the five stages of customer awareness, that's going to put it on the radar. And as more content comes from tailing in specific, then they're slowly going to get more introduced yoga. And they may potentially buy a yoga tutorial or a product or a yoga routine from him. Try it within 30 days, you'll feel 10 years younger. So he does a really great job there with the benefits as well. Right?

A lot of people want to feel 10 years younger. So he leverages that. So the next example and the last example that we're going to go over is calling out common mistakes or problems. This helps you establish authority in your interest. Right? It shows like, okay, hey, this guy is helping people solve problems in the thing that I am interested in. And I'm going to listen to him because it sounds like he knows what he's talking about. Stop writing hyper specific content. As a beginner, you should be focused on growth, make your writing relatable, focus on a common problem, talk about the topic from a high level. Don't expect to grow if only a few people would share your content.
很多人都希望看起来年轻十岁。所以他利用了这一点。接下来的例子——也是我们要讨论的最后一个例子——是指出常见的错误或问题。这有助于你在你的兴趣领域中建立权威,对吧?这表明,这个人在帮助别人解决我感兴趣的领域中的问题。因为他看起来很专业,所以我会倾听他的建议。 不要写过于具体的内容。作为初学者,你应该专注于增长,让你的写作更具共鸣性,关注一个普遍的问题,从宏观角度讨论话题。如果只有少数人会分享你的内容,那你就不要指望会有所增长。

So can you see how I'm kind of writing these tweets to like introduce you to this stuff? But you can try that out, right? Tackle a common problem within whatever interest you have, if it's bodybuilding, then maybe it's lifting the weight too fast, right? And you could easily write a tweet about that where it's like, most people lift weight too fast. It's killing your gains. Do this, do this, do this instead. It will make all the difference. I just wrote a tweet on the spot that would probably for a fitness audience with blah, blah, it's relative, it would get a lot of engagement.

Now let's talk about getting the most out of your content, because most beginners, they struggle with seeing the big picture of content creation, right? It's just too overwhelming. There's too many moving pieces and it makes sense. I didn't actually get started with creating content until I had gone through all of these other business failures. And then when I got to actually creating the content, I'm like, okay, yeah, all of this makes sense. This is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. So one thing here to note is when you look like self awareness is the biggest business hack.

I've said that a few times, but it's so true. Just observation and awareness, where if you were to read your content, right, this is like becoming a mind reader, where if you're to read your content from the lens of your audience, would they share it? Would you share it if you were reading it? Do you even like your own content? And if you don't, why are you posting it? And now I don't like, I don't want to make that seem like you're you're not going to like some of your content. But that's room for improvement. And so if if you come to the conclusion that no, someone wouldn't share like or comment on my post, and you don't have a strategy for getting more eyes on it, which we'll talk about in the next video, but how do you expect to grow? Right, you can't just keep posting into the void. If your content wouldn't get like shared and then potentially lead someone to follow, think about that as well. Would if you're reading the content, would you click on the profile, read the bio, and then follow if not, where's the gap? Identify the gap and then close it. So from the tweets that I wrote above, are they authoritative? Yes, will they attract a potential customer assuming that I actually have a product or service and that I occasionally talk about the things revolving around those products or services? Yes, are they so specific that they won't get shared? No, and this is the balance that you have to strike with top of funnel social media. I'm talking Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube and podcast, if you are trying to grow on those platforms, right?
我已经说了好多次了,但这真的很重要:观察和意识。如果你从你观众的角度审视你的内容,他们会分享吗?如果你是读者,你会分享吗?你自己喜欢你的内容吗?如果不喜欢,那你为什么要发呢? 我并不是说你会喜欢你所有的内容,但这意味着有提升的空间。如果你得出的结论是没有人会分享、点赞或评论你的帖子,并且你也没有获取更多关注的策略(我们将在下一个视频中讨论),那你怎么指望自己的粉丝增长呢?你不能只是不断地往虚空中发内容。 想一想,如果你的内容不会被分享、点赞,进而吸引别人关注,那就要找找原因。如果你自己看这些内容,会点击进入你的个人资料,查看简介,然后关注吗?如果不会,问题在哪里?找到问题并解决。 从我之前写的推文来看,它们是否权威?是的。如果我有产品或服务,并且偶尔谈论与之相关的话题,它们会吸引潜在客户吗?是的。它们是否过于具体而不容易被分享?不是。这就是你在通过社交媒体拓展用户时需要找到的平衡点,无论是推特、Instagram、LinkedIn、YouTube还是播客平台都一样。如果你想在这些平台上成长,就必须考虑以上这些问题。

At the beginning, I treated my podcast and YouTube kind of as like, this is what I want to talk about. So I'm going to talk about it. But if it's heavily influenced by the algorithm, then you're going to have to go a bit more broad in some cases on a newsletter. That's really where you can talk about whatever the fuck you want. But with the newsletter, you want to get a bit more specific, because that's usually where you're nurturing an audience towards a more advanced level. So in the upper three to five range of the customer levels of awareness, same thing with a lead magnet, right? This is what some people forget. If I talk about, let's say, emotional management, and I'm selling web design, and I offer a lead magnet on web design, and I lead into that, and it's like, hey, do you want to learn a new skill? Or do you have a business and you want more customers? There's a little bit of a disconnect there, but people are still going to click on it, become educated on it without any of your doing right? Once you write a lead magnet, that content is there, and it's going to be educating as many people that go through it. And then you can either pitch people on your service there, or they're on your email list. So they'll eventually buy once you talk more about web design and hit the right pain point.
一开始,我对待我的播客和YouTube频道的方式有点像是“我想谈什么就谈什么”。但是如果受算法的强烈影响,有时候你就不得不在一些方面变得更广泛一些。然而,在通讯中,你可以随便谈任何你想谈的话题。但是在通讯中你也想变得更具体一些,因为那通常是你在培养受众达到更高级别的地方。所以在客户意识层级上,通常是前三到五的范围内。和引战磁铁(lead magnet)同理,很多人会忘记这一点。如果我谈论情绪管理,而我卖的是网页设计,我提供一个关于网页设计的引战磁铁,然后引导到这上面,就像“嘿,你是否想学一项新技能?或者你有一个企业并且想要更多客户吗?”这中间有点脱节,但人们还是会点击它,自行获取教育信息。一旦你写了一个引战磁铁,那内容就在那里,会不断教育经过它的所有人。然后你可以在里面推销你的服务,或者他们已经在你的邮件列表中了,所以当你更多地谈论网页设计并触及到正确的痛点时,他们最终会购买。

So the next thing to do to make the most of your content, let's say like the three pieces of content that we wrote is to study the best content structures, you do this by using something like tweet hunter or TUMEX on Twitter, or you can do this without TUMEX or Twitter. So you can try this, right? So type into the Twitter search bar from colon vdanko space min underscore faves colon 1000. And so what that does is it only shows tweets from me that have a minimum likes of 1000. You can do more crazy stuff with Twitter advanced search, but that is what I would recommend you do is look at your favorite people, your tribe of mentors, the people you aspire to write like, and just study all of their top tweets and see how they're structured. And then from those structures, you can use similar topics and plug them into that and rewrite them, right?
所以,接下来为了充分利用你的内容,比如我们写的三篇内容,建议你研究最好的内容结构。你可以通过使用像 Tweet Hunter 或 TUMEX 这样的工具在 Twitter 上进行研究,当然不用这些工具也可以。你可以试试这个方法:在 Twitter 搜索栏中输入 `from:vdanko min_faves:1000`。这会显示来自我(vdanko)并且至少有1000个点赞的推文。你还可以使用 Twitter 高级搜索做更多复杂的搜索,但我建议你做的就是看看你最喜欢的那些人、你视为导师的人或者你希望自己写作风格能像他们的人,研究他们所有的热门推文,看看这些推文是如何结构化的。然后你可以从这些结构中汲取灵感,用相似的主题进行创作和改写。

So one of my top tweets I have off the top of my head where it's like the greatest skill is decreasing the gap between idea and execution. So if I wanted to plug marketing into that, I could say the greatest skill of the 21st century is learning to capture attention, right? It can be better than that. But that's just an idea, right? Where the structure, sorry, is already laid out there. And so me plugging in a new topic and testing it out may do well. And then if that does well, that leads into the next thing of how to make the most of your content, which is repurpose the content.

So we wrote multiple lists above, right? And by list, I mean like bullet point tweets. And from those, you can turn those into threads or Instagram captions or Instagram carousels, right? If you go and look at my stuff, this is what I do all the time where if I had that bullet point list of the importance of learning marketing, then the hook of the thread or the newsletter or the Instagram carousel is marketing is the greatest skill you can learn. And then I would use the last line of that one tweet where it's like only fools, expect to make an income without learning the skill that turns viewers into customers. Here are the three things you need to know.

And then I can go over the three points of it pairs with any other skill. It teaches you human psychology, or it helps you monetize a niche interest. So to recap everything we've talked about, you can and should incorporate your interest to make your brand authentic, create a topic tree that you can master in six to 12 months through writing, because teaching and writing are like they go hand in hand, right? You have to teach what you learn in order to when order to identify knowledge gaps in order to learn more and truly become an expert. I do believe that teaching is a modality that the internet has presented for individuals to become experts in a field faster, write multiple list style content pieces to establish authority in your main interest, broaden your writing if you don't think it will be shared, study the best content structures, use them as training wheels and branch off of what you've already written.

This is all you need to get started with content creation. If you pair it with the last video, the most profitable niches you, you are off to an absolutely incredible start in terms of building leverage. And the next video will take that to the next level. So you can learn how to network and grow. And then after that, it's just about learning marketing sales, advertising promotions, how to create a product. And then you have a very holistic brand and potentially your life's work ahead of you.

I'm an introvert at heart. And when I went to college, I was never the first to engage in any type of social or classroom situation. And even my friend group that I still have to this day, we kind of just stumbled upon each other in the dorms. Like they approached me, I forget exactly how it was we were all awkward at the beginning, just getting to school and we're like, Hey, you guys want to go walk to lunch or hang out? And then it slowly built into this, and don't even get me started about speaking in front of the class or going to networking meetups to meet new people, those just turned me off in every single way.

I wanted nothing to do with them. All I wanted to do was sit in my dorm, play video games and work on the side businesses that I was pursuing at the time. And this was before I realized that being introverted isn't about being anti social. Being social is a skill, not a personality trait that can be improved, yet people hide behind their introverted identity to avoid the inevitable discomfort they're going to have to face if they want to see success in any domain of life. Like it doesn't make sense to write off business or something else that requires some form of social interaction, whether it be in business or just relationships or meeting new people. Like thinking of yourself as an introvert in that way and thinking that like 50% of the population that is introverted just doesn't do those things that is completely against the point.

And so that was college, but now we're at the center of a new party, which is social media. And I tried to build a name for myself many times in the past, I started with a fitness YouTube channel went on to create a digital art page on Instagram, even did some photography, a lot of photography actually. If you go to the bottom, like scroll all the way to the bottom of my Instagram page, you can see what I'm talking about here. And then the next thing was building multiple agencies or just freelancing businesses and testing out different tactics for growing and selling on social media. And then that's when I stumbled across Twitter of all places. Seriously, nobody really thought of Twitter back then. And I would argue that still most people don't now, because I thought it was a place for like politics and half bake memes. And the since the day I downloaded it in like 2011, I just remember vividly scrolling on Twitter, not seeing anything that I liked. And then I just deleted it deleted the app from my phone for like 10 years. But one day when I decided to get back on Twitter, a tweet from Jose Rosado, great person go follow him on Twitter, go follow him everywhere. A tweet of his popped up on my timeline. And it was some form of like heavy hitting truth, like a harsh truth.
这就是我的大学生活,但现在我们身处一个新的“聚会”中心——社交媒体。我之前试过很多次建立自己的名气,最开始是做健身YouTube频道,然后是创建Instagram上的数字艺术页面,还做过一些摄影,其实做了很多摄影。如果你划到我Instagram页面的最底部,你会看到我说的这些。接下来的事情就是建立多个代理公司或者是自由职业业务,并测试在社交媒体上如何增长和销售。然后,我偶然发现了Twitter,真的,当时根本没人想到要用Twitter。其实我觉得现在大多数人仍然没有想到,因为我当时觉得那是一个政治和半成品笑话的地方。从2011年下载Twitter的那天起,我就记得自己不停地刷,却没看到什么喜欢的内容,于是我就把这个应用从手机上删了,差不多有10年没有再用。但有一天,当我决定重新登录Twitter时,一条来自Jose Rosado的推文出现在我的时间线上。他是个很棒的人,大家应该去关注他、到处都去关注他。他的那条推文就像是一种重击人心的真相,一种严酷的事实。

And I love that stuff. That's the kind of content that I really like is like, Hey, stop being a little bitch and go do this shit. I'm pretty sure that that was Jose's thing at the time is like stop being a little bitch. And so that resonated really well with me. And so I followed him and I realized that he wasn't just talking about self improvement, he was talking about online business, which was what I was interested in too. So I was like, Oh, this is a steal. This guy's talking about both self improvement and online business. And then by following him, more accounts got exposed to my feed either from people that he retweeted, or that I just came across in the replies, or you know how you find people on social media, it's kind of just like the network effect. And before I knew it, I was drowning in high value money Twitter advice.

And then on Twitter, I lurked without engaging or doing anything. That's the type of person I am. I just don't like engaging. I don't like commenting. I'm an introvert, right? I didn't want anything to do with it. So I just lurked for like six months until I finally realized like it just hit me all at once. I'm like, all of these people are writing the same exact tweets that I could be writing. Like, I enjoy this content because I could do the same thing. They're confirming my beliefs. And so why am I just sitting here consuming when I could be doing the same exact thing? Because they were clearly getting leads followers, sales, they were growing, and actually making an income doing it. And all it took was a little mindset shift or shift in perception to see from that lens of, why am I not doing the same exact thing? I can do all of this. And so that alone, it sounds cliche, but that alone changed the direction of my life.
然后在 Twitter 上,我只是潜水,不参与任何互动。这就是我的性格。我不喜欢互动,不喜欢评论。我是个内向的人,对吧?我不想涉及这些事情。所以我就这样潜水了大约六个月,直到有一天,我突然意识到——这些人发布的推文,我完全可以写同样的内容。我喜欢这些内容,因为我也能做同样的事情。他们证实了我的想法。那么,为什么我只是坐在这里消耗内容,而不是自己也做同样的事情呢?因为他们显然在得到关注者、销售额,他们在成长,实际上也在通过这样赚钱。而需要的只是一点心态的转变或者是看问题的角度转变,从那一刻开始,我问自己,为什么我不做同样的事情呢?我完全可以做到这一切。听起来老套,但正是这样一个转变,改变了我生活的方向。

So here is a graphic to illustrate that the digital world has no barriers. We can see this is the evolution of networking, where 20 years ago, you need college network location, profession status in order to get opportunity today. All you really need is the internet, because in the past, the only way to the top was your network. And your network was limited by your physical location, or the college, the prestigious college that you went to and climbing your way up the ladder, then introverts didn't stand a chance, especially me at that time. If I would have gone to college in the past, I would have been fucked. I would have been out of a job. I wouldn't have been doing anything because I wouldn't be social enough to actually make that happen.

So in the past, you couldn't like we take this for granted, we don't actually sit and think about it. But you can DM a celebrity. And if your DM is good, like if you're a good persuasive writer, which is a skill, right? It's not like just nobody gets access to these celebrities. The people you want to DM, there is a string of words that you can say that will get them to respond. And even in a like a freelancer, an agency owner, their case in the past, you wouldn't be able to just DM a client, walk them through some kind of strategized messaging to open them up to your service, and then get them to pay you twenty five hundred five thousand ten thousand. I know some people are even charging sixty thousand dollars for services through the DMS. Do you not see how fucking insane that is? Like most people would kill for sixty thousand dollars. So if you can just upskill yourself a little bit for three to six months in order to be able to create a freelancing consulting coaching service from the start, start reaching out to people because the digital world has no barriers and then pull in an income for yourself by charging low like five hundred two thousand, getting results, improving your skill stack, charging more, learning how to create a system that solves a specific problem within a specific niche and then charging even more to get more results.

And then by that time, if you're growing an audience and you productize, like it's very clear what people should be doing. But this is all modern. In the past, you had to go to school, you had to get good grades, you had to apply to a prestigious college, get accepted, and then do all of this fancy work to become like rise to the top of the ladder and whatever compartment or department of that education you wanted to go into. And then you had to be extroverted enough to actually form real connections with these people so that they would pass opportunities off to you rather than the next guy. And so in the past, people had the work their ass off in order to get the limited opportunities that were available.

But now there's just an overabundance of opportunities and options that make people overwhelmed uncertain. And so they flock to the secure career systems, you could call them that have been developed over time that the schools are tightly close with. And so think about it, the person that you read just now in the comments, they need a website and you could fulfill that service. And the tweet that you just scrolled by that guy needs a video editor and the person on some subreddit they want to learn how to be happy they have a problem in their life. They're not sure how to solve it and maybe you can come in and help them. The internet gives you indirect access to the 4.9 billion people that are on it. And all it takes is one piece of content, right?

This is all media. This is all content where it takes one piece of content for someone to like just it'll just land somewhere, right? Let's say it was a good piece of content, someone retweeted it, then a big account saw it, they retweeted it, and then another huge account saw it got put on a meme page, maybe it got mentioned in the news, this is like way overly optimal case, but this can happen to anyone, right? It's just a matter of learning how to write a good piece of media, and then having it spread to whatever part of the internet you could get to. And then people know your name, people start to know what you do. And then if you attract them to your audience and you have content going for you, then you nurture them, they get to know you more. And then if you eventually have a product or service that you can offer them in order to pull in an income.

Networking, even though I don't like that word networking just, I like making friends is a better way to put it. But networking is the pillar of my success. Jose Rosado was the first person that I reached out to from my memory. I ended up signing on to his coaching program, which was a great program. This was like three years ago. And the cool thing is about this is that both Jose and I were in like slightly different niches, kind of, we talk about some same things, we talk about some different things. But that just goes to show that like people can be unique, even if we're in very similar domains. And so another example is Joey Justice. If you're in modern mastery, you know who Joey is, if you're on Twitter, you probably know who Joey is.
社交,即使我不喜欢用“社交”这个词,我更喜欢称之为“交朋友”。交朋友是我成功的支柱。从我的记忆中,第一个联系的人是Jose Rosado。我最终加入了他的辅导项目,那是一个非常棒的项目,大概是三年前的事情。特别有趣的是,虽然我和Jose涉及的领域有些不同,我们谈论有些相同的东西,也谈论有些不同的东西。这就表明,即使在相似的领域,人们也可以各具特色。另一个例子是Joey Justice。如果你是现代精通(Modern Mastery)的成员,你肯定知道Joey,如果你在推特上活跃,你可能也知道他。

But we hit it off like way back when when we first both started on Twitter. And now I'm flying out to see him in early March. I've seen him multiple times. He's a very good friend of mine. And it's just crazy what happens when you start actually putting yourself out there. And we helped each other with our services at the start, I helped him get his, I like offered my services to him for free in order for him to get a testimonial for me and to just make his better. And he offered coaching to me. So it's like vice versa. That's kind of how it works in the creator economy is you just make friends, you help each other, and then you use those strategies to help others. And even last year I moved to Texas with Dakota Robertson and JK, Malina that I met on Twitter. And I've also met great people like Justin Welsh, Sahil Bloom, Dickie Bush, I had dinner with Dickie Bush, like a few weeks ago, I've talked with others. It's just genuinely insane what kind of like-minded people that are ambitious in life and achieving good things you can find on the internet if you actually look for them.
但是我们一见如故,就像很久以前我们第一次在Twitter上认识的时候一样。现在,我打算在三月初飞过去见他。我已经见过他好几次了,他是我非常好的朋友。真的很奇妙,当你开始真正展示自我的时候会发生什么事情。我们在一开始的时候互相帮助,我免费为他提供服务,以便他能给我一个推荐,并且提升他的业务。他也为我提供了指导。所以这是一种互惠互利的关系。这就是创作者经济的运作方式,你交朋友,互相帮助,然后用这些策略去帮助别人。还有去年我和在Twitter上认识的Dakota Robertson和JK Malina一起搬到了德克萨斯。我也遇到了许多优秀的人,比如Justin Welsh,Sahil Bloom,Dickie Bush,几周前我还和Dickie Bush共进晚餐,我也和其他优秀的人聊过天。确实令人惊叹的是,如果你真的去寻找,在网上可以找到很多志同道合、生活上有抱负并取得卓越成绩的人。

Because most people don't approach social media with this mindset. They approach social media with the mindset of I want to be educated and entertained. It doesn't even cross their mind that they could reach out to this person and become friends with them. I'm talking about like people that are within a similar follower range as them and then grow together and offer their value in front of potentially 4.9 billion people on the internet. So if you're in this creator game or this one person business game, if you're not on social media, you've already lost. This is kind of a given. I don't care if it's like paid ads or building a personal brand in general. I recommend building a personal brand, but if you're not on social media at all, I don't know what you're doing. And then go and talk to any creator or one person business owner that you know and ask them what the most important part of their success is and they're going to tell you it's networking.

If they don't, I don't know what to tell you. So when you don't have an audience, which everyone does not have an audience at the start, DMS are how you get in front of people and you start making connections freelancers understand this well for landing clients. But the average person that is just trying to grow on social media, they don't see the importance of it. And so that's what this video is for. Because I've seen I've seen people land job offers, right? This isn't only for people that are trying to start a business. This is for anyone that is looking to advance their career. I've seen people with tweets that go viral when they have very low followers, simply because they are friends with someone that has a lot of followers and they shared it. And so people usually fall into two camps here. First is that they don't understand the sheer power network effect of DMing people on a consistent basis. The second is that they don't understand that you can get large accounts to share your post if you are strategic enough.

So this is clearly about how to send a good DM, but most people suck at sending DMS or they don't know how to do it. So I want to preface with this, like no shade on you if you've done this before, but from here on out, never ever ever ever ever fucking ever send a DM that starts with starts and ends with high or hey, how are you? Can you follow me back a straight sales pitch with no prior connection, a long block of text that takes too much time to read, especially if the sentences aren't spaced out. You have to approach DMS tactically, especially if you're reaching out to big accounts that get 10 plus DMS an hour. I would say that I get 10 plus DMS on almost every single platform, every single hour. And so you have to understand that like, I'm one, I just do not have the physical capability of replying to all of those DMS, especially because it's not just one DM back. It's usually a question and then I answer and then the DMS compound.

So if I start answering people, the number goes from 10 plus DMS to like 40 plus DMS every single hour. So you have to keep in mind that people with a large following that you're trying to get in front of, they're just skimming through DMS to see if they're missing anything important to the point where it's like an email subject line or a hook for a piece of content or a headline for an article, you have to capture attention with what they can see. And you have to be strategic about what you're going to say.

So let's dive into the seven steps to non needy networking. This started out as a guide in digital economics. And then it got repurposed into to our writer to help people get eyes on their writing. And then I put it in modern mastery, it's just a very important process to understand this is foundational for anyone trying to grow a business or just improve their career or just get online. And so the main purpose of this really when we peel it all back is to get your name in front of people's eyes and in their mouths, because even freelancers struggle with thinking that they're just in this constant cycle of I need to reach out to this guy. And then the conversation ends if they never respond. No, if you reach out to 100 people and you were kind and you had value to offer, and you walk through the process that we're going to go through, then they're even if they can't like help you with anything, they're going to have you top of mind for the next person that comes to them and ask if they know anyone that can help with web design, email marketing, fitness, whatever it may be.
那么,让我们深入了解一下「七步非需求型社交」的方法。这个方法最初是作为数字经济学指南而诞生的,之后又被改编为帮助作者让更多人看到他们的作品。然后我把它放在了现代掌握中,这是一个非常重要的过程,对任何想要发展业务、提高职业生涯或在网上自我提升的人来说都是基础性的。 当我们深入探讨这个过程时,其主要目的是让更多人知道你的名字,并在他们的谈话中提到你。即使是自由职业者也常常陷入「需要不断联系别人,但如果对方不回应对话就结束了」的循环中。但实际上,如果你联系了100个人,你表现得友好,并提供了有价值的内容,并按照我们将要讲述的流程去做,那么即使他们现在无法帮助你,他们也会在有人问到是否认识可以做网页设计、邮件营销、健身等方面的人的时候,第一时间想到你。

So the first step is to find somebody that you want to DM, you want to DM, and this isn't exclusive to just making connections. This is crucial for paid work as well. So many freelancers choose niches that they don't give a shit about. And then they're entire, they're just put themselves in this like fucking terrible place where they hate reaching out to people because they hate the people that they're reaching out to. They hate working with the people, so they hate the work that they're doing for the people. And then they just build themselves into another miserable nine to five.

So this is a crucial step is just to reach out to people that you actually want to connect with. So reach out to people that you are inspired by or you would want to work with, you would want to strategize with or you see potential for mutual benefit. And when you're just starting out, you kind of have to work your way up the ladder, right? Because there's so many different moving pieces with all of this, it's impossible to explain one video. But just one example, if if I have zero followers, and I'm reaching out to someone with 100,000, and by chance, they open my DM, and then they look at my profile, there's like, yes, this is a bit superficial, but there's there's not really anything you can offer me. I see zero followers, and I think, okay, we're in the social media game, this guy hasn't put in anytime at all. How is he going to help me?

And of course, there's a lot more nuance to that. And so once you have an audience and leverage, you can really reach out to anyone you want. If you have 100,000 to a million followers, you have a lot more social proof, because that shows that you've been in the game for a while, that you're offering some form of value that is just like a badge saying that like, Hey, I've stuck this out for a bit, and I've actually proven myself. And so when I reach out to someone, and I have like a million followers, I'll get a response from almost anyone. And so you're probably asking, where do I find people to DM? Well, I'm assuming that you follow people that you either want to connect with or can help you grow or that you want to work with, right, you follow at least one of those people.

So from that one person, go and look at their following list, right? This is probably zero to a thousand people that they follow. Look through that list, spend some time going through the accounts, find like minded accounts, or just find people that you'd want to connect with, follow them, start replying to them, engage with them, and then eventually walk through this process of DMing them. The first thing that you send is an inspired compliment. This is step two. So you can find a piece of their content work or just something that they've done that truly inspires you or that you like, or it gave you an insight that you want to share with them. And then you send that to them.

So let's say it's like a tweet that I resonated with, and I'm going to send that person to tweet and be like, Hey, man, explain what I liked about it, and then go from there. And so people love praise. And there's this thing called the law of reciprocity, where if you give value to someone else and praise is a form of value, then they feel obligated to give it in return. So let's let's pretend that I wrote a tweet on managing emotions. This is what I would say. What's up, Dan? This tweet hit me hard. I've been going through it the past couple of days and this instantly gave me some relief. Thank you. And then I add the link to the post they liked. Simple as that. Step number three is to show genuine interest in them. So if they don't respond from this, you can just reach out again in the same manner, send them something that you liked and keep doing that until they respond. And so showing interest is communication 101. Showing interest makes you interesting.

So ask them about their goals, what they're building, what they do for work. This gives you the opportunity to give value, even if you don't have the value to give right now. So let's assume that they just respond with the generic, thank you so much. And that was to the last message. And now you can go to their profile, find what they're working on or just a goal that they have and try to assume it. So if you find what they're working on, you can say something like, what are your next plans for modern mastery? It's been crazy seeing it grow. I'm curious what you've gotten store. If you can't find what they're working on, do you have anything that you're building right now? With that kind of content, you must have something bigger in the works.

Step number four is to lead with value. This is the part that trips most people up because most people don't think they have value to give. So your first options are to see where you can help send actionable tips if you personally have them, or you can send resources, videos, articles, or anything that may help with them building what they're building in accordance with their goal. And so if you have to ask more questions in order to get more specific on what they're building so that you can actually help them with that, then do so. Ask more questions in between these.

So if you have no value to give, you can send a resource that can help them with their goals, connect them with someone else in your network, just continue having a good conversation and showing interest, show that you're interested in helping them. So step number five is to get on a call to make a deeper connection. So this part is optional, but highly recommended. You don't have to get on a call with someone, but I would practice it, right? Especially if you're an introvert, it helps a lot to be able to get on a zoom call and just talk with someone, because making that face to face connection is priceless, right? Especially on the internet where nobody really knows your mannerisms.

They don't know how you talk outside of like a scripted reel or post, and it just helps to mesh on that personal level. And so when I was starting out, I was getting on zoom calls left and right, even if I didn't feel like it, I remember being so anxious one time when I was DMing someone with like 50,000 followers, I was just like, Oh my God, this guy, like it's crazy. I can't believe I'm even getting on a call with him. And then you realize that every single person behind a high following count is human to they're just like you.
他们不知道你在脚本视频或帖子之外是怎么说话的,这有助于在人际层面上融合。所以,当我刚开始的时候,我不停地参加 Zoom 通话,即使我不太愿意。有一次我记得特别焦虑,当时我正在给一个有五万粉丝的人发私信,我当时就想,天哪,这家伙,太夸张了。我简直不敢相信自己竟然和他通话。然后你会意识到,每一个拥有大量粉丝的人都是普通人,他们和你一样。

And so people think that getting on a zoom call is weird, because one, they haven't done it. And it's a lot more normal than you think if you just ask someone, Hey, you want to get on a call and like I can help out with what you're building, or we can just talk shop and have a good time. And so it also helps to just take the conversation to somewhere like Telegram or WhatsApp, where you can send them like a voice message, right? You can make it more personal. And now I mentioned WhatsApp, there's people in the replies of these YouTube videos. I'm gonna get you one day motherfucker.
人们觉得参加 Zoom 电话会议很奇怪,是因为他们没做过。但其实这是很正常的,如果你问别人:“嘿,你想打个电话,我可以帮你解决问题,或者我们可以聊聊,一起愉快地交流一下。” 这也是个好办法,把交流转移到 Telegram 或 WhatsApp 等平台,你可以给对方发语音信息,使交流更具个人化。提到 WhatsApp,还有一些人会在 YouTube 视频的评论区回复:“我总有一天会找到你,混蛋。”

But there's like these scammers that have their name as like WhatsApp and then a number and they have my profile picture. That's so weird. Like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if you guys like click on that you're an idiot. Don't click on those things. Step number six is to follow up with value, right? You've waited some time, you've gotten on a call with them. Maybe there's some space between the messages, the conversation fizzled out, but it helps to strengthen that or just like keep that connection going.

Oh my god, my text guy's calling me. Hey, how are you man? Yeah, sounds good man. I really appreciate it. So when you're following up with value, you want to remember their goals, right? You want to have their goals top of mind. So when you come across something, or you find something interesting, just as you're consuming content, or you're reading books, or you're watching YouTube videos, or you're building stuff out, then you can think to send it to them in order to just continue providing value to them.

I've done this before with like content systems that I built out, or like notion templates that I built out. And if I feel like it'll benefit one of my friends and my network, then I'm going to send it to them and just be like, Hey man, I built this out. Maybe it'll help with xyz. And so if you want like a hard script to practice, I don't recommend like copy pasting any of these just use your own voice. But if I were to give a script, it would just be, I remember you telling me about your plans for their project or goal, I found this today and thought you'd find it helpful.
我以前用自己做的内容系统或者 Notion 模板也做过类似的事情。如果我觉得这对我的朋友或我的社交圈有帮助,我就会发给他们,告诉他们:“嘿,我做了这个,也许对你们的某个项目或目标有帮助。” 所以如果你想要一个硬性脚本来练习,我不推荐直接复制粘贴这些内容,最好用你自己的语气。但如果我真的要给出一个脚本,那就是:“我记得你跟我聊过你的项目或目标计划,我今天看到了这个,觉得你可能会觉得有帮助。”

So it could be a YouTube video, or it could be really anything that you just feel like they would benefit from. So the last step step number seven is to follow up with an ask. Notice how we provided value, we've followed up with value. All of this is variable, right, you don't have to do it exactly in this order. These are kind of just the principles. And if you study influence or persuasion, you'll understand this a lot more.

So I'd recommend like the book influenced by Robert Chaldini. But by this point, you built a pretty damn solid connection without asking for anything yet and understand this is a long game as well. Right. If you're here to just like get a quick payment from them or get like a quick retweet from someone or a quick share, like you may succeed, but it's not sustainable. You're not building an actual like good network that you can rely on. And so at this point, you can ask them to join a mastermind group, send them one of your posts that you've put a lot of time into because they may share or retweet that, right? You don't even have to ask them to retweet it. They could just share it. And the third is ask any specific questions you have for them without paying for consulting. Right.
所以,我建议参考一下受罗伯特·柴尔迪尼影响的书。不过,到目前为止,你已经建立了非常牢固的联系,并且在此过程中没有要求任何回报。要明白,这是一个长期的过程。对吧。如果你只是为了获得快速的支付、快速的转发或者快速的分享,你可能会成功,但这并不是可持续的做法。你并没有在构建一个真正可靠的好网络。 在这个阶段,你可以邀请他们加入一个智囊团,或者把你花了很多时间写的一篇帖子发给他们,因为他们可能会分享或转发这些内容。你甚至不需要主动请他们转发,他们可能会自己分享。另外一个选择是,向他们提出任何你有具体疑问的地方,而不是付费咨询。对吧。

So this is like what a lot of people miss is they'll just shoot a message immediately to someone and expect like a thought out answer when there's no relationship there. And so if you have a burning question that you want answered, then you should practice building a relationship because a lot of the time, I mean, some people do this. I haven't really done it in the past, but I know there's some like big, big people where someone will send them a question because they don't take into account how much time like they're busy people. And so the person will send them like a link and be like, Hey, you can sign up for a consulting call here. It's like a thousand bucks. Right.

And so no one's going to pay that. But if you actually network with this person, you show that you're a cool person and a real person, then you can usually ask questions and get answers because they like you. And so if your plan is to leverage these people for audience growth, then you need to write a tweet that they would think about retweeting, right? So you could write a tweet that mentions a topic that you learn from them. You can write a post on Instagram and tag them in it because you inspired a part of that post. And then when you send that to them, you just be like, yo, just wrote this up and thought you'd enjoy it. It was inspired by our previous conversation. And if they're tagged in it, then there's mutual benefit because if they share it and that post gets traction, it just looks better for them anyways.

And so for DMS, you should be reaching out to people every single day. Right. I'm assuming if you want to become a creator or your solopreneur or one person business, you are in the space to not only learn and produce and meet people. But that's exactly it. Is you're there to meet people? If you like someone's post DM them and tell them you like it. If you like someone's reply, like it, engage with it and just be like, Hey man, I love that reply on the post. Like it's so easy to just send a DM to thank people for what they're doing online.
因此,对于私信(DMS),你应该每天都主动联系他人。如果你想成为一名创作者、单干者或独自经营的小企业主,你应该不仅学习和创作,还要结识新朋友。这正是你存在的目的之一:结识新朋友。如果你喜欢某人的帖子,就给他们发私信告诉他们你喜欢。如果你喜欢某人的回复,就点赞并互动,简单地说一句:“嘿,伙计,我很喜欢你在那条帖子上的回复。” 给人发私信感谢他们在网上所做的事情其实是非常简单的。

And so there's a bonus tip. Number eight, because you might be thinking, Dan won't just take a lot of time. It's like, yes, obviously zoom out and see the big picture. If it's going to take you four years to get a formal education and the degree, and then another 10 years to actually work your way up the ladder to a reasonable salary that you can live with, then it's going to take a few months, years, it's going to take some time to build your own thing. And all of this is ironic because the uncertain or the uncomfortable path or doing your own thing is the only quick fix out there. And when I say quick, I just mean like an expanded time horizon. It could take you two years to start making 10, 20, $50,000 a month by building your own thing. But then people love the certainty of like, Oh, I go to college for four years, I get to take a break. I get to go and work for this cool big status based company, and then work my way up the ladder from $50,000 a year to $100,000 a year, and then get capped there, and then eventually start my own thing. And maybe spend a few years doing that when you could have just done it from the start.

That's why the digital world has no barriers. This is such an important thing. We do not live in the world that we lived in 10 years ago, you live right now and there's ample opportunity to build whatever the fuck you want. And so another thing is bringing your ideal future, the actions you're going to be taking then anyways into the now is something that you should be doing. If you want to be a writer, and you're not writing for 10, 20 minutes, even an hour a day, and then just scaling it up as you are able to make that more sustainable in your life, that's what you do. If you're going to have to DM people anyways, when it comes time to start building your own thing, you should be doing it right now.

So start with DMing two people a day, you like their content DM them, then bump it up to five bump it up to 10. I promise that alone will just change fucking everything. Because the thing with this is like, Oh, you like, why would I do these things if I'm not being paid for it? Do you do you see the dissonance there? There's a huge dissonance where it's like, you're not going to be able to get paid for it until you have enough practice from doing it without getting paid in order to get paid. And preferably it's something you like doing. Like, if you're going to be writing every day in the future and getting paid for it, but you're not writing every day right now, and working your way up in terms of income, then I don't know what you're doing like, I'm feeling feisty today. So just get your shit together.

So Complex sales funnels upsells with countdown timers absurd guarantees and flexing big numbers rented Lamborghinis and beautiful women on a yacht for a paid photoshoot to market the product. That was the state of Internet marketing 10 years ago. And you still see some of it now. And I don't believe it's all bad. Most of the things that I talk about in my videos, I don't actually believe are all bad. I'm just using them to help frame a discussion like I am here. But over the past 10 years, it seems like most of the big names or the things that we are exposed to on the internet, people are people seem like they're walking on eggshells and bending the truth to make an income.

Start an agency. You can make $100,000 fast. So you can learn one skill that you hate to work with people that you hate. Start a drop shipping store. You can ship straight from China. So you can sell useless products and contribute to the cheap dopamine extravaganza going on online. Target this niche and never break out of it. Never evolve. Never incorporate your interest into your work. Always squeeze the most money you can out of your customers. Okay, nobody actually said that, but it was implied in their teachings.
开个代理公司。你可以很快赚到10万美元。你只需要学会一个你讨厌的技能,去和你讨厌的人打交道。 开个代发货店铺。你可以直接从中国发货。这样你就可以卖一些没用的产品,给网上那些贪图廉价快感的人添砖加瓦。 锁定这个小众市场,永远别跳出这个圈子。永远别进化。别把你的兴趣融入到工作中。总是从顾客身上榨取最多的钱。 好吧,没人真的这么说过,但他们教的内容其实就是这个意思。

I don't really care if you go out and do these things. I feel like they can be a decent stepping stone. And I made a tweet the other day about how the most successful people they use unethical strategies and spin them in an ethical way. That is how you start to integrate your shadow, right? It is much better than repressing your emotions and having and starting to unconsciously manipulate people because everyone has a dark side. Everyone has a shadow to think you are absolutely pure is just idiotic and even more egoic than you think because you're thinking it's not egoic. You need a modality or a vessel to integrate your shadow. And so sales, marketing, persuasion, influence, and practicing these things in business in order to sell a beneficial product is a very useful thing to do with your life.

So these things aren't bad. And there's a better way of going about it. And that's why you watch these videos, right? You're subscribed to my channel because you want to create a better life. And maybe you've experienced these business models before and have tried them out for three to six months or however long it takes to start seeing some results. And you're just not content with your results. You're not satisfied with your work. You don't see it becoming fulfilling to you. And that's the entire reason you got into this.

So if you've watched my videos, you know that I am here to tell you that there is a way to do what you want or do what you enjoy and pull in income doing so. And this entire video came about because I was on a zoom call with a guy named Michael in the modern mastery community, one of the members.

And we hit it off and we were talking about the future of the crater economy. And we noticed some patterns because he's deep in the business game. I'm deep in the business game. And we've noticed certain things in the first to just kind of frame this discussion is that the level of markets of sophistication across the board is increasing as a whole. And so market sophistication in this sense is the awareness of the products and services available on the market. Right. So the market right now is pretty dang flooded with all of this shallow cheap advice like how to get laid one on one how to pick up girls how to start this agency business, whatever whatever all of these quick fix products that neglect the big picture of business, right. And without a big picture without being able to see into the future and have that sense of fulfillment or sense of mastery behind what you're doing over a long enough time period, you're going to burn out and you are not going to enjoy your life.

When the entire reason you are doing this is to enjoy your life more. And so with that raising of the level of market sophistication, it's just like the school system, how most of us, especially if you're watching this video, have lost trust in the school system, right? But now people are losing trust in and have not had that much trust for the shady marketing tactics that have been presented over the last decade of internet marketing as a whole.

So to start this off, this is this week's visual, right? So on, this is the future of education in my eyes, where a student instead of going through the school system, which prefers conformity, memorization, standardize tests, convergent thinking, and just becoming a cog in the machine and then being trained into the societal system or the social fabric as an employee, a student will go through the creator economy and be able to pursue their curiosities, find a community, learn relevant skills that you can actually make money with, start a real world project without having or needing any credentials, there's no gatekeepers on the internet, and then acquiring the specific knowledge necessary along the way to become an entrepreneur.

And so a lot of you know my philosophy about how everyone is an entrepreneur, some just decide to get paid for the value they have to provide. I also talk about how entrepreneurship is modern day survival. Our ancestors were entrepreneurs, and they serve their communities, right? In the past, you had a little niche community that in this case, it was like a physical community rather than an unlimited digital community, where you had a specific thing that you could provide inside of that physical community, whether you were a cook or the natural path, right? You helped people heal or you were the doctor or you went out and hunted for food, you created fires, you were taking care of the kids, whatever it may be, things have subtly shifted, right? In terms of like tangible things, but our psyche remains the same, right? And so we have to fulfill the same needs through entrepreneurship.

And so my first point with this to illustrate communities is that reality is not compartmentalized, right? When people go to school, they usually start somewhat broad with like general studies and then they niche down and into a specific compartment, right? They go to for a biology degree or a certain doctor degree, right? They get very specific. And what that does is that neglects the holistic nature of life. And so the same holds true for online business where they tell you to niche down as far as fucking possible. So you can like target a specific problem within that.

But like building an audience and a personal brand is somewhat new, right? More people are talking about it now. And to be quite honest, in my experience, in the past three years of me doing this previously freelancing, so I understand both sides of the argument, the strategies for making an income are vastly different, right? If you want to niche down and stay very focused on one little niche, you are limiting your audience growth and your future potential to pivot. So an example just to paint the picture, Zuby is someone on Twitter and other platforms now who's grown quite a bit where his main topic that he talks about is like political stuff, self improvement, but he sells a fitness program. And he makes music, right? You're just a personal brand, you're attracting people that like you.

And then you are nicheing down on a specific problem or goal that people relate with. And then you're positioning a product to be perceived from the lens of that problem or goal. And then you are selling it to the people that resonate with that in your audience. You're not like not every single person in your audience is a customer right away right when they follow you. And so with this, the essence of marketing is getting people from point A to point B via a transformation, right? And what's in the middle there from point A to point B isn't so compartmentalized to something like biology, right? In my case, modern mastery, the community, I help people work less earn more enjoy life. I can create like a better point B and illustrate that point, but it's to live a good life, right? That is a niche goal.

Most people don't want that some do. And even less want it from me as a teacher, right? People resonate with me. That's niche enough. And so with that, what is my process from going to point A to point B? It's not limited to one thing like building a business, it's health, wealth, relationships, it's fucking everything that it takes to create a good life. And if you limit yourself to one specific thing, then you are limiting the value that you can give your audience, right? And this is what I'm trying to paint with this entire video.

So that was the first point to start to frame this conversation. The second point is that we need more holistic solutions for a community with a shared purpose. So Napoleon Hill has a concept called a master mind. And in essence, what that is, it is a group of one or more people or two or more people. So a group of people with a shared purpose. And by working together, they can actualize that purpose 10 times faster than they would be able to alone, right? So you are building a community of people with a same purpose. That's what you're attracting people to is your vision or your purpose for the future. And then by combining minds, you are able to help other people hit that much, much, much faster.

Your audience in this case is your community that you are serving. And each of them in this creator economy are going to have their own community as well if they decide to lean into their entrepreneurial nature. And so what you're doing is you're attracting this community. And then you're distilling what you know, your knowledge, expertise, experience, skill set, to them in order to reach the goals that you set for them, right? You are becoming an educator. And so the purpose that you are helping people achieve is the niche in itself. But the way you help people achieve that goal is not niche down. It's holistic, right? What is everything it takes to reach that goal? Is it starting a business? Is it beginning self improvement? Is it nurturing your relationships? Right? We'll talk about this more.

So we need fewer shallow promises and more solutions to reach meaningful goals. And that means that the foundation of the information you give out as a creator needs to have people set meaningful goals for themselves. It needs the foundation of every single teaching needs to be critical thinking. But modern business models don't do that. Right? They pay no regard to that drop shipping a fancy little flashlight has no soul. And then creating like a basic journal with a print on demand strategy, just so you can sell something like to get in on whatever little game there is.

That's fine. Go ahead and do that. But you're here because you want to do more, right? You want to not be that person. You actually want to contribute to people's lives. And so the same holds true for starting an agency with a skill that you don't give a shit about to sell to people that you don't give a shit about in order to pull in cash that is just like there's no there's nothing there. So the third point is clarity above all because the past decade of internet marketing has banked on complexity products and services would have the same simple solutions just repackaged in a new way because that is marketing, right?

You go and look at any self help book on habits and they're all saying the same thing. But they're different in the form of how they're told, which is actually a good thing. I'm not blaming books here because books are usually more holistic than not because it involves the author's personal experience or you're tying in different anecdotes. But when it comes to courses or even internet content in general, it's just step, step, step, step. Here's how you do it. And there's nothing unique about this. You just need to go and do it. And I'm going to the next person is going to repackage it into something else.

And then everyone's going to get stuck in this surface level bubble and never seek out the depth behind things or the root cause, right? So now people want a clear, simple and practical solution from the lens that they learn best from or from the teacher that they learn best from, right? So I am a very philosophical person and people follow me because I'm philosophical and some people are very practical and they enjoy the the practicality zero fluff stuff. I love fluff.

Like the tweets or the social media posts where it's like, I only like to read books that don't have fluff or cut through the plot fluff and give me the straight value. And this is with me specifically because like, I just like fluff. It helps me frame certain things. It gives me the nuance or the big ideas that the same old actionable advice won't give, right? There's only so many principles in all of this stuff. Like, if you want to go and learn how to start a billion dollar company, you can do that in like 10 steps.

And then everything else is really like, there's steps to do things. And most people don't do that because they don't have the fluff that resonated with them. They don't have the why that made them actually go and act on something, right? People are so stuck in this little surface level trap of I want, I want to know exactly how to do this, this, this, this, and this without the vision or the why or even the clarity to get there because of that path. It's just, it's all out of whack. And so as a creator, by leaning into the voice that you learn best from or using that to help others or just following the people that you learn best from, the student-teacher relationship gets a lot better there in the creator economy, because you attract people with your shared goals and the ones that learn best from you.

And this starts to illustrate the depth behind my saying you are the niche. And I have a video on this as well in the one person business so now we're going to talk about the emergence and demand for the holistic synthesizer. So under this philosophy that I'm painting, the creator economy cannot get saturated because one your community evolves. So when you don't subscribe to a specific label compartment or niche of reality that limits what you are capable of, the only option is to evolve beyond that humans and communities or collectives do not only stick to one goal, right? It evolves with time you at you achieve a goal and then you set a new one and then you achieve it and you set a new one and you achieve it and you set a new one. And so as a creator, you evolve.

And that means that your products evolve, right? So I started out as a web designer and I sold a web design product because the only thing you can do is teach what you know from personal experience. And so my products or services revolved around web design. I sold a web design product. I freelance with web design. I sold a freelancing product as well. And over time, as I created new products, as those didn't fulfill me as much and I wanted more and I wanted to grow, I stopped selling those and I desaturated the market. So a new web designer can come in, right? So if creators, or this is just creators in general, if they actually keep improving themselves and don't get stagnant and continue building, then your products evolve and you desaturate the market underneath you.

So the third point here is that you have a unique web of interests, right? It's a web of interests. As an example, I've talked about this many times before go watch the other videos, but a person that is interested in fitness, business and spirituality is vastly different from a person that talks about fitness, business and tech, right? Just because of the infinite combinations those hold and the topics that spring from those and how you articulate those over 50,000 tweets or 1000 Instagram posts or even 1000 YouTube videos.

And then the fourth point of why the creator economy cannot get saturated is that large creators have ample resources. It's not rare to see large accounts decrease output on all fronts. I see this all the time on Twitter, like with people over 300,000 followers, they tweet like once a day, maybe once every three days, they have resources, they don't need more, right? They have all the money they could have. And you this isn't rare on YouTube either. If you go and look at someone with a million subscribers, I'd say 50% of the time they've either stopped posting altogether, or they're posting like once a month, once every three months or something like that just to pop in and say what's up.

And so this gives new creators the ability to flood the market, generate attention for themselves and show that they are an authority in the space and then continue evolving evolving until they reach a point where they also have ample resources, mostly in the form of money. And then they can go on to start another business. Like right now I'm starting a software business. I'm also writing a book. I'm doing other high lever activities so that I can eventually move on. I don't ever want to leave social media per se, but I don't want it to it doesn't consume my life. But it did previously. I want to the entire goal behind my efforts is to be in full control of my days.

And so over 10 years of attempting to solve that problem, that's what you need to do. You need to evolve. So the holistic synthesizer, which is the solution to this all and what I would encourage you to become or aim to become. So let's define what this holistic synthesizer is. It is someone who pursues their own vision, forges their path with the unique skills and interests they acquire. They do not view those skills or interests as individual parts, but as an interconnected whole that are necessary aspects of their life, not temporary pieces for a quick cash grab. Their life's work is to distill, educate and distribute their personal experience on the path.

In short, a holistic synthesizer is someone who documents their journey to the good life in an educational and persuasive manner. That's what everyone's trying to do. Right? Why not be honest about it? Every single person's niche is how to achieve the good life. I saw a tweet somewhere. This sounds extremely cringe, but it's so true. And I saw this like two years ago, but it was a tweet and it was like, everyone's at the end of everyone's journey, they are a life coach. Okay, so why not lean into that now?

You don't have to label yourself as a life coach, be get creative with it, like call yourself the modern conqueror or something. Same thing, but that's what a brand is, right? Don't call yourself a life coach. Create a fucking good brand. Your brand is your story where you are now, regardless of experience. Your content is your school. What helped you get there? Pass it down. Your product is the map, a holistic system that helps people get to where you are with less trial and error.

The internet has given you the power to self educate faster than ever has been possible to just educate yourself and learn new skills. Take it upon yourself to improve your life, pursue your curiosities and share your discoveries. That's all this is when more people master their personal lives, they can put the creative ability of their minds together to work on global problems. By the point you do this, you'll know what to do by the point you master your survival or improve yourself to the point of self actualization, you'll know what to do.

You have to build your own thing. Entrepreneurship is modern day survival. Your psyche is wired to hunt. You are neuro biologically rewarded for hunting for your survival, not for being a monkey and a cubicle hunt for money to ease survival induced stress and open room for creativity. The creator philosophy is not a business model, but a way of life. And in essence, it's improve yourself and then improve others that want to be helped from the lens that you are distilling in for information from or from your personal experience.

So here are the steps to doing this so you can start acting today. Step number one is of course to master your survival. And this is mastery is a process, right? You don't have to wait until you hit the point where you've mastered your survival. Because frankly, I don't think you'll ever like actually register as you mastering your survival. It's an ever it's a never ending process. What I'm saying here is that you need to master your survival for life because you can't sustain authenticity when you need something from someone else for survival. Right? If you can't if you aren't self reliant and able to generate an independent income source and have a sense of self confidence that does not require you you don't need anything from others. Right? So you can act authentically. Every single individual on this earth has to self actualize in order to contribute to humanity in the best way they can. Self actualization is to fulfill the desire to become everything one can be to actualize your potential. While this can be done with the perfect career path that you find or create for yourself, I can't help you there. I haven't done that. Right? I'm here to help you with business and self improvement and everything that I've done because that's what we're talking about here. You can go find someone else if you don't resonate with this message. That's the point.

Another thing is that I didn't choose that route because I saw that you will never have full control over your days or the way that you make money or anything. So my recommendation is still the same. I've talked about this before many times, but you have to solve the biological problems in your life. Improve your health finances and socialization. Discover your interests through improvement. And this takes time, but it does not limit you for making an independent income right now, which we'll talk about in the next video where I discuss the minimum viable offer. Right? So you can actually just learn a skill and start selling it. And the other thing you have to understand is that 95% of people's problems revolves around survival based problems. Right? Health, wealth, relationships, and happiness.

So if you can solve that for yourself and then create a system to help you do that like a system in this case, let's say it's like a gym program that you create for yourself that you don't copy from someone else. That's the key here. You have to figure it out for yourself so that you actually have something that you can bring to the market. If you just copy it, what everyone else is doing and never zoom out and create something of your own, then you aren't going to succeed in this game. You have to test, experiment, fail and create a system that resonates with you because you're attracting people that resonate with you.

Another thing there is that people don't learn best from someone that's 10 steps ahead of them. They learn best from someone that is two steps ahead of them, right? Someone who has freshly solved the problem. And that's why I recommend creating a course, right? Because I usually create my courses when I'm two to three steps ahead of who I once was, right? After I start seeing results. And of course, I can iterate on the product, but then I'm able to position that product to someone who was two steps behind me then. So it's evergreen, right? I'm not teaching from the extremely high level that I'm at now.

So step number two, after mastering your survival is to create your own philosophy. There is enough shallow advice on how to make money, how to get laid and various methods for putting a bandaid over your mental health. We need more individuals that are truth seekers. The individuals that understand that step by step shallow advice looks good on the outside, but is hollow on the inside. We need more people that can attack the root of problems, which is often metaphysical, spiritual or existential. It's rarely shallow self help advice because that's what the self help advice came from was from the philosophical stuff.

The world is desperate for depth and that you can only create depth by forging your own path. Philosophy is based on experience. And you have to self reflect to notice patterns in your life. And you need to study the greats and align those and find the patterns in their life that aligns with your life. You have to set your mind on an ideal future and then need to start and view the length view your problems and your day to day actions from the lens of your ideal self so that you have a compass for your decision making because we aren't here to get the same results that everyone else has gotten for the past decade.

And so as an example, my ideal future is kind of what I'm living right now because that's what you do. You just live your ideal future and eventually the amount of time you get to spend on that ideal future becomes like fully actualized. So my ideal future is four hour workdays, writing every single morning for like two hours, hitting the gym, building businesses or not even businesses, but side projects like I want to build the mastery facility, which would be like a co-working space of fucking sick gym and other things and expand modern mastery and build my software and just do fun things and be able to eliminate the things that I don't want to do.

And that philosophy alone is much, much, much different from many others. And so what I do is I study the greats and I build things and make mistakes. And then I align my philosophy with certain aspects of theirs. I take the best from the greats from multiple different ones and make it my own. That's how you forge a unique philosophy. And you have to be open to change that philosophy along the way when you encounter new information or new ways of doing things, better ways of doing things.

Step number three is to turn this philosophy along the way into a public school. That's what social media is. I'm convinced that the future of schooling will be done online with creators as teachers and each student can join the school that aligns the most with their interests, values, and preferred method of learning one school system when dominate 12 plus years of their life. So students would evolve beyond one creator base school after a few years of course, and then they would go on to the next and eventually they would go on to start their own because that's what you do. That's the cyclical nature of life. That's what we're doing throughout all of this stuff is we're just passing on what we learn right in everyday life too.

That's why you communicate with people. You're just passing on what you know, your beliefs, what you're learning, and everything else in accordance with the conscious subconscious or unconscious goal that you are trying to achieve at that point. Everything you do physically is goal directed and not just physically but mentally. If you are not being if you are not absolutely at one with the present moment, then it is goal directed. So you want to make it your life's work to create a library of knowledge, a holistic library of knowledge for everything that you were doing in life. You continue evolving your goals continue evolving you continue moving forward and you pass down the lessons you learn along the way your ideas, beliefs, opinions, actionable advice, everything.

And you can notice this in the creator economy, right? I guarantee that a lot of your favorite creators are doing this exact thing even though they may not be conscious of what they're doing but they are doing a great thing and they are going to stand out for years to come. And your public school is digital real estate. So I recommend at least starting with top of funnel social media to grow a broader audience like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, sure sometimes TikTok. And then along the way you can start things like YouTube podcast newsletter or just a blog to start nurturing that audience and start fleshing out your own ideas more because the long form stuff takes practice but eventually get very good at it. And then you can start to fuel that with your top of funnel socials that you've been growing this whole time.

And then what your product will be is implementation. So you'll sell a variety of low ticket products and then for the people that want more for you or who who have committed to you, you will have high ticket products like freelancing, coaching, consulting, or tutoring, which we'll talk about in the next video. And so this is what I've dedicated myself to teaching because I see the opportunity in this space.

So I offer the two-hour writer course to help people get their ideas out in a persuasive impactful manner and are able to distill their philosophy and create this public school through writing. And then I offer a higher ticket, a bit more expensive digital economics masterclass to productize yourself for people that are serious about making it work because some aren't. So they dabble in modern mastery or to our writer and then the people that are serious and are committed to my philosophy in order to go and create their own, they sign up for digital economics. And so eventually after doing this and creating content, creating products and letting them evolve and treating this as your life's work and distilling and distributing your philosophy, eventually you'll be able to do whatever the fuck you want, right?

It's like zuby where he can create music, he can go and sell a fitness program if he likes, I'm eventually going to do some fitness stuff because I want to start that mastery facility gym. And you have to think long term for this, I'm thinking like 10, 20 years with all of this.

Step number four is after creating your own school is to create a holistic solution as a product. And so I've worked with like 5000 plus creators and that's not exaggerating, that's under exaggerating. And the biggest problem that they face is that they don't know what to sell or they don't know how to make what they sell unique. And so of course I'm going to talk about this in the next video, but I'll give you a basic rundown here to just provide some value. So until then, here's what you do.
第四步是在创建自己的学校之后,开发一个整体解决方案作为产品。我曾与超过5000位创作者合作,这绝不是夸张,甚至有些保守。他们面临的最大问题是,他们不知道该卖什么,或者不知道如何让他们的产品独树一帜。当然,我会在下一个视频中详细讨论这个问题,但现在我先简单介绍一下,以便给你一些有用的信息。 所以在那之前,你可以这样做: (然后可以继续写具体的步骤或建议)

Step one is to identify a desirable goal. So what is one big goal in your life that you are either trying to achieve have achieved or just achieved like very far in the past, right? Are you fit? Have you acquired a certain skill? Like don't limit yourself to like, oh, the only this thing makes money so I can only sell that.

If you've even acquired a skill, right? If you know how to edit in Adobe Photoshop, then sell a fucking Photoshop course, right? Or just put a product on the market. If you know how to create a website, create a product called how to create a website and improve from there doesn't have to be perfect because until you actually get a product out, you have nothing to improve.
如果你掌握了一项技能,对吧?如果你会使用Adobe Photoshop,那么卖一套Photoshop课程,对吧?或者直接推出一个相关产品。如果你会创建网站,那就制作一款教人如何创建网站的产品,不断改进,不需要一开始就完美。因为直到你真正推出产品之前,你没有任何可以改进的东西。

You have nothing to iterate on. And it just you're going to be all of these lessons of life and business lessons are going to be passing you by because you don't have anywhere to apply it. So you have to start selling something. And so the key with this is not to focus on the goal itself. Like, oh, I learned how to create a website. It's the focus on the lifestyle it creates for you, right?

So why am I selling a writing course? Not because like, oh, I want to become a writer. That's a part of it. But it's because of you should read my landing page where I talk about how cathartic it is to write. It's helped my thinking skills. It's helped me think clearer. It's helped me build an audience. It's helped me build a business where I can really do most of what I want, or at least I have like, I know for 100% certainty that I can create that life.

And so step number two, after creating a goal is to identify a starting point, right? Because marketing is getting people people from point A to point B with a unique solution. So where were you at in the past? Why didn't you like being there, right? Paint a picture of the lifestyle you were living and make the contrast between the lifestyle that you have now? What's different? What's beneficial? What was painful about the past? What's beneficial about now? What's the why?

And so now you want to outline a unique path. So think of a book, right? They have point A, where there's a problem that opens a curiosity loop to hook people into the book. And then there's a point B. So the goal is achieved. The lifestyle is created, the dream happens. And then along the way, there's chapters. So what do people want to know? And this is where the holistic solution comes into play, because if I'm creating a self improvement product, and it's like the warrior program where point B, you're you have the you live the life of a warrior, right?

Now, what is necessary there? Is it only fitness? No, is it only mindset? No, is it only business? No, you tell me what is the synthesis that you are going to use to create that unique solution? Right? It's it could be a culmination of business principles, mindset advice, a fitness program, it could be everything. What is your way? Have fun. Get creative. What is your way of getting them to point B?

So step number five is, of course, to branch into new opportunity. So this is a bit further down the road. But as you go about this, as you create products, as you sell products, as you build your audience, as you create your community and distribute your philosophy to your community in the creator economy, that cannot be saturated. Eventually, you'll have enough resources to pursue bigger and better goals for yourself and desaturate the market, while still being like on social media, right?

And having a good time and being like the legacy there or leaving your legacy and just checking in and having a good time. I know Hamza did this recently, even though I think he's starting to do some like YouTube stuff and sell something related to that. It's a good pivot. But yeah, it's just just be conscious of what's going on on social media. And you can create some good stuff.

So with that, I appreciate you like, subscribe, join the newsletter, to get the newsletter, sign up for products to get the products. Have a good one. See you.