Power and Politics in Today’s World - YouTube - Lecture 7: Shifting Goalposts: The Anti-Tax Movement
发布时间:2019-10-04 15:55:46
This lecture provides a comprehensive overview of the anti-tax movement in the United States, tracing its origins, key figures, and impact on American politics. It begins by highlighting Grover Norquist, a pivotal figure, and his "No New Taxes" pledge, which has become a touchstone for Republican politicians. The lecture asserts that the anti-tax movement is one of the most successful social movements of the 20th century, comparable to the civil rights movement in its transformative impact on the political and economic landscape.
The origins of the movement are traced back to the early 1970s, following the Nixon administration's collapse, where conservatives sought to rethink the Republican agenda. This period saw the rise of influential think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute, funded by wealthy individuals and organizations, aimed at challenging the New Deal and Great Society consensus. These think tanks focused on ideological justifications for smaller government and pro-market policies, addressing what they perceived as a liberal bias in universities.
A second key source was Proposition 13 in California in 1978, a ballot initiative led by Howard Jarvis, which drastically reduced property taxes. This event is portrayed as a revolt against big government and excessive spending, resonating with voters across party lines. Jarvis's populist rhetoric, characterizing government as filled with "looters and loafers," fueled the anti-tax sentiment and laid the groundwork for a broader national movement.
The lecture then delves into the dynamics of referendum politics, using Brexit as an example. Referendums, by focusing on single issues, allow voters to express preferences without considering the broader costs or trade-offs inherent in bundled political platforms. This makes tax cuts particularly appealing, as voters readily support them without necessarily accounting for the potential consequences on government services. The anti-tax movement successfully leveraged this dynamic by framing tax cutting as a standalone issue, independent of other policy considerations.
The lecturer highlights 1994, with Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America, as a pivotal year in American politics, marking a shift in control in the House to the Republicans, fueled by anti-tax sentiment. The lecture then examines the repeal of the estate tax as a case study. It was achieved through a bipartisan effort, by using strategies, by understanding interests, using narratives. The Republican politicians played it to their advantage, especially with the term "death tax" by Frank Luntz.
Furthermore, he talked about the George W Bush signed the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act in 2001, which would get rid of the estate tax. A $1.3 trillion bill was going to be lost over the next decade in revenue.
The estate tax had a sunset clause that would repeal it for a year. Many of the democrats weren't taking it seriously. People would use stories that a family was forced to sell their estate after paying death taxes. The tax was being repealed and sustained in the years following. This was to head off division with having the rallying cry of total repeal.
The analysis underscores that the anti-tax agenda aligns with a racial strategy, appealing to resentment against government spending perceived as benefiting primarily non-white populations. However, tax cuts can also unite various factions within the Republican coalition by giving something to everyone, thus avoiding the divided dollar game where gains for one group come at the expense of another.
Finally, the lecture assesses the effectiveness of the anti-tax movement in shrinking the size of government. Despite the success in cutting taxes, government spending has not significantly decreased. Instead, government has relied on increasing debt. He talks about how tax cuts has not starved the beast. The lecture concludes that the anti-tax movement has profoundly shifted the political landscape, prioritizing tax cuts and debt over funding government through taxation.