Power and Politics in Today’s World - YouTube - Lecture 3: Advent of a Unipolar World: NATO and EU Expansion
发布时间:2019-09-17 16:34:46
This lecture examines the international architecture of the early post-Cold War world, focusing on the period between the fall of communism and the 2008 financial crisis. The agenda covers NATO expansion, the Washington Consensus, and the challenges and enlargement of the European Union.
The lecturer introduces three lenses for understanding politics: **interests**, **institutions**, and **ideals**. The interest-based perspective, often aligned with realism in international relations, focuses on the self-interest of actors (especially states). Institutionalism emphasizes the role of international institutions like the United Nations in structuring behavior. The ideals-based perspective examines the influence of norms, ideas, and culture on political outcomes, often associated with constructivism in international relations. The lecturer's position is that none of these lenses is inherently superior, and their relevance depends on the specific context.
The lecture begins with the first Gulf War, a US-led coalition authorized by the UN Security Council, as a potential template for future international security crises. Bush's approach of broad coalition building and limited objectives was a path not taken, later.
NATO, initially created to counter the Soviet threat during the Cold War, faced questions about its purpose after the Cold War's end. Despite promises to Gorbachev that NATO would not expand beyond the reunified Germany, the alliance steadily expanded eastward, incorporating former Warsaw Pact members. This expansion sparked outrage in Russia and fueled a sense of humiliation, contributing to the rise of figures like Putin. Questions remain about the long-term advantages and costs of maintaining a powerful military alliance without a clear, defined purpose, often embarking on ad-hoc missions detached from its founding principles.
The Washington Consensus, which is essentially a global version of neoliberalism, is characterized by deregulation, free trade, and the privatization of state assets. It gained prominence, seen as the one-size-fits-all approach to economic development. Ben Bernanke and others believed that technocrats have sufficiently managed the economy. Deregulation, particularly in the financial sector, as well as trade agreements and privatization were key elements. However, the consensus faced resistance from the global South, often viewed as a form of economic imperialism. The post-financial crisis era saw a decline in both US assistance and influence.
The European Union (EU), originating from the European Coal and Steel Community in the 1950s, aimed to prevent future wars, serve as a counterweight to US power, and create a free trade zone, albeit one with external protectionism and internal complexities. The push for qualified majority voting, championed by Margaret Thatcher, illustrates the EU's use to promote neoliberal policies. The EU was seen as an elite project, lacking widespread grassroots support. The 2005 referendums where the European constitution was voted down in France and the Netherlands demonstrated the limits of top-down integration and the strength of national identities.
In conclusion, the lecturer notes the importance of NATO and EU. NATO's strength, paradoxically, can hinder the development of a pan-European identity. By contracting out national security, European countries avoid building a common army and a sense of shared destiny, making it harder to create a unifying European identity.