Power and Politics in Today’s World - YouTube - Lecture 11: Democracy’s Fourth Wave? South Africa, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East
发布时间:2019-10-29 15:42:38
This lecture examines the phenomenon of democratization following the collapse of the Soviet Union, focusing on the South African transition as a case study and comparing it to the Middle East and Northern Ireland. The lecture begins by reviewing the decline of communism and organized labor, leading to the rise of neoliberalism and privatization. It then shifts to exploring the idea of a new global order marked by the spread of democracy and the reshaping of international institutions.
The speaker introduces the concept of "waves of democracy," popularized by Samuel Huntington, who identified three waves: the gradual democratization of older democracies, the democracies emerging from decolonization after World War II, and the democratization spurred by the Portuguese Revolution of 1974 and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. The lecture asks whether recent events suggest a fourth wave, incorporating cases like the South African transition and the Arab Spring.
The South African transition, marked by the release of Nelson Mandela and the dismantling of apartheid, is highlighted as an unexpected outcome. The speaker recalls a time when South Africa, along with Northern Ireland and Israel-Palestine, were considered intractable conflicts. The South African conflict, based on race and involving a white minority holding power, seemed particularly resistant to resolution.
Despite widespread expectations of civil war, the South African government, led by F.W. de Klerk, initiated negotiations, released political prisoners, and voluntarily gave up power. Subsequent elections have been judged free and fair, although South Africa hasn't yet experienced the "two turnover test" required to be considered a fully consolidated democracy.
The lecture then delves into the factors that enable democracy to take root and survive. Huntington's "three waves" are revisited, noting that each has experienced significant setbacks. The French Revolution devolved into the Reign of Terror; the democratic revolutions of 1830 and 1848 collapsed; and the 20th century saw the rise of fascism and the Jim Crow era in the U.S. Similarly, many post-colonial democracies failed to endure, and the third wave has seen democratic backsliding in various countries.
Political scientists distinguish between transitions to democracy and the survival of democracy, arguing that the former is inherently unpredictable, while the latter depends on specific conditions. Key factors for democratic survival include a per capita income of around $14,000, economic diversification (to avoid the "oil curse"), and alternation in power (as governments that give up power once are more likely to do so again). An additional consideration is that downward mobility and loss of version are more important than what people give credit for.
The lecture outlines four paths to democracy: intervention from outside (e.g., post-WWII Germany and Japan), revolution from below (e.g., the American Revolution), elites deciding to give up power (e.g., Spain), and negotiated settlements (e.g., South Africa). Negotiated settlements are of particular interest to academics because they can be analyzed using game theory and are normatively desirable.
The speaker presents a stylized picture of negotiated settlements, involving a governing elite (divided into stand-patties and reformers) and an opposition movement (divided into moderates and radicals). The possibility of a settlement arises when reformers and moderates, individually weak, can form an alliance. This requires the agreement of reformers and moderates, the co-option or marginalization of stand-potters and radicals, and building support for the new dispensation.
Successful negotiations require luck, leadership, and legitimacy. Luck is necessary because there are many more ways for negotiations to fail. Leadership entails an appetite for calculated risk, a willingness to take personal risks for a larger cause, and empathy. Legitimacy requires building support from below to sustain elite agreements.
The speaker compares the South African case to the failed Oslo Accords in Israel-Palestine and the more inconclusive Good Friday Accords in Northern Ireland, examining the roles of decaying status quo, leadership, and support for the new dispensation in each case. Important factors were the lack of preconditions for the ANC and the government and the promise of amnesty and civil service jobs for five years. The clerk agreed that the election would occur no later than a year after Haney's death, that he had to get it in the interim constitution or there wouldn't have been a transition.