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Acquired - The Mark Zuckerberg Interview

发布时间:2024-09-18 05:46:38   原节目
以下是翻译后的内容: 在这期特别的“Acquired”节目中,主持人本·吉尔伯特和大卫·罗森塔尔在蔡斯中心现场采访了Meta创始人兼CEO马克·扎克伯格。本次访谈深入探讨了Meta的过去、现在和未来,探究了其战略决策、技术进步以及所面临的挑战。 扎克伯格首先开玩笑地提到了黄仁勋之前在“Acquired”上的采访,暗示了未来Meta也可能会为自己的失误道歉。他回顾了创业历程,承认了其中的挑战以及坚持的重要性。随后,他展示了一件定制的衬衫,上面印有“Pothos mathos”(从痛苦中学习)和“Escalas”字样,象征着Meta在旅程中吸取的艰难教训和克服的困难。 对话转向了Meta对未来人类连接的愿景。扎克伯格强调,Meta是一家专注于人类连接的科技公司,而不仅仅是一个社交媒体平台。他强调了增强现实(AR)眼镜在创造沉浸式社交体验方面的潜力,使人们无论身在何处都能感受到彼此的存在。这个愿景包括将AI助手和全息投影整合到日常生活中。扎克伯格承认构建AR眼镜的复杂性,这需要显示技术、小型化和AI集成方面的进步。 主持人深入探讨了Meta的历史,回顾了该公司面临的众多挑战,包括来自MySpace、Twitter、Snapchat、TikTok的竞争,以及苹果App Tracking Transparency的影响。他们赞扬了Meta的韧性和适应能力。扎克伯格将这一成功归功于Meta强大的技术基础和学习及迭代的文化。他将公司的战略描述为专注于快速学习和适应,优先推出产品并收集反馈,而不是追求立即完美。 讨论探讨了产品创造是发明还是发现的行为。扎克伯格认为这是两者的结合,在个人价值观和客户反馈之间取得平衡。他承认,Meta既发明了开创性的模式,如News Feed,也从竞争对手那里学到了东西。话题随后转向开源技术,主持人认为Meta是主要的受益者。扎克伯格同意,并指出Meta建立在开源基础上。Meta对开源项目的贡献,如Open Compute,也推动了行业标准化和成本节约。 对话转到了Meta上市前的时期,讨论了使用HTML5在移动设备上构建Facebook的决定。扎克伯格承认这是一个错误,因为它缺乏良好的用户体验所需的本地集成。公司不得不从头开始重写其应用程序,导致了一个充满挑战的收入停滞期。他反思了理解自己在世界和历史中的地位的重要性。他认为自己对政治环境的误判是一个主要的遗憾,导致了十年的政治品牌挑战。扎克伯格承认,他们应该更坚定地区分他们实际负责的事情和他们不负责的事情。 讨论继续到扎克伯格的超级投票权股份。他解释说,该结构是在雅虎试图收购该公司后设置的。对话结束时,他建议创始人专注于构建自己关心的东西,并受到也想构建的人的启发。

In this special episode of "Acquired," hosts Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal interview Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Meta, live at Chase Center. The interview is a deep dive into Meta's past, present, and future, exploring its strategic decisions, technological advancements, and the challenges it has faced. Zuckerberg begins by jokingly referencing Jensen Huang's past interview on "Acquired," hinting at the potential for future apologies for Meta's missteps. He reflects on the entrepreneurial journey, acknowledging its challenges and the importance of perseverance. He then unveils a custom-designed shirt with the sayings "Pothos mathos" (learning through suffering) and "Escalas," symbolizing the tough lessons learned and overcome in Meta's journey. The conversation shifts to Meta's vision for the future of human connection. Zuckerberg emphasizes that Meta is a technology company focused on human connection, not just a social media platform. He highlights the potential of augmented reality (AR) glasses to create immersive social experiences, allowing people to feel present with each other regardless of physical location. This vision involves integrating AI assistants and holographic projections into everyday life. Zuckerberg admits the complexity of building AR glasses, which require advancements in display technology, miniaturization, and AI integration. The hosts delve into Meta's history, recounting the numerous challenges the company has faced, including competition from MySpace, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and the impact of Apple's App Tracking Transparency. They praise Meta's resilience and ability to adapt. Zuckerberg attributes this success to Meta's strong technology foundation and a culture of learning and iteration. He describes the company's strategy as focusing on rapid learning and adaptation, prioritizing shipping products and gathering feedback over achieving immediate perfection. The discussion explores whether product creation is an act of invention or discovery. Zuckerberg believes it is a combination of both, balancing personal values with customer feedback. He acknowledges that Meta has both invented seminal patterns, like the News Feed, and learned from competitors. The topic then pivots to open-source technology, with the hosts suggesting that Meta has been a major beneficiary. Zuckerberg agrees, noting that Meta built upon open-source foundations. Meta's contributions to open-source projects, such as Open Compute, have also driven industry standardization and cost savings. The conversation takes a detour to the period before Meta's IPO, addressing the decision to build Facebook on mobile using HTML5. Zuckerberg admits that this decision was a mistake, as it lacked the native integration required for a good user experience. The company had to rewrite its apps from scratch, leading to a challenging period of revenue stagnation. He reflects on the importance of understanding one's place in the world and in history. He identifies his misdiagnosis of the political environment as a major regret, leading to a decade of political brand challenges. Zuckerberg recognizes that they should have been firmer about separating things they were actually responsible for vs. ones they didn't. The discussion continues to Zuckerberg's super-voting shares. He explains that the structure was set up after Yahoo tried to acquire the company. The conversation ends with advice to founders to focus on building something they care about and be inspired by people who also want to build.