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The Tucker Carlson Show - Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker Chris Josephs: How to Get Rich by Investing Like a Politician

发布时间:2025-02-26 19:10:00   原节目
以下是将上述内容翻译成中文: 这是一段与佩洛西股票追踪器(Pelosi Stock Tracker)运营者的对话,该追踪器是一个揭露政治股票交易中潜在腐败的工具。这位25岁就开始这个项目的人详细介绍了他的金融背景以及他创建追踪器的动机。追踪器的出现是因为他和他的联合创始人看到政客们从他们的职位中获利,尤其是在新冠疫情期间,并且缺乏问责制。他强调他不是一个政治人物,只是在揭露政府中的虚伪和腐败。 对话的重点是南希·佩洛西的股票交易活动,声称她的表现明显优于市场,甚至优于专业的对冲基金经理。它突出了具体的交易,例如特斯拉和英伟达的交易,这些交易似乎是为了从立法或内幕消息中获利而进行的,以及她作为职业政治家的净资产与薪水的对比。该追踪器还帮助用户投资于政客投资的相同股票,以努力模仿他们。发言人强调,他们在他们的应用程序中投资了大约 3 亿美元,人们已经获得了大约 3000 万美元的利润。 受访者接着提到了其他参与可疑交易行为的政客。丹·克伦肖因拥有Meta股票,同时倡导禁止其主要竞争对手TikTok而被提及,发言人认为这存在利益冲突。马克·韦恩·穆伦也因在武装部队委员会任职期间拥有国防股票而被提及,该委员会为这些公司提供资金。发言人还提到他拥有 Badger Meters 公司的股票,该公司是一家水表公司,自从俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市通过一项升级供水系统的法案,以及美国环保署签署一项要求供水系统升级其技术的命令以来,该公司一直繁荣发展。发言人对此表示批评。 发言人还提到,黛比·沃瑟曼·舒尔茨在军事建设委员会任职,同时拥有军事承包商 Viasat 的股份。 除此之外,她还在能源资源委员会任职期间拥有 Halca 矿业公司的股份。 访谈转向了对“反克莱默”(即投资于吉姆·克莱默不建议投资的股票)的讨论,结果表明这种做法比投资股票市场更有利可图。 讨论还批评了政治股票交易披露要求的延迟,认为增加透明度是必要的。 虽然注意到国会已经为禁止政客交易股票做出了一些努力,但有些人添加了“毒丸”,比如政客不能有任何私人企业或资产的资金。人们普遍认为,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 在保护公众方面做得不够。 还讨论了战争股票的问题,提到了洛克希德·马丁、通用动力和雷神技术等国防公司,以及拥有这些股票并在相关委员会任职的政客的潜在利益冲突。 受访者强调他希望政客被禁止交易股票,并将信任带回我们的机构。他还希望对政客实行任期限制。如果不能完全禁止,受访者还建议,任何政治资金管理者和政客都不能交易他们正在监管或监督的公司。 对话最后,受访者描述了他公司的更大使命,即重新定义资金管理,使其与个人价值观相一致,以及信任如何成为确保资金建立人们想要的未来的关键组成部分。

This is a conversation with the person who runs the Pelosi Stock Tracker, a tool exposing potential corruption in political stock trading. This person, who started this project at 25, details his background in finance and his motivation for creating the tracker. The tracker came about because he and his co-founders saw politicians profiting from their positions, particularly during COVID-19, and the lack of accountability. He emphasizes he is not a political person and is simply exposing hypocrisy and corruption in government. The conversation focuses on Nancy Pelosi's stock trading activity, claiming that she significantly outperforms the market and even professional hedge fund managers. It highlights specific trades, such as those in Tesla and Nvidia, which appear to have been timed to benefit from legislation or inside information, as well as her overall net worth compared to her salary as a career politician. The tracker also helps users invest in the same stocks that politicians invest in, in an effort to copy them. The speaker emphasizes that they have about $300M invested in their app, and people have made profits totaling around $30M. The interviewee goes on to mention other politicians engaged in questionable trading practices. Dan Crenshaw is mentioned for owning Meta stock while advocating for a ban on TikTok, its main competitor, which the speaker finds to be a conflict of interest. Mark Wayne Mullen is also mentioned for owning defense stocks while sitting on the Armed Services Committee, which funds these companies. The speaker also mentions that he owns Badger Meters, a water meter company, which has prospered since Tulsa, Oklahoma passed a bill to upgrade their water systems and the EPA signed a mandate saying that water systems would have to upgrade their technology. The speaker criticizes this. The speaker also mentions that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is on the Committee of Military Construction, while owning Viasat, a military contractor. In addition to that, she also owns Halca mining while on the energy resources committee. The interview moves into a discussion on inverse Kramer (or investing in what Jim Kramer doesn't advise), and has led to greater profits than the stock market. The discussion also criticizes the delayed disclosure requirements for political stock trades, arguing that increased transparency is necessary. While noting some Congressional efforts have been made towards putting a ban on politicians trading, some have added kill pills such as politicians can't have any money with private ventures or assets. There is an agreement that the SEC isn't doing enough to ensure the public is protected. The issue of war stocks is also discussed, mentioning defense companies like Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Raytheon Technologies, and the potential conflicts of interest for politicians who own these stocks while sitting on relevant committees. The interviewee emphasizes that he wants the politicians to get banned, and have faith brought back into our institutions. He also wants term limits for politicians. If not a ban, the interviewee also proposes that any political money managers and the politicians cannot trade companies they are regulating or overseeing. The conversation ends with the interviewee describing his company's larger mission of redefining money management to align with individual values, and how trust is a key component to ensuring that money builds the futures that people want.